Organizational Behavior





Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior is very important in the establishment and management of a corporation. It disintegrates various elements forming the organization and thoroughly examines them bringing out the mechanism through which they run. It is also all round in describing the crucial elements of an organization(Orgb 3: Organizational Behavior 34). Analyzing organizational behavior has several benefits it offers those in the management position. They include

  1. It enables the management to understand the forces that are involved in personal decision making of the workers that is important in the working environment (Green).
  2. Allows the managers to learn the different kinds of personality types that exist within the organization enabling them to have a better approach when it comes with dealing and relating to them (Green).
  3. Provides an opportunity for the manager to learn through investigation how employees handle and deal with stress and pressure.
  4. Enable the manager to determine the unmotivational sources, which might be responsible for reduced productivity and effectiveness(Orgb 3: Organizational Behavior 45).

The aforementioned factors are highly important for the management as it allows the evaluation of the workforce thus enabling the organization to understand and relate with its workers. The relevance of this forum is important because the lack of understanding of organizational behavior maybe toxic to the establishment (Orgb 3: Organizational Behavior 22). Another relevance is that it allows leader in the managerial position to learn the process involved in analyzing as well as implementing the principles of organizational behavior. The critical thinking and understanding of the topic is an important tool in the corporate world. This is because the workforce is seen as the driving force of an establishment thus the ability to better this entity is through understanding the dynamics involved thus having an advantaged position in improving the odds.

Works Cited

Green, Dan. “Organizational Behavior Explained in 99 Seconds.” IO SHINOBI, Jul 22, 2013.

Nelson, Debra L, and James C. Quick. Organizational Behavior: Science, the Real World, and You. Mason, OH, USA: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

—. Orgb 3: Organizational Behavior. Mason, Etats-Unis: South-Western, Cengage Learning, 2013. Print.

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