Islam Worksheet





Islam Worksheet

Part 1

1. Explain the meaning of Islam

Islam means submission to God’s will. It is obedience to the law of God as described in the Qur’an. Muslims believe that the Quran contains god’s will and instructions and that every Muslim should adhere to this will.

2. Explain the basic concepts of Islam

God is the creator and sustainer of all things. The Muslims believe that there is not god but Allah and that Muhammad is his prophet. Allah is the invisible, omnipotent and omnipresent one, who is sovereign and has no equal. They believe in angels having specific duties and obligations to perform as described by Allah. Muslims follow the teachings of the Quran believing it is God’s final message through his last messenger prophet Muhammad instructed by angel Gabriel. The Muslims also believe Allah has sent his prophets and messengers to guide the people.

3. Describe the practice of Islam

Important practices in Islam are contained in the five pillars of Islam, which include prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, and testifying. Muslims pray five times every twenty four hours. They fast when the sun rises to when it sets during the month of Ramadan. Muslims must strive to go for pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime

4. Describe the goals of Islam

Islam aims at preserving its beliefs and practices, in the worship of Allah. Muslims believe that Allah is to be worshiped since he alone created humanity and the universe. Another goal for Islam is to increase its dominance in the world by making sure more people embrace Islam. Islam believes that this was the main reason for god to send his prophets. The prophets and messengers teach people about Allah and his ways.

5. Describe the view of authority in Islam

Muslims believe in the teachings of the Qur’an. There is a belief in the absolute authority of the Quran among some Muslims. However, this is the main difference between the Shiite and Sunni Muslims. The Sunnis believe in the second authority of the sunnas, contained in the hadith. These sunnas are the sayings of the prophet Muhammad. The texts help in shaping the behavior of the people.  

Part 2

1. What is the legal ideal in Islamic law? How does the Qur’an inform and guide Muslims in attaining this ideal?

Muslims aim to do good, and overcome evil by following the guidelines of the sharia law, which is the main code of conduct for the Muslims. By doing so, they rid the society of evil, and they follow a straight path, to the pleasure of Allah. The Quran is the main basis of the law as it contains the principles of the sharia law

2. What is the relationship between philosophy and theology within Islam? Is it acceptable for Muslims to hold separate philosophical and theological beliefs?

Many Muslims are not interested in philosophy. They are not interested in anything questioning the truthfulness of the Quran. Philosophy involves a lot of questioning, which places a lot of doubt on people’s mind concerning their traditionally held beliefs and practices. Islam does not advocate for any teaching that is contrary to the teachings of Allah in the Quran. Some Muslims are of the opinion that it is not necessary to study philosophy since Islam is practical and complete, and it offers a theoretical model that explains reality. They combined the words and teachings of the Quran with the sayings of the prophet in the hadith.  

3. What artistic themes are regularly expressed in Islamic art and architecture? How are these themes explored? How has the Qur’an influenced the development of art in the Islamic world?

Islamic arts mostly concentrate on geometric and vegetal patterns as well as calligraphy. However, some of the artists develop figural paintings. The Quran determines what Islamic art can contain as it limits some art practices. For instance, it does not advocate idolatry and believes that only God alone is to be worshipped. Because of this, most of the art focuses on Arabic patterns, but there is less focus on human forms and any other thing that might be mistaken for idolatry. The Quran has influenced Islamic art positively, especially in the use of calligraphy. Islamic artists have gained much interest, and they have developed and advanced art in calligraphy form because of inspiration from the Quran.

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