International Organizations and Environmental Problems





International Organizations and Environmental Problems

            International organizations have a critical role in mitigating ecological degradation at the same time promoting environmental sustainability. Climate change is a global predicament with every inhabitant of the earth an equal stakeholder in its repercussions regardless their environmental conscious way of life. The international organizations are at a vantage point in tackling the problem head on owing to their global presence and corresponding influence. The international organization has a comprehensive definition that transcends the traditional United Nation and regional organization types. In the free market-oriented world, multinational corporations have the same, if not more influence on the world’s activities than the United Nations.

            In light of their global platform, they are best positioned to create awareness on the implications of their manufacturing processes especially in low-wage economies where environmental laws are weak. The United Nations should work with developing countries to build their legal capacity to enforce environment laws towards mitigating their susceptibility to manipulation by Multinational corporations (Friedman 4). The energy resource initiatives will determine the trajectory towards a green world. The reality of the impact of global warming is increasingly dawning on all individuals, even those on the far right of the environmental argument. As such, sustainability initiatives and considerations are becoming employed. Even those that insist on denying the global implications of climate change are joining the sustainability bandwagon for its revealed cost reduction benefits. The green technology is a nascent industry that is predicted to the most lucrative in the next decade. Multinational organizations that are profit oriented are shifting their strategies to position themselves for the new gold mine. The multinational organizations are strategic in ensuring that efficacy via the use of green technology goes mainstream. The United Nations should reiterate that sustainability and the MNC’s profit mobilization interests are aligned. Attempts towards retaining a conservative stance on the ethicality of availing incentives to International organizations are misguided. Ideally, the society should force the international organizations to conform to preserve the earth for posterity.

            Unfortunately, that world is yet to materialize. The society is not alive to the repercussions of the climate change to the next generations. The world is more concerned with political issues that have tangible proponents such as the racial discord and religious fundamentalism Sands, Philippe, and Jacqueline Peel While the developing countries, contribute the least to the pollution they bear the brunt of its effect. Overall, the environmental sustainability agenda boils down to the energy resource wars. While the United Nations should maintain its mandate of creating the environmental policies, the world leaders such as the United States that have representatives in virtually every international organization should pioneer the enforcement of the said laws (Sands, Philippe, and Peel 39). Effective leadership will demand to lead by example. As demanding conformance by coercion has in the past approved ineffective, the international organization should be educated on the material benefits of stimulating green innovations. Attempts to curb terrorism are intertwined with the emergence of alternate energy sources. As the purchase of the common power source helps to fund the economies of radical regimes. Green technologies are currently increasing by the day. Unfortunately, at their current market rate they demand a premium price. Naturally, the nations of the world opt for cheaper alternatives. Multinational organizations predictably continue to pursue their profit optimization agendas until they realize that unsustainable practices have dire repercussions for their bottom-line today. The long-term is the concept that is often out of sight and mind for these organizations.

Works Cited

Friedman, Thomas. “The power of green.” The New York Times 15 (2007).

Sands, Philippe, and Jacqueline Peel. Principles of international environmental law. Cambridge University Press, 2012.

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