




Service/ learning Experience/ Location Hours Knowledge Behaviors Reflection
  Met with the director of District population census and enumeration. 3 Used content from the Hillsborough community Atlas (2007) to align the populations with percentage representation on illnesses. Discussion of the demographics of the region and the affected trend of illnesses within the groups. I addition, the prevalent stereotypes were analyzed. The director helped analyze percentage applications to the effect of illnesses and choosing of a suitable project.
Assessed the prevalence of diseases in the county especially on communicable diseases and those that can be prevented by vaccines. 2 Used content from the Windshield Survey- Used resources as listed in table 11.2 Visited the library at the town hall to study on the historical information as well as the NCBI Journals for insight. Achieved a better understanding on the handling of infectious diseases, preventative actions enabled within the county, reported cases, and possible solutions put in place.
Observed the flow of patients within the county at various health centers, marking the racial inferences and assumptions. 6 Observation from the health centers together with information from the age groups, racial backgrounds obtained from Windshield Survey (Pedram et. al., 2013). Local and county health centers provided for the allowed timings in observations, studies on assumptions and developed research Acquired the vital significant data sets on races, illnesses, targeted assumptions, and actual responses on the affected members. In addition, contraception use was also evident.
As part of my research, I studied on the significance of obesity and food addiction among the population in Hillsborough 4 Used content from County Health rankings, Hillsborough Health Data Centre and information from journals and library Discussion of the race-related inferences of obesity and food addiction within the county. Disparities within the lifestyle concerns of the races. Realized that the white population had significant impact in terms of food addiction and obesity, whilst the gender disparity also contributes to the same.


Hillsborough Community Atlas. (2007). Demographics Retrieved September 22nd 2015 from

Pedram, P. et al. (2013, September 4). Food addiction: Its prevalence and significant association with obesity in general population. NCBI 

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