Justification Report

Justification Report



Justification Report

Generally, the world has moved towards the adaptation of programs and schemes aimed at the conservation of the environment and its natural resources. Over the years, numerous corporations have been involved in activities that have imposed considerable yet negative implications on environmental health. Scandals such as the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Exxon Valdez Spill are notable illustrations of the deplorable events that affect the contemporary environment. Aside from these cases, organizations have been blamed for contributing to the changes in global climate. Engagement in activities such as deforestation and the combustion of fossil fuels has led to the release of greenhouse gases such as carbon II oxide and methane into the atmosphere further causing an increase in global temperatures. In this respect, firms have focused on adapting approaches that focus on the achievement of sustainability. As such, it is imperative for the company to adapt eco-friendly practices that will bring it closer towards the facilitation of environmental sustainability.

Problem Statement

As asserted, the conservation of the natural environment has evolved into a major concern for organizations. In this contemporary setting, the inclination towards the establishment of sustainability by the general society has encouraged corporations and enterprises to become part of this movement. Because of this, a large number of firms have exhibited involvement in practices aimed at environmental sustainability. For example, corporations such as PepsiCo have engaged in eco-friendly practices such as the implementation of alternative solutions towards water scarcity. Additionally, financial institutions such as the Royal Bank of Canada have implemented augmented sourcing policies that tackle conflict minerals within the supply chain. For the organization, the movement towards sustainable practices is based on its need to ensure that the conservation of its external environment as well as the protection of the surrounding community is taking place.  

Overview of Alternatives

A variety of accessible sustainable measures is open for the organization to implement. These measures are eco-friendly and largely focus on instilling environmental sustainability. Moreover, the respective approaches allow the organization to engage in socially responsible practices that will be beneficial for the encompassing community. As such, the organization will be capable of upholding its commitment towards the betterment of the society and the protection of the environment while exuding a positive reputation. The following alternatives will be contemplated for the organization:

Alternative 1: Installation of Solar Panels

The first environmental approach involves the implementation of solar panels within the workplace. One of the factors comprising the achievement of sustainability involves the conservation of energy. Over time, companies have depended on electricity for many functions such as production and manufacturing. However, this reliance has consistently necessitated the combustion of fossil fuels, particularly oil hence leading to the emission of carbon in the atmosphere. In this case, the adaptation of solar panels restricts this dependence on fossil fuels by encouraging the conservation of energy via the utilization of natural energy from the sun. Using light and heat from the sun, solar panels are capable of providing energy for the operations eminent within the organization due to the possibilities of energy conversion. The utilization of renewable energy will assist the organization in achieving sustainability.

Alternative 2: Adaptation of Electric Company Vehicles

For years, the organization has depended on trucks and lorries for the delivery and supply of products to consumers located within different parts of the region. However, with the increasing rate of customers, the utilization of these oil-based vehicles has contributed immensely to the pollution of the environment. Based on this, it is important to consider the implementation of electric vehicles. Since such vehicles do not depend on the combustion of oil, they can add considerable value in terms of environmental sustainability to the organization. Furthermore, the adaptation of the respective measure will limit the expenses that the company gains when taking part in the purchase of oil for the vehicles to function.


The following criteria will be used to judge the practicability of each alternative:

1.         Cost

The cost is the most important criterion that will be used to determine the feasibility of the proposed alternatives. Possessing information concerning the costs of implementing the respective measures will assist the organization in determining the project that best supports its objectives over the long-term.

2.         Time Taken for Implementation

The time taken for implementing the respective approaches is another imperative factor to consider. Even though the cost of each alternative may be reasonable for the company, it is also important to consider a scheme that abides by the schedule set for the organization. A project that takes too long to inculcate may be least favorable since it may delay the results required by the organization.

3.         Practicality

For the respective alternatives, it is imperative to consider the practicality of each alternative. For example, will it be rational to purchase electric vehicles for the organization?

4.         Efficiency

The focus on efficiency will assess whether the respective scheme will be capable of yielding any form of profitability for the organization. In the end, a business’ main objective mainly involves the creation of profit. Hence, the adaptation of the required alternative must yield profitability.

5.         Durability

Adopting any of the selected alternatives within the organization will involve a consideration of whether the alternatives are sufficiently durable to manage the firm’s consistent shortcomings. A short span in terms of durability would be most unwelcome for the company since it will only inflict losses and deviation from the aims set by the organization over the long term.

Research Method

To determine the best alternative for the organization, every criterion will be assessed comprehensively. For the most part, a qualitative approach will be implemented since understanding which of the alternatives is the most preferable will involve the collection of information from various sources. Despite this, certain factors will be considered in relation to the approach or alternative that is best suited for the organization. It is imperative to consider the beneficial implications that the respective alternatives will accord the organization if implemented.

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