Motivation and Behaviors of Martial Arts Masters

Motivation and Behaviors of Martial Arts Masters




Motivation and Behaviors of Martial Arts Masters


Many people are fascinated by the skills that artists in martial arts display. This interests them into joining different martial arts classes such as karate and tae kwon-do. While there, they discover that getting the expertise they need is not that easy. Some may be tempted to give up along the way, but others manage to hold on, and they continue to the highest level of knowledge. Many martial arts classes emphasize the acquisition of respect and discipline. The masters expect their students to be focused when learning. They also expect their students to show the same level of control and obedience outside the classroom. Some students may be discouraged by this, especially if they are not used to following rules and recognizing authority. Instructors have to deal with different kinds of students. People have different coordination levels and skills, and this may determine the effort they put towards learning. Young people learn differently from those who are older. Masters have to find a way to motivate their students to ensure that they learn effectively and that they work hard in class. because e,nts are interested in leam those who are older. some  used to following rules and recognising ee of coordination.  dif

Parameters defined

This study will focus on martial arts masters or instructors specializing in tae kwon-do. All of them will be from nearby local schools. I have identified four schools for this purpose. The study intends to find out how the masters motivate their students to work hard in class.

Proposed methodology

I will observe the behaviors of the students and masters in the class. I will watch how the students interact with each other and with their masters. I will study their age groups, and observe how they listen to their masters. I will note whether the students’ age groups determines their level of interaction with their masters. I will observe how the masters handle different students depending on their ages, level of focus, and degree of coordination. I will look at how the instructors teach and lecture their students. I will note the words that the masters use or the actions they do to motivate their students.

Possible research questions

  1. What specific actions do martial arts masters do in order to motivate their students?
  2. How does the level of interaction between the martial arts instructors and the students contribute towards motivating the students towards working hard?

Appropriateness of topic

Motivation is essential in all spheres of life as it often leads to success. It is crucial for martial arts students to get the motivation they need to enable them to move up to the next level. They need encouragement and enthusiasm to work hard. No one can cheat his way out of a martial arts class because success depends on a person’s efforts. Martial arts involve a lot of repetition so that the students can improve their skills. Students may feel bored doing the same thing many times. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways to motivate them as this will ensure that they gain the expertise they need.


I will get permission before beginning my research. My study involves observing a person’s behavior, and this might interfere with his program. It is also a sign of respect to recognize those in authority if one intends on interfering in their work. Moreover, I believe that it is ethical to inform the people concerned about my actions. I will need to get permission from the martial arts instructors in order to get access to their classes and make my observations. Some masters do not own the schools they teach. Some schools are part of an establishment such as a gym. I will need to get permission from the owners or managers of the establishment before beginning my study.

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