Intelligence Quotient: An indicator of Success

Intelligence Quotient: An indicator of Success



Intelligence Quotient: An indicator of Success

            In recent history, the intelligence quotient has been equated with excellence. It is perceived to act as a predictor of success. This line of thought has proved in adequate upon critical examination. People with a high IQ have an easier grasp of new information, are better at analysis, and mathematics but it does not guarantee success. Research has shown that self-discipline trumps IQ are any given point. The essence of IQ tests is to measure short-term memory, mathematical ability spatial recognition and analytical thinking. Many high scorers are mesmerized by their brilliance that they forget to translate it into practice. The self-esteem induced by an IQ test often degenerates to overconfidence or even worse arrogance to the detriment of the individual. Intelligence Quotient is not the only determinant of success in a person’s life.

            The accuracy of the IQ test is limited to a singular dimension of an individual’s life. Apart from intelligence, there are other aspects such emotional stability and social capabilities that must be considered (Lilienfeld et al, 2014).  Research has proven that real life scenarios demand emotional capabilities more than the acclaimed intelligence. In reality, logic goes only so far in informing our behavior. It follows the timeless saying that every decision is an emotional one. Susceptibility to emotional manipulation is not the reserve of people categorized as dumb by their IQ scores. Sir Doyle having proven to be a smart individual in his writings was duped into pranks on several occasions (Lilienfeld et al, 2014). It was common knowledge that Doyle was a believer in the paranormal and people leveraged this belief to test his gullibility. The above is evidence defies generalizations on capabilities of brilliant people. The individuals comfortably placed in the Forbes richest list are not necessarily those with the highest native intelligence.

            Other aspect critical to success is creativity and social intelligence. It has been observed that people with high intelligence are often socially isolated. These nerds or geeks are often accused of being socially awkward. Among the key reasons for their social incompatibility is their low emotional awareness. In a world where social networks take precedence over individual brilliance this may prove to be a disadvantage (Lilienfeld et al, 2014).  The geeks often lack filters hence they say the truth without consideration of how it will affect others. However, saying that a person’s IQ is inversely proportional to their emotional quotient is false. There are fortunate individuals with all rounded personalities; they discern when to employ logic and when to abstain from it. Creativity is associated with divergent thinking. Creative thinkers are notorious for transcending the limitations of conventional thinking. Unfortunately, they have a high correlation with emotional instability.

            The IQ test can also work as challenge to improve one’s capabilities. The low scores may be indicators of deeper character flaws or habits that ought to be changed. Upon getting a score of 97 in the assignment’s IQ test, it was a significant blow to my ego. Having grown up with the knowledge, I was distinct from my peers in every sphere with perpetual affirmation from my parents the results were a sincere disappointment. It followed that I retook it to redeem myself. Entering a higher category, above average, was satisfactory for me.  Apart from an attempt to poke loopholes at the authenticity and validity of the IQ test, I meditated on habits that I had adopted that may have caused the drop in brilliance. A persons IQ is known to remain the same throughout one’ life, mine having dropped has proved that I am an anomaly, distinct from my peers.


Lilienfeld, S., Lynn, S. J., Namy, L., Woolf, N., Jamieson, G., Marks, A., & Slaughter, V. (2014). Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding (Vol. 2). Pearson Higher Education AU.

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