Net Neutrality




Net Neutrality

Subject Line: Net neutrality is favorable since it achieves internet parity for both consumers and marketers

1.         Net neutrality holds that all network traffic should be deemed and provided on an equal basis. Simply, internet service providers (ISPs) are required to provide data and related services to consumers on a first come, first served foundation (Nagesh and Kendall para. 6). The respective concept poses certain pros for marketers and consumers. For marketers, net neutrality laws will allow businesses that focus on content marketing to reach and provide consumers with considerably compelling content developed to satisfy individual needs and demands (Marsden 57). For consumers, the respective law will ensure that all content is equally accessed by coercing ISPs to offer data at fair and reasonable prices. However, for marketers, net neutrality laws will limit new marketing concepts, ideas, and may be against free market regulations. Additionally, concerning consumers, net neutrality regulations may decrease the quality of service that ISPs provide to consumers due to the imposition of equal rates on access to internet data (Marsden 78).

2.         From a personal standpoint, I am in favor of net neutrality regulations. Net neutrality has succeeded in leveling the field for both marketers and consumers. For online marketing, the respective regulations have allowed significant content marketing hence influencing significant competition among established and new advertising companies. Consequently, regulations based on net neutrality have enabled equal access to internet data by limiting ISPs from exploiting consumers by offering better services for more pay. Accordingly, consumers are capable of enjoying content that they access on the internet without facing unreasonable restrictions from ISPs. In addition, net neutrality, by focusing on parity, has established the internet as more of a public utility than a service that can be enjoyed entirely by those within the upper echelons of society since all consumers with access are currently capable of gratifying their needs.

Works Cited

Marsden, Christopher T. Net Neutrality: Towards a Co-Regulatory Solution. 2010.

Nagesh, Gautham, and Brent Kendall. “Court Tosses FCC’s ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules Decision Clears Way for New Fees on Web’s Heavy Bandwidth Users.” The Wall Street Journal. Jan. 14, 2014. Web. 5th September 2016.

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