Model Exp 105

Model Exp 105

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Model Exp 105

            Learning is a universal concept in everyday life. An individual is made to learn different subject matters at specific stages of life. The process of gaining information is dependent on the capacity of an individual. For instance, a child learns how to ride a bicycle at a certain age because he or she is both physically and mentally able to accomplish the task. In educational psychology, learning is seen as a systematic process that introduces permanent changes to an individual’s behavior, knowledge, and perceptions (Szulanski, Ringov, & Jensen, 2014). The best forms of learning involve situations whereby the individual is willing and curious to gain knowledge. Education is directed at enhancing the brain as the best network in the interpretation and processing of information. The brain guides all actions of the body through the course of learning. Therefore, the progression of learning is essential for life. The most common form of learning is observational. People scrutinize everything on which they set their eyes. From observation, individuals can make a note of what actions to avoid. The rewards or consequences of specific actions experienced by other individuals offer guidance. Children learn how to speak and act by watching the exploits of the people around them. In most instances, observational learning manifests naturally in individuals making it difficult to notice.

            I have employed three primary learning patterns during the course. In my opinion, the sequential approach is the most effective method. I prefer to study systematically with consistency and order. I build upon the facts I gain each day by using the information that I have gathered in the past (Heeneman, Oudkerk, Schuwirth, van der Vleuten, & Driessen, 2015). In that regard, the directions from the tutor are significantly helpful to me when they are succinct. As a strategy in the learning pattern, I use the course outline provided at the beginning of the semester to organize the reading. I also allocate time to different concepts in the course. I assign more time to difficult concepts to enhance the level of understanding. The second strategy I employ is the precise learning pattern. The system seeks information meticulously from the learning experience. To complete the quizzes and assignments, I gather information from multiple sources. In case of a conflict in the sources, I engage the discussion forums for clarity. I also use the confluent pattern extensively when dealing with the assignments. This approach involves the use of creativity and intuition to formulate appropriate responses to the questions raised in the coursework.

            Online classes are advantageous as they offer a considerable degree of flexibility. However, it is equally challenging for the student to possess the required focus on the format used in its courses. One of the primary challenges is creating a rhythm of self-discipline. Learning involves attendance and attention (Hanneke, 2014). Therefore, it is essential to block all distractions to find time for the classes. To overcome these challenges, I have noted that utilizing the sequential pattern requires consistency. A continuous attendance of the classes builds knowledge methodically (Heeneman et al., 2015). The model encourages self-discipline because I understand that I can comprehend new information more efficiently when utilizing previous understanding. Compiling a significant amount of records from many missed classes only to cover all required topics at the last minute is not an effective way to learn. To maintain the focus that I need, I use the strategy of active engagement in the discussion forums to guide me in further research work.

            From the EXP 105 course, I have appreciated the concept of learning in several ways. Firstly, I recognized learning to be a continuous process. Every moment in life is an opportunity to gather some form of knowledge. Therefore, all experiences in life are exceptional, and they should not be taken for granted (Hanneke, 2014). Learning even takes place subconsciously; individuals pick up a particular aspect of behavior from their immediate environment. Secondly, I learned to employ different learning patterns in my study to enhance my knowledge. The models bring out diverse aspects that are relevant to the learning experience. Thirdly, I understood that learning occurs best after proper preparation. Before attending a class, I review the concepts mentioned in the previous periods in order to use this knowledge as required.

            In the five weeks course, my expectations have been met and surpassed. The course has broadened my perspective on learning significantly. I have transferred the knowledge gathered from the course to other units of study, and the results have improved. I do not study merely to pass exams anymore. I have realized that examinations are much easier if the concept is understood well in the first place. Therefore, I seek clarifications from the tutors and additional reading resources in good time. The discussion forums have been enlightening, and I have enjoyed the experience in earnest. Learning occurs best in an environment where people are willing to share their reading and life experiences. Concepts are best understood when juxtaposed with real-life encounters. The course content is presented systematically making it practical for its intended user. Consequently, it is easy to read ahead of the tutor because of the clarity in expectation. Had I taken the course earlier in my learning experience, I would have made better choices.


Hanneke, S. (2014). Theory of disagreement-based active learning. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning7(2-3), 131-309.

Heeneman, S., Oudkerk, P. A., Schuwirth, L. W., van der Vleuten, C. P., & Driessen, E. W. (2015). The impact of programmatic assessment on student learning: theory versus practice. Medical education49(5), 487-498.

Szulanski, G., Ringov, D., & Jensen, R. (2014). Up-hill and down-hill learning: Patterns of knowledge transfer methods and stickiness. In Academy of management proceedings (p. 15252). Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management.

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