Men’s And Women’s Soccer in the U.S.A





Men’s And Women’s Soccer in the U.S.A

Perception on Social Identities

            Developing soccer talent among the immigrants takes a great deal of effort, which includes availing the necessary equipment and experience to improve this talent. In the U.S, developing talents begins from a young stage where children who have the passion and drive to pursue different paths are nurtured into soccer players. However, over the years, the U.S soccer scene has seen a rampant increase in the number of immigrant soccer players who with their talent aim at creating social change towards immigrants. The result of this being strengthened exclusivist ethnic and social identities that have led to the perception of soccer as a sport consisting of immigrants.

            Evidenced by the major soccer tournaments held in most parts of Africa such as South Africa, the games offer solid perception of soccer as a sport for immigrants. For instance, the Africa World Cup held in South Africa amid crowded block homes belonging to the immigrants attracted a large crowd eager to see the winning team between Europe and USA. According to Alegi and Bolsmann, the stadium was located in the outskirts of the country through rifts of dirt and mud (Alegi and Bolsmann 149). This directly translated the experiences of the people living within the area and their urge to grasp the economic opportunity present to improve their social status.

            The poor side of the working class had a dense population and the area hosting the World cup saw a significant rise in the number of people. The game brought together people from different backgrounds and culture regardless of their poverty levels.  As much as the stadium was packed and the game proceeded smoothly to completion, a major issue arose when it was time to depart the stadium. Confusion was the outcome and the feeling was of “civil resignation” (Alegi and Bolsmann 149). The roads were jammed with busses and the presence of energetic hawkers with a bid to sell.

American Assimilated Soccer Culture

            However, as much as the World Cup relays soccer as a sport of the immigrants, the development of the sport in America through its popular nature has resulted to assimilation of the American culture of sports in different areas. Through the popularity of the FIFA games and the incorporation of the games into the entertainment sector creates a relevance of the game. The potential success of the MSL games has played an imaginable role in bringing attention to the soccer scene. The development of young talents from the streets into the soccer scene has led to the improved lifestyle of the people through creating financial development in Europe (Strutner and Nauright 24).

            Preceding years in the MSL league according to Strutner and Nauright saw a significant number of obstacles that affected the sport. However, the management aimed at reaching out to a diverse number of investors ho would help improve the condition of the players therefore ensuring their performance. They developed appropriate programs that would accelerate the talent of the players as well as improve the image of the cubs. With the programs, the clubs would offer

Work Cited

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Alegi, Peter, and Chris Bolsmann. Africa‘s World Cup: Critical Reflections on Play, Patriotism, Spectatorship, and Space. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013. Internet resource.

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Strutner, M, C Parrish, and J Nauright. “Making Soccer “major League” in the Usa and Beyond: Major League Soccer’s First Decade.” Sport History Review. 45.1 (2014): 23-36. Print.

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