Learning to Be Creative





Learning to Be Creative

Question 1

The novel relates to management information systems on the effective and efficient means of using information as means to manage, utilize, plan and execute procedures with people in regards to obtaining specific goals (Robinson 32). This is relevant in the present world especially with sound decision-making procedures in individuals, groups, or organizations. Through the effective use of the people’s minds in efficient tasks, organizations are able to achieve immense success according to the potential under management. Strengths and weaknesses are identified in order to reduce revenue costs, improve the employee performances. In return, the management ensures that business operations and processes are improved and maintained. The use of creativity also enables the management information systems to present an overall image of an organization. Through this, a remarkable portfolio is established, which in turn serves to increase the stakes and prospects in the competitive environment.

            The novel on creative thinking and elaborate use of the mind is vital for management information systems as it provides solutions for the present challenges while focusing on the future trends. The link provides for the necessity to acts as a planning tool and communication guides in information systems (Robinson 28). It utilizes the potential of a workforce through their thoughtful means as regards management of the available resources and execution of the business operations. With efficient management and use of information systems, creativity can excel in aligning of business processes to achieve tailor-made ends of customer needs through the feedback and customer data. In addition, competitive advantage is achieved from the novel’s ability to influence competency in the part of rivalry in business. The novel is indeed vital for effective management information systems in application and planning.

Question 2

In order for higher education to enable creativity in students for their future careers, the learning and application cultures should change from the past. The individual talents should be nurtured through research in the different disciplines according to the career choice of the respective students. Robinson (88) states that the diversity within the institutions of higher education should be complemented with outreach activities, engagement and cooperation at all levels. This should also incorporate external partners who are adept with required knowledge on the disciplines. The activities of the higher education institutions should be focused on the practicability of issues in the society other than the theoretical utilization of the students’ minds. This should be coupled up in solving of future relevance needs and internal quality processes. It supports the creative agenda from the students, as they are the future of the careers and societal shifts.

            The institutions of higher education should change the governance structures and cultures. The elements are important in complementing the ethical and cultural needs in order to allow creativity to thrive without objection. The cultures should be used for including flexibility and stability in that, the students realize their value within the structures and can contribute positively in finding solutions in their career choices. Ownership of the respective ideas should be encouraged in a universal community as well as the responsibility. This calls for delegation and review of the syllabus and systems in place according to their effectiveness and efficiencies. Policies and legal frameworks should be sought with the federal government on the funding mechanisms used in the creativity of the students. The institutions should seek to acquire autonomy for the students’ utilization in diversified fields.  

Question 3

Different forms of technology can be enhanced in professions to foster creativity for an individual and others in the world. This can be through cognitive skills of synthesis, analysis, and evaluation. One of the forms of technology to be used is the social media on the internet. This can promote creativity especially with shared knowledge on the avenues of applications. For example, one computer programmer can develop a tailor-made application that enhances social interaction at the confines of any location and language. This can be shared with other users, who in turn can borrow the same technology to develop other applications for various uses. The varied uses are common in the society and affect the daily activities. This can enhance creativity a different professions will encourage the practicability of finding solutions through the same platform and using the minds.

            Another form of technology that can enhance creativity is the use of artificial intelligence. This type of technology enhances the use of software in intelligence that resembles that of humans. The intelligent agent perceives and actual environment and maximizes its opportunities to achieve maximum success. This can be used for creativity in professions that require actual diagnosis of situations and execution in real time. As concerns creativity, artificial intelligence can be fostered in professions like research, designing, and simulation. For example, with the availability of virtual conferencing and remote source locator, an actual procedure can be carried out in different parts of the world despite the distance. This can help bring out creative measures of better execution with analysis. After the study of actual execution, the professional can device easier or better methods and approaches to solve the related problems.   

Question 4

Much of the world is still underdeveloped. Technology can bridge the gap in terms of creativity for the individuals in such areas. Through communication platforms like the use of internet and cellular telephony, the individuals can enhance their creative skills in order to help solve their localized problems with ease. The internet provides a relatively easier platform in enhancement of finding solutions. For example, information from the developed areas of the world can be accessed by the underdeveloped nations at any given time despite the geographical positioning. With the information, creative individuals can copy or replicate the solutions to suits the needs of their communities added with their own touch. The individuals can use their mind to improvise effective and efficient means of solutions with the help from learned counterparts. With the help of computer aided designs and manufactures, the creative people can extract efficient output for the society uses.

            The cost of technology in the underdeveloped parts of the world can be covered by different stakeholders. Investors who see a particular market source can provide for the availability of for example the internet subscription at an affordable rate. In exchange, the investors stand to gain from the continued and expanded use of their services at a cost to the providers. Well-wishers can also contribute to the availability of the technology to the less fortunate areas. For example, the missionaries, non-governmental organizations, and donations from interested firms can help avail the services to the underdeveloped areas. This will cover the cost of such technologies, which can be used to help improve the lives of the inhabitants of such areas.

Question 5

One of the technology examples that have fostered creativity in today’s society is the use of smartphones. With the technology platform used to manufacture the operating systems of various smartphones, various users have creatively designed applications that are used in a variety of needs in the society. Coding languages and machine prompts are used to make the applications uses within the gadgets. These vary from calling avenues, texts, games, use of internet, entertainment, photography and tracking devices. The applications are enabled from the source of manufacturing and can be modified according to the user’s preferences. The basic functionalities can be retained, while the surplus can be deleted from the gadgets at the convenience of the user. Different manufacturers avail different gadgets, which possess different capabilities. However, there are similar applications that are universal in all the smartphones for the users.

            Creativity in this technology has been enhanced by the fact that different users, who are conversant with coding languages have come up with applications development for specific uses. For example, according to the traffic needs of a given locality within a nation, an application developer can manage an application, that helps motorists and pedestrians plan on the use of their networks. Similarly, this has been diversified into the tailor-made applications that affect different cultures, backgrounds, ethnicities, nations and geographical settings. Communities of similar kinds can utilize the application platform to solve issues and problems affecting their daily lives. This can be specialized including the respective ethnic language, identification, and culture needs. This has spurred increased creativity and encouraged competition within the communities to produce better and enhanced platforms. Such creativity has been availed through use of the mind and repeated learning.

Work Cited

Robinson, Ken. Out of Our Minds: Learning to Be Creative. Oxford: Capstone, 2011. Print.

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