Legal Rights and Responsibilities, Diversity

Legal Rights and Responsibilities, Diversity




Legal Rights and Responsibilities, Diversity


     From the readings of this week, there is a lot of information to learn about personnel theory and practice. In all aspects of human efforts, there is a need for proper management. Management is hereby recognized as a broad key responsible for ensuring smooth flow of human endeavors. In any organization where diverse people come together with the aim of achieving specific goals, management is crucial because it ensures their attainment through proper coordination. Most important is the fact that principles and regulations such as legal rights, responsibilities and diversity have to be in place in order to ensure harmony where individual differences may arise.


     Today, the world has become integrated into one village with workers immigrating to other countries. This has brought diversity within the workplace, which managers need to recognize. One of the importances of diversity within an organization is fostering innovations. Diversity comes in many forms such as skills, cultural background, gender, age and ethnicity among others. These workers come to the organization with different capabilities and abilities, which the manager can exploit for the benefit of the company. In addition, diversity allows mutual respect where workers learn to work together with diverse people, creating a synergetic environment (Pynes 2009, 266). It is crucial that administrators manage the diversity within their organizations because of its impact on prosperity and success. For instance, within the healthcare practice, diversity is crucial especially to cultures where women have to be accompanied by a male figure in public places. Having both genders within the hospitals allows such patients to open up and receive proper treatment (Fried and Myron 2008, 155).

     It is also clear that that personnel practice exists within legal rules and rights. There are certain prohibitions on both the employer and employee. These rules are utilized in ensuring that workers and employers exist in harmony without any exploiting the other. The legal environment of personnel practices covers issues such as discrimination in the workplace, equal opportunities for empowerment, termination procedures and implementation of EEO principles (Fried and Myron 2008, 114). These issues are provided for in the constitution of the United States to protect both employers and workers.

     Under the legal responsibilities of personnel theory and practice, one can learn that certain actions within the workplace are prohibited. For instance, treating a worker different from others based on his/her color, ethnicity, gender or cultural background is illegal. In addition, one cannot be denied to work based on these criteria. The legal environment of personnel practice recognizes all people as equal irrespective of their differences. These legal provisions are the start of diversity within the workplace. They contribute to the diversity of the workforce by ensuring that people are not denied opportunities based on their uniqueness (Pynes 2009, 221). This way, all people have an equal chance of being hired.


     The two readings for this week offer a lot of information concerning personnel practices and diversity within the workplace. While personnel practices are focused on legal issues that are prohibited, they also contribute to diversity. One of the legal issues that are prohibited is discrimination of any person. This means that all people, irrespective of their differences, have an equal opportunity to employment and proper treatment in the workplace. This ensures diversity within the organization, which is extremely important when it comes to success as aforementioned. Managers should be careful with managing the diversity in their organization. They should turn it into a source of innovations considering people of varied differences bring unique skills.  


Fried, Bruce, and Myron D. Fottler. 2008. Human resources in healthcare: Managing For Success. 3rd ed. Washington, D.C.: Health Administration Press.

Pynes, Joan. 2009. Human resources management for public and nonprofit organizations: A strategic approach. 3rd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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