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City and State:


Land Use Planning

Currently, federal and municipal governments manage development via statutory rule. The greater part of regulations on land, nonetheless, originates from the functions carried out by private individuals and developers. Within such conditions, judicial verdicts and the imposition of personal land-use contracts can underpin public regulation, and accomplish control levels and forms that zoning is incapable of implementing. In spite of this, one cannot neglect the profundity of basic planning tools especially in addressing the utilization of land. Without ordinances such as zoning, conflicts and disputes concerning this particular resource are irresolvable. This is because of the increasing demand for land further complicated by the affixed rate of supply. In this context, it is imperative to identify the importance of planning in terms of how land is utilized. In addition to this, tools such as zoning cannot be rendered useless based on the way they are commonly used throughout the state governments. Moreover, it is still impossible to neglect the impact that basic planning tools impose in establishing all-inclusive land use plans. As such, it is evident that zoning and land use rules are imperative factors to discuss especially regarding the control of land utilization. In this respect, the discourse will center mainly on the use of land as well as how it is used within planning. In addition, it will also focus on the technique of zoning and its efficiency in the implementation of comprehensive plans. Lastly, the discourse will establish the connection between zoning and land use.

Land Use and its Importance in Planning

Land use comprises the human utilization of land. It constitutes the alteration and management of the natural environment into structured settings. Examples of these comprise habitats and settlements such as managed woods, arable environments and pastures. However, the manner in which land is used contributes considerably to related conflicts. Accordingly, each human activity requires a platform to undergo realization (Chapin 1979, p. 32). As the demand for land amplifies, supply remains fixed. Because of this, land becomes significantly scarce. The outcome of this incidence comprises a boost in the rate of land disputes as well as the degree of violence within such conflicts. If consensus regarding the use of land can be arbitrated by the involved disputing parties and be legally bound, then it will be highly possible to circumvent such unfortunate situations. However, avoiding such incidences requires planning. Planning, based on land use, provides a development advance that adds to the circumvention of conflicts and disputes. Ultimately, it develops the prerequisites needed to attain a variant of land utilization that is sustainable environmentally, socially fair and enviable and economically sane. It, therefore, triggers the social procedures involved in decision-making as well as consensus development regarding the safeguarding and use of private, community-based or public areas (Priemus, Button & Nijkamp 2007, p. 56). Moreover, land use is imperative in planning since it constitutes the balancing of land utilization among all involved stakeholders and the mutual recognition of these exploits for which the greatest consensus can be attained.

Zoning and its Effectiveness in Establishing Comprehensive Plans

Nonetheless, land use planning requires the utilization of basic tools that are essential in governing how the previously mentioned resource undergoes usage. Zoning is one of these mechanisms. Indeed, this tool is commonly applied in the regulation of land use within the country (Fulton 1991, p. 86). Usually, communities that carry out obligatory planning seldom possess a zoning law that divides the society into divisions termed as use districts. The legal foundation for this mechanism comprises the policing power of the local government. Similar to planning, a zoning edict is required to safeguard the health of the public, safety and its welfare. In addition to this, it has to ensure that it meets comprehensiveness. In short, zoning should not solely focus on the sustainability of the community; it should also be effective in the implementation of comprehensive plans. In this sense, comprehensiveness means that the regulation is required to cover every part of land within a particular jurisdiction. Hence, as a legal mechanism, zoning is utilized to standardize and implement comprehensive plans. The progression of a complete plan guarantees consistent and effective zoning choices at the community level. In addition, comprehensive planning establishes social end statements and objectives. Hence, in this line, zoning constitutes a mechanism that is utilized to employ an inclusive preparation and to restrict land utilization for the safeguarding of communal health, welfare and security. It carries out this via the separation of disputing land uses and guarantees the direction of development within certain areas that are capable of accommodating that specific land use.

The Link between Land Use and Zoning

The main connection between zoning and land use lies within its ability to control land use. Accordingly, this form of ordinance is imperative in the shaping of land utilization (Levi 2009, p. 141). Zoning can be relatively effective within a developing location where the land utilization pattern is insufficiently determined. At this point, the premise can alter the metropolitan pattern by prohibiting or restricting growth within some areas. Zoning can also be effective in moderating or circumventing that alteration. It segregates pieces of property into use districts, which limit the form of development within a certain location. Additionally, zoning is also imperative in controlling how land is utilized. This is because land use planning possesses the ability to identify the areas required to undergo separation for other forms of activity. For instance, zoning can enable planning to recognize the areas that require afforestation or the protection of forests (Andreen 2009, p. 56). Alternately, this tool can be effective in novel urban vicinities where the land utilization pattern is not necessarily established and the forces of growth are considerable. Nonetheless, zoning is unable to address the issue of redevelopment, for controls cannot influence any person to invest within a location.


As the need for land increases, the supply remains fixed. This causes conflict among stakeholders especially in terms of this resource. Hence, land use planning is imperative in preventing and resolving such disputes. Additionally, it provides a development mechanism that contributes essentially to the conflicts involved in the use of land. However, certain techniques are used in the regulation of land. These measures make land use planning possible. In this respect, zoning and planning regulation establishes the manner in which land is capable of utilization. Moreover, they facilitate decision-making to guide prospective allocation as well as land development. Basic tools such as zoning constitute tools that are used especially in the implementation of comprehensive plans and the restriction of land use for safeguarding safety, wellbeing and public health. In addition to this, zoning constitutes a regulatory technique used to curtail and implement comprehensive planning. Hence, based on the effect that zoning imposes especially in land use and regulation, there is a connection between these facets. In spite of the anti-competitiveness posed by zoning, it is highly imperative in managing and regulating how land is utilized.  


Andreen, J 2009, Land use and zoning law litigation, NBI, Eau Claire.

Chapin, S F 1979, Urban land use planning, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Fulton, W 1991, Guide to California planning, Solano Press Books, Point Area.

Levy, J M 2009, Contemporary urban planning, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.

Priemus, H., Button, K & Nijkamp, P 2007, Land use planning, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

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