Islam Reflection Paper





Islam Reflection Paper

In 570 C., many people had lost the monotheistic religion and they had begun worshipping human made idols. This was specifically the case in Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. It was the norm for people to consult fortunetellers and adore various relics (Lecture 1: Foundations Tues., April 14). Perhaps this source of empty doctrine was what compelled God to send his messenger to the people. His creation no longer recognized him. The people did not take the time to pray or worship any more and true religion had become more of a myth. During this time, a young man by the name of Mohammed was about to change the course of history. He did not know the impact that he would have on the world.

Angel Gabriel appeared to Mohammed during this time. It is interesting that the same angel appeared to Mary announcing the virgin birth. Angel Gabriel would reveal to Mohammed the word of God, and this formed the basis for the second largest religion in the world. From the time that he received the revelation and revealed it to the people, Mohammed became known as Prophet Mohammed and the religion of Islam began. Until this day, he is considered the God’s last prophet and Muslims hold him in the highest esteem.

The prophet’s message might have been the truth but this did not mean that the people welcomed it. One has to consider the fact that many people had made a business selling the relics and idols and telling fortunes. The teachings of Mohammed went against these practices. At the same time, Mohammed was gaining many followers. Because of this, Mohammed and his followers faced a lot of opposition in the city of Mecca. They were forced to move to the nearby city of Medina for safety. Although the move from Mecca gave them temporary refuge, they faced other challenges in the new land. The city was dry and the people suffered from hunger. In addition, they faced war with the non-believers who reused to hear and believe their message.

Mohammed and his followers had to endure the challenges in the new land. They persevered and they became stronger in their faith. The religion continued growing as followers continued increasing in great numbers. Eventually, their perseverance paid off and they were allowed to go back to Mecca. By this time, Islam had grown stronger. It is encouraging to note that the prophet had to face some of the challenges that people face today. I can learn from his perseverance during this time. Because he was willing to suffer for some time, he gained success in the end. He was able to restore monotheism in the city of Mecca. This teaches me a lot concerning patience.

Muslims use the Hadith and the Quran for instructions. The two books direct their religious beliefs and it guides their life. The Quran contain direct instructions from God through the angel Gabriel while the Hadith records the life and times of the prophet (Lecture 2 Quran and Hadith Thurs., April 16). The surahs are the chapters in the Quran and they were all revealed at different times. The prophet explains the contents of the chapters in the Hadith. The two books are extensive because they cover many aspects of religion and other issues concerning life. However, it is interesting and quite impressive to note that many Muslims have already memorized both books. Children memorize the books at a young age. This shows the devotion and love that the Muslims have towards their religion. They are willing to learn as much as they can from it.

Islam means submission and this means that one has to submit to the will of God. There are obligatory and forbidden actions in Islam. For instance, it is wrong to eat pork and to mistreat others. There are five pillars, which form the basis of Islam. They include recognizing the fact that there is no God but Allah, offering daily prayers, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage to Mecca (Lecture 3, Fundamental Practices Fri., April 17). The Sunni and the Shia are the two main sects in Islam. Sunni is the largest sect and it is believed to have begun with the prophet’s closes friend Abu Bakr. Shia is mainly practiced in Iran and Iraq and is believed to have begun with Bakr’s son in law. It is interesting to note that Islam recognizes the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible. It recognizes Mary as the most pious woman that ever lived. It also recognizes figures such as David, Moses, Abraham, and Jesus as prophets.

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