


     Organizations realize the importance of managing their employees well. Many of them have incorporated performance management systems. They have determined, set, and communicated the performance standards to their employees. They provide feedback to make their employees aware of their progress or their need for improvement. Communication is an important process, as it ensures that the employees are aware of what is expected of them. It is important for the management to communicate to the employees about the goals and objectives of the organization.  

     Employee motivation is necessary for improving performance. Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation are both necessary. They can complement each other and add to employee satisfaction (Pyne 2009, 216). Motivation is a necessity for any organization hoping to attain impressive performance and increase employee satisfaction. Some jobs are routine and employees consider them tedious and boring. It is important for the management to assess the kind of jobs that the employees do to determine the kind of motivation they will need. Extrinsic motivation is necessary for routine jobs as it increases the morale of the employees.

     Performance evaluation processes are necessary and employers consider them part of the company’s strategic management. They determine the direction that the managers will take concerning their employees. They are the main determinants in matters concerning workers retention, promotion, and termination. The evaluation process is important for organizations, as it provides direction for training and development. It is imperative for managers to provide both positive and negative feedback. This will ensure that employees correct their mistakes and improve their performance. It is vital for managers to not just point out the need for employee improvement. Building the strategies necessary for improvement is also crucial. This necessitates the need for training and development program. Employees will feel more confident in their abilities if they are in a position to know the exact thing they need to improve or rectify so that they can better their performance.

     Performance evaluation can act as a motivating factor. Employees who receive positive feedback for their performance feel more encouraged to do their work better. Performance evaluation does not just concern the management. Employee participation is important. It is imperative for managers to inform their workers that they will conduct an evaluation ahead of time. This will give employees ample time to prepare and document all their achievements. Such preparations increase the employee confidence in the evaluation process (Pyne 2009, 230). The measures that organizations take to improve the performance of their workers can lead to unwanted consequences. Some employees may feel tense because of the process as they may consider it a disciplinary measure. It is necessary for the management of such companies to change the organizational culture, especially on issues relating to performance evaluations. They should instill a different kind of mindset, which encourages the workers to view any performance management measures as positive and rewarding experiences (Bruce and Fottler 2008, 270).

     Motivation is a requirement for improved employee performance. Motivated employees are more inclined to work harder and improve their performance. Performance evaluation is a necessary procedure in performance management. The way organizations conduct their evaluation can have both positive and negative consequences. It can be positive in the sense that employees receive the recognition they deserve for good performance and the organization provides training opportunities that will lead to improved work performance in future. It can be negative if the employees see it as a punitive measure intended to discipline them.


Fried, Bruce and Myron D. Fottler. Human Resource in Healthcare: Managing for Success. Washington, D.C.: Health Administration Press, 2008

Pynes, Joan. Human Resource Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Strategic Approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009

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