Issues in Nursing

Issues in Nursing



Issues in Nursing

Nurses need to understand that the relationship between Jews and God is intensely spiritual. Jews are rather steadfast in relation to spiritual rules and regulations specifically in the Torah. The stern inclinations towards God by the Jews are further exhibited by their views on life and death. Accordingly, the Jewish tradition and custom has consistently established premium on human life as well as the concept of preserving life regardless of the situation, or the idea of pikuach nefesh. Alternately, Jewish instructions and canonical texts have consistently sustained the convictions that death comprises an important aspect of life and is therefore, inevitable. In this respect, Judaism is focused on the quality and sanctity of life. Hence, nurses should understand that peace of spirit and mind as well as the wish for comfort comprises attainable end statements towards the point of death.

In objective documentations, certain elements tend to be important for purposes of inclusion. Foremost, the observations made by the nurses are the most significant. Nurses are required to write the things that they observe at first hand. Following this, the next sets of things that need to be included involve the interventions used. These are mainly the measures implemented by the nurses in relation to the situations facing the patient. Lastly, the response is imperative. The corrections that are made need to be accurate. Within such instant, corrections satisfy the general objectives of monitoring visits (Wickramasinghe, Gupta, & Sharma, 2010). In addition to this, the establishment of accurate corrections is particularly important in applying the validity of the respective document by presenting as an objective material.    

The practice of charting by exception is rather different from the content of the objective documentation. This is because the said practice tends to leave out specific information related to the patient or the hospital setting. Mainly, charting by exception involves the maintenance of clinical records concerning significant facts regarding a patient as well as the progress of her or his sickness (Colling & York, 2010). Additionally, the chart of the patient usually contains the story. Charting by exception is normally devised in order to lessen clerical activities. Normally, a notation is put down in the event a deviation takes place from the anticipated result, the baseline, or the process that needs to be omitted.

Foremost, the benefits that come with electronic documentation are considerable. Foremost, clinical outcomes are an important and beneficial aspect of electronic documentation. With such aspects, clinical outcomes are evidenced by decreased medical errors and improved quality. On the other hand, the application of electronic documentation may lead to different drawbacks. These comprise the significant upfront acquisition expenses, current expenses of maintenance, and interruptions to workflows, which can contribute to temporary losses within productivity (Menachemi & Collum, 2011).

The use of Joint Commission Verbal Orders is rather problematic in the current healthcare setting. Accordingly, different sets of errors have arisen due to the risky nature of issuing verbal orders especially within the healthcare setting. Such errors are attributed to the misinterpretation of information that is verbally communicated due to barriers such as accents (Wakefield & Wakefield, 2009). Verbal orders tend to be taken up by nurses, which further represent a problematic situation. With nurses focusing considerably on the maintenance of their duties and obligations, it is imperative to ensure that aspects such as verbal orders do not continuously affect the services that are provided.

While conducting a statewide study of the work plans and the intentions of non-employed registered nurses in the state, the questions that would be asked can be open-ended. Open-ended questions will provide the participants with the platform to expressing their views in relation to issues affecting the general healthcare setting (Polit & Beck, 2012). Additionally, the use of the open-ended questions will round up all the unemployed nurses by establishing the respective data collection measure as a survey.


Colling, R. L., & York, T. W. (2010). Hospital and healthcare security. Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Menachemi, N., & Collum, T. H. (2011). Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record systems. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 4, 47-55.

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Wakefield, D. S., & Wakefield, B. J. (2009). Are verbal orders a threat to patient safety? Quality & Safety in Health Care, 18(3), 165-168.

Wickramasinghe, N., Gupta, J. N. D., & Sharma, S. K. (2010). Creating knowledge-based healthcare organizations. Hershey PA: Idea Group Pub.

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