Need for Human Resources Management

Need for Human Resources Management



Need for Human Resources Management

Part A

Human resources are at the core of all the operations in any commercial organization owing to their facilitation in the attainment of the set objective regarding customer satisfaction and increase returns (Saiyadain, 2003). For this reason, it is the responsibility of the professionals in the broader managerial team of such a company to assist in the supervision of the labor force. This is because the human resource department in a firm has the main mandate of assisting in these supervision activities as opposed to bearing all the managerial responsibilities.

The fact that all managers in different subsections in the organizational setting bear the responsibility of  supervising the activities of the employees in these departments proves that the organization’s managerial team has similar mandates as those of the administrative tem in the human resource department. In addition, these managers engage in such processes as recruitment and training of employees (Saiyadain, 2003). These actions relate to the proceedings executed by the human resource management. This is an indication that all the managers in a commercial organization have the obligation of managing the human resources in different departments.

In line with this argument, the management at my workplace understands the essence of cooperating in evaluating the performance of the labor force in different subdivisions within the firm. In order to accomplish these goals, all managers in their respective areas of jurisdiction present a detailed report regarding the productivity of their human resources on a weekly basis to the senior administrator in the human resource management docket (Saiyadain, 2003). In my opinion, this supervisory approach has aided in enhancing the productivity of the labor force in all stages of the production process. This is because of the ease in identifying workers with exemplary performance in the execution of their official duties.

Subsequently, the financial and non-financial incentives offered to these employees have aided in creating and maintaining a competitive environment. In addition, the cooperation exhibited by the managerial team has had a positive impact on the labor force with respect to the teamwork spirit. This is in line with the theoretical perspective regarding the essence of ‘leading by example’ in an organization (Saiyadain, 2003). The practicability and validity of this philosophy is evident in all levels of the organizational hierarchy in this business institution. For this reason, I agree with the notion that the managers in different subsections of a commercial institution are responsible for supervising the employees and guiding them towards a passage of enhanced performance.

Part B

Google’s main objective is to organize crucial information about the world in terms of social, cultural, religious, and political aspects and make it accessible to the inhabitants of all geological regions of the world. In order to achieve these goals, the management of this well-established corporation has created a culture that consists of such values as teamwork, determination, and innovativeness (Vise & Malseed, 2005). This corporation engages in different business activities as a way of satisfying the needs of their customers as well as increasing the attained revenue.

 One such activity is the establishment and maintenance of the search infrastructure that enables the clients to access information from different web pages. In addition, some of the human resources have the task of managing platforms such as, Adsense, and Adwords. Moreover, the management of Google Inc. ensures that the created promotion platforms are effective in attracting new users, advertisers, and content owners (Vise & Malseed, 2005). The effective execution of these business activities requires a substantial amount of human resources. Based on the statistics publicized in 2013 about the operations at Google, this company has 47,756 workers located in different offices around the world.

In line with the SWOT analysis conducted in 2013, some of the key strengths of this company include Adsense, which is a well-established advertisement platform that has attracted a wide range of clients and content owners. This has lead to the growth of the company, both operationally and financially. In addition, Google enjoys the benefits of having a large percentage of loyal workers. This is because of the established conducive working environment in different operational and geological subsections of the firm (Vise & Malseed, 2005). This has been helpful in increasing the productivity of these employees and the subsequent increase of a larger market share in different segments. Nonetheless, the element of mobile advertisements is a major weakness in the company’s operational structure. The significant decrease in the firm’s advertisement rates has been a major concern among the benefactors and clients.

Nonetheless, there exists numerous opportunities including The Cloud, which will enhance the computing infrastructure of this firm in order to gain a competitive advantage over opponents such as Amazon and Microsoft. In terms of threats, the valuation aspect may cause major losses if the firm’s management does not formulate and implement practical strategies regarding this issue. The current valuation exceeds the earnings by 29 times, an aspect that may result in a massive decrease in the stock’s price if the company faces major operational challenges (Vise & Malseed, 2005). The changing demographics in the market segments pose a major business challenge on the company. This is because of the evolving needs of the clients in different market segments. In order to deal with this problem, the company has been using its innovative capacity to create new products that will aid in competing effectively with the firms’ opponents.

Part C

Employment legislations refer to the laws that define the rights of the workers and their employers. In my workplace, some of the policies that govern the department’s practices and values include the facet of sexual discrimination and other forms of favoritism. It is against the employment laws to hire or fire an individual based on their gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnic background, or political affiliations. There also exist maternity and parental rights for all employees regardless of their gender or occupational rank (Lockton, 2003). Other benefits included in the employment legislations include the provision of equal pay to workers in the same occupational rank as well as the promotion of their health and general wellbeing.

These employment laws have a major impact on the human resource management in my workplace. For instance, process such as recruitment, hiring, and training of employees occurs in a transparent manner in order to avoid any incidences of racial gender, religious, or age bigotry (Lockton, 2003). In addition, any employee who acts in a manner that equates to sexual harassment or societal discrimination faces severe disciplinary actions as a way of adhering to the legislations governing the practices and principles in different departments. Furthermore, the administrative team in the human resource department follows all the set guidelines regarding payment principles as well as the consideration of the employees’ health and maternity rights.


Lockton, D. (2003). Employment law. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Saiyadain, M. S. (2003). Human resources management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.

Vise, D. A., & Malseed, M. (2005). The Google story. New York: Delacorte Press.

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