





Question 1

Based on the facts highlighted in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, the effects of this health condition on the medical expenses at an individual and national level are startling. It is evident that the cost of acquiring quality healthcare is higher among people with obesity. The expenses are so high that programs such as Medicare and Medicaid cannot cater for all the medical bills. In terms of the national budget on public health, obesity is liable for an increase in $ 40 billion in 2006 for the annual medical expenses in the United States. This is inclusive of the charges on prescription drugs and other health services. Likewise, between 1987 and 2001, obesity has resulted in an inflation of 27 % on the expenses in the nationalized health subdivision. Similarly, the video indicates that obesity is a significant cause of such chronic illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. It is astonishing to realize that obesity is a preventable health condition, yet it has resulted in substantial effects on the health subsection of the United States.

Question 2

Some of the interventions aimed at reducing the prevalence of obesity in the American society include the introduction of television programs such as the Weight of the Nation and the Biggest Loser. These telecasts are beneficial since they put emphasis on the advantages of conducting a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, they enlighten the general population on some of the practical techniques that can aid in treating obesity from a physical and psychological perspective. Through such initiatives, it is possible to tackle the root causes of this health condition effectively. Nonetheless, there are certain drawbacks associated with such publicized programs. For example, some people struggling with obesity may experience emotional trauma if the tactics highlighted in these television shows are not effective in handling their weight problem. In addition, some people may use unhealthy tactics to lose weight especially in competitions that have financial rewards. Such desperate measures may result in severe health complications or death.

Question 3

In the United States, the number of children suffering from obesity has doubled over the past 30 years. More than 33 % of children between 6 and 11 years in the American community suffer from this disease. For this reason, parents should ensure that their children eat healthy foodstuffs and engage in various physical activities. For example, simple exercises such as taking a stroll with children or playing soccer frequently will improve the fitness of the minor. It is also essential to inspire children to engage in various sporting activities as opposed to spending most of their time watching TV or playing with other technological gadgets. Likewise, parents should prepare healthy meals for their children in terms of quality and quantity. Schools should also integrate sports in the daily academic programs, in addition to providing healthy foodstuffs to the students. Moreover, enlightening them on the need to eat healthily and engage in physical activities on a daily basis will also aid in ending the obesity epidemic among children.

Question 4

Health screeners in the workplace are an efficient approach that will aid in suppressing obesity in the American society. This is because the recognition of the disease is a momentous step in attaining a lasting solution to this health problem. This includes increasing the frequency of engaging in physical activities as well as consuming healthy foodstuffs. Additionally, the obese individuals can get psychological help from the medical consultants in the workplace or other health centers.

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