Islam Religion





Islam Religion

Masters Daniel, Isma’il Kaka and Robert Squires. “Seven Common Questions about Islam.” Islam Religion. 18 Jan. 2009. Web. 20 Apr. 2015

The authors answer several questions concerning the religion of Islam. They look at what Islam means and who Muslims are. They also define Allah and his importance to Islam. In addition, they describe Muhammad as the last prophet from God to people. The authors also look at some of the teachings of Islam; they also describe the Quran as God’s final revelation to humanity. They note that Muslims believe that God spoke to Prophet Muhammad directly and that the Quran records what he said. The authors explain the Muslims perception of their purpose in this life and beyond as well as the nature of man.

This article provides a lot of information about the Islamic religion. It is a nice introduction for those who would want to have the basic information concerning the religion. It answers seemingly simple questions such as what is the Quran as well as complex questions concerning the nature of man. The source will be important in explaining the concept, role, and importance of worship among Muslims. It will also be useful in answering some of the hard questions that worry and concern people regarding the religion.

Maududi, Abul A. “Islamic Concept of Spirituality.” Islam Religion. 7 Nov. 2010. Web. 20 Apr. 2015

The author looks at the role and meaning of spirituality in the life of a Muslim. He begins by examining the body and soul conflict. He explains the meaning of spirituality from different angles and he observes how the different meanings contrast with the Islamic meaning. He then offers the criteria of spiritual development. He notes that man should use all he has for the sake of gaining the approval of God. He explains that spiritual development in Islam means being near to God.

This source will be useful for highlighting the difference between Islam and other religions in terms of how the people understand spirituality and spiritual growth and development. This is a fundamental concept to understand in any religion and it can be a major distinguishing factor. It is also important to understand the importance of the soul when trying to learn religion. The soul and the body do not have to be in conflict since they were created by the same creator and they belong to the same person. They can work in harmony and help a person to realize and achieve his mission on the earth. The source goes deeper into understanding some of the mysteries of the Islamic faith.   

Mufti, Imam K. “Core Values of Islam.” Islam Religion. 4 Jan. 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2015

The author looks at the basic principles that govern the religion of Islam. He begins by describing the articles of faith, which form the foundation of the faith. The articles of faith include believing in God, angels, the prophet of god, the revealed books of god, the Day of Judgment, and in the destiny and divine decree. The author then looks at the five pillars of Islam, which are the main religious practices of the faith. He then highlights the teachings of the prophet and the basic of Islamic law known as shariah.

This source will be important in highlighting the things that are most important to Muslims. It will highlight the reasons for their faith and belief. Learning the practices and beliefs of a religion is important when learning more about that specific religion. The source is also important as it notes what every Muslim should do. People who claim to practice Islam should be aware of its core fundamental principles and they should live accordingly. Muslims perform some of the pillars identified regularly. They pray, fast, and perform acts of charity. The source if also important as it distinguishes the teachings and instructions found in the Quran with the instructions that the prophet left to the people.

Philips, Bilal. “The Religion of Islam.” Islam House. 2008. Web. 20 Apr. 2015

The author begins by describing the meaning of the word Islam and explaining what the religion means to the people. He notes that Islam means a total submission to the will of God. He explains the message of Islam, which is the worship of no one else but Allah. The author claims that every person is born with the knowledge of Allah and no can claim not to know him. He explains why Muslims have their faith and how other people can come to be believers. The information provided in the source is useful. It explains Islam as the original religion that was later re-expressed in its final form rather than a new religion that emerged with the prophet. The article gives the followers the information they need to explain and defend their religion and their beliefs to others.

I plan to use it to show the importance of faith to the Muslims. The source will act as a guideline when it comes to finding reasons to convince people that they need to become Muslims for their own benefit. It will also help in explaining why people should worship God and not his creation. The article makes a clear distinction between God and his creation and it notes the superior nature of God. Therefore, man should strive to ensure that he only worships God, since he is in control and he is the creator.

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