My Passion for Badminton





My Passion for Badminton

            My passion for badminton was developed from a young age. Through it, I gained happiness in ways of expressing myself and being able to communicate and interact, unlike when I could not improve my motor and social skills. It made me happy since I have been able to discover a world of free spirits and joy. I am glad because I am able to channel my frustrations in a better manner and environment as compared to before, when younger. The passion was built in me with time as my father facilitated the going and registration into the sport from time to time. I realized the hidden enthusiasm through sports after watching my family’s interest in it. However, I developed an ankle injury after beginning my training on a small scale. It did not deter my happiness in participating through the training and developing my skills for the sport. The increased happiness in me was due to the fear of having a replacement take up my position within the team. I still managed to attend with the pain since I love badminton and the sessions could enable my progress accordingly.  

            My determination to succeed could not be hampered by the injury. At times, I could barely walk or manage to stand through the effects of the ankle’s positioning, but I made sure no one knew about it, even my coach. The happiness and determination to enhance my passion in badminton was to an extreme extent by will and strength throughout. However, I was sad due to the effects my body was going through from the injury (Gifford 14). We were about to participate in the tournament and it was important that I could make the team. I was encouraged by the fact that I could withstand the grueling nature of the training requirements despite the demands. I could manage to participate and show my kills in the sport especially since I knew I was the best at it. Playing badminton helped me channel my pain through the injury into happiness as I could contribute to the team’s effort. Despite this, I feared that the injury could ruin everything for me. If I could not make the team in time, I could have disappointed my parents who believed in my ability. In addition, I could not participate in the tournament.

            The coach noticed the pain and struggles I was undergoing without telling him and he decided to send me home for recovery. I went and saw a doctor before receiving treatment and had to stay at home in order for the healing process to take place. I felt disappointed that I could miss the tournament and not be able to contribute towards the team even after the sacrifices I had ensured due to my passion. One week before commencement of the tournament, I requested the coach to reconsider his stance on my inclusion in the team. Luckily, my ankle healed before the tournament began, and it was possible to take part. I was elated from the experiencing since I could participate fully. We were able to win with the support and jubilation from my family and friends. Due to my passion in badminton, I was happy and relieved since I did not mind the risks after the injury comeback. To this day, I still play and train in badminton, my passion.

Work Cited

Gifford, Clive. Badminton. Mankato, Minnesota: Sea-to-Sea, 2010. Print.

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