Meta-Analytic paper





Meta-Analytic paper

            Having gone through the class on economy of women, race, sex and gender, one is able to understand how these concepts integrate in the society. They are important factors in driving the economy of a particular region. In order to illustrate the level of understanding in this subject, a Meta analytic reflection paper has to be written. This  is achieved through identification of questions that an individual would like to explore after completion of the course and the actions one may take in real life situation that are related to the study. Moreover, the analysis is focused on honest self-assessment of individual’s learning process. The analysis is important because it reflects, analyzes, synthesizes and demonstrates what has been learned in this course.   


Numerous important aspects have been learned throughout the course. The most important concept learned is labor systems. The course has placed focus on labor systems and gender, which are important in the development of a society or a nation. It has provided the details regarding how women are involved in the labor society through different classifications of labor systems that are provided in the course. It is evident that labor system has two classes, the ruling and working class. Moreover, the system is subdivided into six systems. The course enables one to understand how these systems evolved, work and their efficiency in economy. In the family system, the ruling class is mostly composed of women while the working class is dominated by the women. This is a trend observed in feudal, slave, hacienda, tribal and capitalism systems. Learning about gender inequality in labor is important because it helps in developing the current economy status of countries.

Living wage is another important concept that is provided in the course. Generally, knowledge pertaining to living wages is important because an individual is able to use it in analyzing the payment they get to receive at their current working places. This is because it provides the guidelines that have to be adhered when creating the wage system for employees. The earner has to receive a wage that is able to cater for his or her basic needs such as housing, food and clothing. Moreover, the wage of an individual should ensure that no more than thirty percent is spent on housing. The living wage’s goal is to ensure sustainability of every earner through a satisfactory income. The course also focuses on the nations and cities, which are most expensive in the world. The comparison made between the most expensive cities and the others is imperative because it helps in drawing conclusions about the economy of different nations. This is important because it helps individuals gain knowledge on how to create economic equality in the country.

            Moreover, the course gives details pertaining to the stages of sexual division of labor in the United States of America. This is important because it facilitates better understanding of the reasons why gender inequality is present in the society. The information related to gender and labor is explained from the early 1800s when labor systems had just been introduced in the U.S. During this period, labor was similar among all people regardless of their gender and race. Equality was observed around the globe. However, the situation changed after World War II because capitalism had become more dominant as compared from the earlier years. During this period, private owners controlled trade, means of production and the industry. Capitalists dominated the economy and brought about division of work. Therefore, separation of wage work evolved. The explanation on the reasons that resulted to division of labor is important because they may help in positive changing of the society. In addition, this is very important because it can be used as a reference for future development of the economy.


Various issues and questions are raised regarding the information attained from this course. First, it is agreeable that the current world is trying to create equality regarding labor and wages. However, the issue of women working raises concern. This is because, according to structural functionalism of the society, women are expected to take care of their family members. This is by doing all the house chores and ensuring that the family is comfortable at home. This means that women have extra work on top of their paying jobs. This places the female gender under a lot of pressure because they are required to provide good results on both sides. Therefore, women might be forced to quit their paying jobs so that they can take care of their families. This is an emerging issue in economy, which requires attention in the future. In order to solve such an issue, it is important for couples to discuss about household tasks. They should come up with a checklist with all the house chores written in it and then proceed to divide the tasks into two. This strategy can be achieved through sensitization of the issue through local channels such as group discussions with couples and even through the media.

            Another issue that evolved in the course is how the governments in different countries ensure that money is not considered as an idol. What are the strategies that they have put in place in ensuring that money does not create discrimination and dictatorship in the world? The course provides a list of cities that are considered as mot expensive in the world. The living standards in such cities higher compared to others. Therefore, not all individuals are able to live in such cities. This has already created a boundary in between countries. Hence, people in those cities consider themselves more superior compared to people in the others. Discrimination is derailing factor in the economy of any country. Moreover, the love of money among people may result to idolatry. This contributes on the feeling of superiority among the wealthy in society hence, bringing about dictatorship.

In order to curb these issues, a research regarding it has to be conducted in the future. The findings of the research are suitable because it makes presentation of the case before the government much easier. Hence, the issue can be solved if the government decides to look into the research presented. Additionally, the knowledge acquired in the course can be applied in solving this issue. This can be achieved through teaching other members of the society about the negative effects of dictatorship in economy and showing them that if it is not solved, all members of the society would be affected.

            Moreover, race is still an issue that affects the economy of a country. In various parts of the world, race is still an issue that needs to be dealt with. As much as different nations boast of having done away with racial discrimination, the issue is still evident. For instance, the number of people of the black race living in expensive cities is lower compared to the white race. This proves that they do not have enough resources that may enable them to survive in such cities. Therefore, one can conclude that they lack good paying jobs compared to the whites. This factor affects those members from the minor racial groups who display equal competence to the whites. This shows that race is indeed an issue that derails the economy. Therefore, it is important if there are strategies created in order to restrain the issue. This can be achieved by creating awareness on the importance of stopping racial discrimination in the future. In addition, the people have to be taught that people from different races are equally competent in their work performance. These steps would help in reducing racial discrimination in the future; hence, the economy would improve.


The learning approach that I used in this course was constructivism. This approach has both advantages and disadvantages. The strengths of this type of approach are observed in the manner with which one is able to gain knowledge pertaining to the course. It involves combining both the knowledge acquired in class and epistemology. Therefore, one is able to get a better understanding of the course through this approach. It involves making comparison between what has been learned in class and the real life situations. This improves the grasping of knowledge that has been taught in class. Additionally, the approach facilitates self-assessment, reconstruction, reflection and construction of knowledge of an individual. However, this approach has some weaknesses when taken to postmodernist extremes such as relativism, idealism and empiricism.

During the study of the course using constructivism, I was able to notice the weaknesses of this type of approach. In order to make changes on the issue, I decided to draw a guideline of the extent, which I would use when comparing the course work with real life situations. This step helped because it ensured that postmodernist extremes were not reached. Before making a decision on the type of real life situation to refer to, I decided to consult with relevant practitioners in the study such as the lectures. This proved to be more fruitful than selecting the situations on my own. Moreover, I resolved to engage in-group work more often because it helps in restraining the weaknesses. During group discussions, the members help one another in reasoning and adding more views regarding the study. Making changes on this approach was helpful because it facilitated understanding of the study in a positive way. Moderation of this approach facilitates maximization of the advantages resulting to more understanding of the course. The lesson learned from these changes is that in order for one to achieve the best results, moderation of the approach used has to be emphasized.


What is the common drive among the functioning nation that motivates them to work? This question is raised concerning labor. Different people have diverse reasons why they opt to work. The reasons range from personal satisfaction to work as a means of survival. Most people only get to work because it is their only means of survival. This can be seen through the earnings they receive that is mostly spent on acquiring basic needs. In other cases, people work due to peer pressure. According to this group of people, they only work so that they can have a sense of belonging in the society. The last group of people works because they enjoy what they do. They are motivated by the results they get, so they work effectively and according to them, wages are only but an additional advantage. The best reasons for people to work should be identified through research programs. This is important because the best reason to work would result to better performance in jobs hence, more profits for the organization. The rise in profits would definitely result to better wages to the employees and the economic status of the country would eventually be raised.


Written Assignment. The written assignments in this course were helpful because of numerous reasons. First, one is able to gain more knowledge when handed written assignments. This is because for better grading results, a student has to present a well-written assignment that contains correct information. Since written assignments provide a way for lectures to view the student’s level of understanding, learners are motivated to have a better perceptive of the study. Therefore, an individual is forced to do more research regarding the subject from different sources so that they can get a good grade. Moreover, more attention has to be paid in class so that when given assignments, they become easier to o them. Written assignments are beneficial in the course because they are able to show how much one has been able to grasp the class knowledge. Therefore, written assignments present a scenario where students are able to display their level of understanding, which are helpful in acquiring more knowledge pertaining to the course.

Group Project and Presentation. The projects given in class include getting work from outside sources that are related to the course. Each student is required to take part in the project and present an excellent project. This includes going to the extent of searching for outside sources that are related to the course and conducting further readings in class. Presentations are also similar to group projects. Every student wishes to get higher grades in class, so evaluation is a source of motivation during presentations and group projects. Therefore, they may be referred as tools, which sharpen the knowledge acquired in class. They helped in internalizing concepts related to the course among all students hence they enhanced learning.

Class participation: discussions in small groups and in the entire class. The discussions held in class are vital in the learning process. This is because they help the lecturer to identify if they have presented their work properly. It is through class discussions that students are given the chance to present their questions and queries regarding the course. Therefore, the lecturer may repeat on the points that have not been fully understood by the student by placing more emphasis on the key points. This is advantageous to the students because the aim of students understanding the course is achieved. There are instances where the lecturer mentions more examples, which provide more explanation than those in the first time. This benefits the students because they achieve more knowledge about the course.

            Discussions in small groups in class are also helpful since they have a positive impact on knowledge gaining. Different students have different ways through which they understand specific concepts in class. This means that the knowledge acquired by one student is not similar to the other student. Therefore, group discussions present a scenario where students are able to share ideas of their personal understanding of the course. Eventually, students are able to gain more knowledge that they had earlier missed in class. This is a beneficial process of learning.


During the study on economy of gender and races, one is able to gain more knowledge pertaining to the integration of the concepts. This is an important study because it equips the learner with knowledge that he or she may be able to use in the future. The analysis of the course is important because it acts as a tool for self-evaluation among the learners. It also focuses on the questions that the learners have regarding the course. Through this analysis, they are able to reflect on what they have learned in class and how they can apply it in the future after completion of the study.

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