Neuroscience of Social Psychology





Neuroscience of Social Psychology

Social psychology is all about learning how people are influence and are influenced by their physical and social environments, ones social behavior. Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system but according to psychologists, it is just the study of the brain. Psychologists use neuroscience techniques to understand the human behavior. How the brain can affect a persons behavior and intelligence. The use of neuroscience in social psychology is referred to as social neuroscience. The most important part of social neuroscience is to explain the brain mechanisms that advocate for social thoughts and behavior.

Electroencephalography (ERP), is a method used by psychologists, provides information about some social behaviors like knowing ones friends or some people in a group. It also gives information about a person’s attitude and self-regulation (Baumister and Eli 581). Brain imaging methods are also used by tracking differences in the flow of blood as it goes to stimulate brain regions. The methods follow the circulation of the blood so that they know which regions are active for a given task. First imaging method that was established was the positron emission tomography (PET). It follows the brains metabolic activity by a PET scanner (Baumister and Eli 582). Neuroimaging shows how some regions are responsible of giving social information. For example, the medial prefrontal cortex is responsible for a person’s judgment about people. The best example of neuroimaging is the study of oneself. The brain could remember anything about oneself and forget everything else. Even those found with amnesia remembered information about oneself first. Neuroscience has helped psychologists prove that the brain is the root of all actions and behaviors of a person to its social surroundings.

Work cited.

Baumeister, Roy F, and Eli J. Finkel. Advanced Social Psychology: The State of the Science. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Print.

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