Nurse Incivility (Nurse to Nurse)

Nurse Incivility (Nurse to Nurse)



Nurse Incivility (Nurse to Nurse)

Clinical Question

Incivility and harassment in the healthcare environment are daunting aspects that result in embarrassing situations and intimidate the welfare of nurses. Some nurses are comfortable with such extreme behaviors that are outside the sphere of appropriate behavior and are oblivious that of their actions. This conduct influences the organizational environment, and their unconstructive effects increase if left unresolved. Interventions for incivility and intimidating behaviors are necessary at both personal and institutional levels. Incivility has had a massive effect on the nature of the working environment for nurses.

Most of them experience more challenges in administering their duties because of the poor working conditions. Incivility is normally an indicator that the nurses are strained, discontented, and hurried. When all these negative aspects combine, the institution experiences the worst performance among nurses (McNamara, 2012). Incivility lowers self-esteem, destroys relationships, heightens stress, infects the work setting, and has the potential of spiraling into conflict (Guidroz, Burnfield-Geimer, Clark, Schwetschenau, & Jex, 2010). The PICOT question is as follows: Are nurses who experience incivility compared with those who experience civility at risk of depression and lower productivity over their shift duration? The purpose of the paper is to analyze the different forms of nurse incivility, find relevant evidence of the vice, and analyze the search strategies used in the process.

Levels of Evidence

The question asked is an etiological one. This type of question seeks to investigate the genesis or root of a condition or behavior. In this case, the question seeks to discover the origin of nurse incivility. The best type of evidence for such a question is a qualitative study. This is because qualitative studies will capture the emotions of the nurses affected by incivility within the workplace.

Search Strategy

The best evidence discovered to answer the aforementioned question is an article titled “Incivility in nursing: the connection between academia and clinical settings” and authored by Susan Luparell. Numerous other results were presented using the Google Scholar database. The search terms used in this essay include “nurse incivility”, “effects of nurse incivility”, and “solutions to nurse incivility”. The databases used in the Critical Care Nurse Journal library as well as Google Scholar. After conducting the initial search, the decision was made to reduce two search terms: “effects of nurse incivility” and “solutions to nurse incivility” as they were not directly involved with the question. After eliminating these terms, the search was restricted to Google Scholar instead of the ordinary Google search engine. This ensured that all the results found would be peer-reviewed publications such as journals, articles, and periodicals.

The two next most helpful and relevant articles are as follows. The first article is The Nursing Incivility Scale: Development and Validation of an Occupation-Specific Measure by Guidroz Ashley and Jennifer Burnfield-Geimer from the Journal of Nursing Measurement. The second article is Incivility in Nursing: Unsafe nurse, Unsafe Patients by Sharon McNamara from the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses. These two articles were selected for various reasons. One, they both originated from journals and this implies that they are peer-reviewed. Two, they are also highly relevant to the topic of nurse incivility.


            Nursing incivility is one of the leading causes of job-related stress. Many nurses exhibit lower than expected productivity as well as lower job satisfaction because of being subjected to incivility by their colleagues. Addressing the causative factors and finding a solution will improve nurses’ performance drastically.


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Guidroz, A. M., Burnfield-Geimer, J. L., Clark, O., Schwetschenau, H. M., & Jex, S. M. (2010). The nursing incivility scale: development and validation of an occupation-specific measure. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 18, 3, 176-200.

McNamara, S. A. (2012). Incivility in nursing: unsafe nurse, unsafe patients. AORN Journal, 95, 4, 535-40.

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