Lobbying Congress Exercise

Lobbying Congress Exercise



Lobbying Congress Exercise

            In the true definition of gun control, one can term it as the regulation imposed on activities involving the purchase, possession and license to use a firearm. In different states, the laws vary in the degree of restriction and usage of guns and ammunition. However, they are affected by the federal guns laws. The introduction of stricter gun rules has several advantages. The need for these stringent rules stems from the increase in the number of shootings and gun related deaths. The first advantage that presents itself is to avoid the instance where mentally incapacitated people get access to guns and use them as means of committing murder. This also reduces the chances of criminals and wanted fugitives from purchasing firearms that they use as weapons to commit grievous crimes. Stricter gun control measures should be implemented in the United States to reduce the deaths and the fast rising crime rate.

            Another reason to purchase firearms is for emergency and security reasons. Most civilians acquire guns in order to protect themselves as a form of self-defense against criminals. Other methods can be used as means of protection such as perfecting on martial arts skills, changing a lifestyle that makes us vulnerable to criminals, carrying a lesser fatal weapon like a pepper spray that is also known to incapacitate perpetrators. Guns result to death of either the victim or the perpetrator. Therefore, their use, as means of self-defense in an encounter with unarmed criminal is risky, as the tables might turn. Standards should be set up to regulate the number of persons acquiring these firearms. They should regulate the licensing depending on the validity of the reason of procurement. For instance, people seeking to protect themselves should have valid reasons why they have the notion that their life might be in danger. They should also be vetted to validate that they are psychologically sound enough to posses a firearm. An agreement can be signed that states the consequences one might face if the use of the gun is breached. This will instill accountability in the licensed users.

            Stricter gun laws reduce the number of shootings that lead to gun related deaths. A brief look at the statistics reveals that America has an approximated death toll of 30,000 per annum compared to nations like France, Switzerland, Denmark, Japan and Australia. Such nations have their gun related deaths total at 112. There is a dire need to have stricter gun rules. School shooting is the worst form of gun use that should prompt the implementation of stringent rules and regulations on gun use and licensing. These killings depict that the misuse of guns leads to tragic deaths and violence allover the state. This should prompt the government to impose stringent laws that ensure thorough criminal background checks. Moreover, they should ensure that an individual’s conduct and psychological standing is fit to own a gun. The criminals who commit these crimes sometimes acquire the weapons illegally. The policies and laws that can reduce this include harsher jail term for those found in possession of unregistered firearms. The criminals can be held accountable for their misdeeds as well as set the standards for the use of unregistered guns.

            The implementation of these laws will cause a drastic drop in the number of deaths caused by shootings. These laws ensure the citizens’ safety is guaranteed thus increasing the overall security of the nation. Stricter rules protect children who have been vulnerable in scenarios of shootings happening in educational institutions. People should entrust the government to provide the needed security and only apply for firearms when necessary and not simply because the government allows its citizens to access them.

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