Library research

Library research



Library Reseach

Barrie & Jenkins. (1970). History of literature in the English language, vol. 4. London: Barrie & Jenkins. This journal focuses on the journey of literature in English through history and the transformations it has undergone over time due to the influence of other cultures.

Bartlett, J. & Beck, E. M. (1980). Familiar quotations: A collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. Boston: Little Brown. The book provides an array of quotations and passages from different authors from various periods in the English history with an indexing of the authors and their work.

Baugh, A. C. & Cable, T. (2012). A History of the English Language (6th Edition). Longman. This book explores both the internal history of English and the influence of external cultures on its evolution through time.

Bolton, W. F., & Crystal, D. (1987). The English language. New York: P. Bedrick Books. This book discusses all the elements making up the language from phonology, morphology, syntax to lexis and style, and it provides a comprehensive discussion of the history English.

Cookson, G., & English Association. (1936). English: the magazine of the English Association, vol. 1, No. 1. London: Oxford University Press. This is a publication of the English Society discussing the various issues surrounding the English language and provides a bibliography of literary works.

De la Baume, M. (2013). Bid in France to Add Courses in English Raises Fear for Language. Retrieved from: The article illustrates how the prevalence of the English language raises fear of deterioration of other languages.

Graham, P. (1961). Texas studies in literature and language vol. 3, No. 2. Austin: University of Texas Press. This journal focuses on the literature of America and discusses its evolution in application over time.

Hogg, R. M., Blake, N. F., Lass, R., Romaine, S., Burchfield, R. W., & Algeo, J. (1992). The Cambridge history of the English language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The book deals with the English history from the past 400 years segregating various periods into volumes ranging from volume 1 to volume 6 based on the times.

Københavns universitet. (1971). Language & literature, vol. 1 & 2. Copenhagen: English Institute, University of Copenhagen. This journal focuses on the English language and the nature of English literature.

Lewis, E. H. (1970). The history of the English paragraph. New York: AMS Press. In this book, the study of the English language is narrowed down to a discussion of how paragraphs came to be as they are used today.

Lockerby, P. (2009). A Brief History of the English Language. Retrieved from: The article gives a brief definition of dialects and goes on to explain the origin and evolution of English over time.

Merriam-Webster. (2013). What are the Origins of the English Language? Retrieved from:  The article discusses the origin and history of the English language focusing on the three distinct periods.

Modern Language Association of America, Modern Language Association of America, University of Texas at Arlington, & University of Guelph. (1971). World literature written in English, vol. 11, No. 20. Arlington: University of Texas at Arlington. The journal provides a documentation of literature from various parts of the world. It shows an interconnection of the different literary works and the current English language.

Pak, J. (2012). Is English or Mandarin the Language of the Future? Retrieved from: This article recognizes the role that English has played in the past and tries to analyze whether it will still hold the highest level of importance in future communications.

Prof. Habitch, W. (1968). English and American Studies in German, vol. 1. German Association of University Teachers of English This journal discusses the evolution of English literature over the years to be as it is and the effect of different languages on its formation.

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale & Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. (1965). Papers on English language & literature: PELL. vol. 4. Alton: Southern Illinois University. This journal provides a collection of various papers on English language and literature.

Taylor, M. (2008). A timeline of the history of the English language: The wonderful story of The English Language. Retrieved from: This article provides a detailed relay of the history of the English language in well-arranged paragraphs with appropriate headings.

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, (2008). 3L, language, linguistics, literature: The South East Asian journal of English language studies, vol. 14. Bangi, Selangor: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. This journal provides a comprehensive and detailed explanation of the English language and literature in English.

University of Birmingham. (1975). English Philological Studies, vol. 14. Heffers This journal focuses its discussions on the comprehensiveness of the English language, discussing its components and its history.

University of Notre Dame. (1967). Ward-Phillips lectures in English language and literature, vol. 4. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. This is an issue containing brief notes on the interaction of literary theories across cultures.

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