Module 1 Slp- Ethics in Healthcare

Module 1 Slp- Ethics in Healthcare



Module 1 Slp- Ethics in Healthcare

Question 1

Various ethical dilemmas exist in the health sub sector. These predicaments entail circumstances that occur because of the clash between moral principles and possible consequences of medical practitioners’ decisions with regard to patients’ healthcare. One such dilemma involves confidentiality of clients’ medical records. According to the regulations in the health sector, a medical practitioner should not disclose any information regarding a patient’s health to his or her workmates (Steinbock, Arras and London, 2009). In some instances, owing to these policies, the family of the ailing individual has no access to some medical details regarding their relative.

These guidelines aim at strengthening the relationship between the doctors and the clients. Patients should be able to confide in the physicians without worrying that their health details will reach other employees in the sanatorium or some members of their family. For example, a person living with HIV/AIDS may not be willing to reveal his or her condition to some members of the family. Based on the regulations of the medical field, a doctor should respect the patient’s decision (Steinbock, Arras and London, 2009). Moreover, he or she should not discuss these details with other doctors.

However, a medical practitioner may be in dilemma since the concealment of these facts may have negative consequences to the patient or his or her relatives. For instance, a doctor may want to discuss the health condition of the patient with a psychiatrist in order to identify ways of helping the individual to overcome the denial phase of the disease. However, the rules of practice guiding the health sector deter such a practitioner from doing so (Dinkins and Sorrell, 2006). In addition, the family of the ailing person ought to know the health details of their relative. Nonetheless, this is only possible through the consent of the patient.

In such a situation, the concealment of these facts may put the health of the client’s spouse and future children at risk. The couple may not use protection when engaging in sexual relations, a practice that may end the lives of an entire family. This state of affairs presents an ethical dilemma in the healthcare management. Medical practitioners have to uphold confidentiality in terms of clients’ records despite the negative outcomes that may result from the act (Dinkins and Sorrell, 2006). At times, the moral principles governing their profession force them to make decisions that have negative outcomes.

Question 2

There are various competing ethical positions that accompany healthcare management. These issues relate to certain ethical theories and principles that govern the medical subdivision. To start with, professionals in this field ought to uphold social justice. This ethical facet requires all medical practitioners to consider the interest of the public in their daily undertakings. According to the Code of Ethics for Nurses, nurses should work in partnership with the general population and other professionals in the sector in order to support societal, nationalized, and intercontinental efforts to uphold the wellbeing of the public (Weber, 2001).

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) also has ethical principles that compete with healthcare management in clinics. Based on its associations’ guidelines, nurses have the task of promoting the wellbeing of the clients, to avoid illnesses, and to ease pain caused by poor health (Weber, 2001). According to this ethical code, the medical practitioners ought to consider the health of the public when making decisions related to a patient’s healthcare. This principle clashes with the nurses’ responsibility to uphold confidentiality of the clients’ details. These competing ethical principles relate to certain moral theories.

One such ethical presumption is the teleological theory. This hypothesis relates to utilitarianism, which argues that the outcome of a decision characterizes what is ethical. Based on this theory, moral values require experts in health centers to base their decisions on the interest of the larger population (Weber, 2001).Their choices and actions should benefit the largest percentage of involved parties. This assumption seeks to suppress personal interests and desires of the professionals. This concurs with the codes of the nursing practice, which require experts to base their actions on the needs of their clients.

Deontological theory is also a relevant hypothesis in the ethical feature of healthcare. This presumption argues that decisions and actions are morally right depending on the societal values. It recognizes such aspects as the unethical nature of murder or breaking of promises (Weber, 2001).Unlike utilitarianism, this theory does not consider the outcomes of a decision but rather judges the action based on the majority’s perception of morality. For instance, if two ailing individuals are in need of some pints of blood with only one pint available, the theory discourages the consideration of the patients’ chances of survival as a means of making a decision.  

Likewise, relational theory is applicable in the ethical aspect of healthcare management. With reference to this argument, morality is equivalent to compassion. This hypothesis states that professionals in hospitals ought to care for their patients as the main way of adhering to the ethical codes governing the nursing practice (Weber, 2001).Consequently, the needs of the ailing individuals should outweigh the beliefs and interests of the experts. In conclusion, the ethical characteristics in healthcare management cause dilemmas to general practitioners. At times, there is a clash between morality and professionalism. For this reason, it is important to consider the two issues before making concrete decisions regarding patients’ wellbeing.  


Dinkins, C. S., & Sorrell, J. M. (2006). Listening to the whispers: Re-thinking ethics in healthcare. Madison, Wis: University of Wisconsin Press.

Steinbock, B., Arras, J., & London, A. J. (2009). Ethical issues in modern medicine: Contemporary readings in bioethics. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Weber, L. J. (2001). Business ethics in healthcare: Beyond compliance. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

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