Philosophical Arguments on God

Philosophical Arguments on God

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Philosophical Arguments on God

            The role played by religion to humanity cannot be understated. The functional structures in the society are mainly based on individuals’ reverence to a certain religion. The belief in a god is central to all religions. The character and the perceptions of individuals are geared towards doing what is right in the eyes of the superior being. In that regard, an analysis of who God is and what then is expected of individuals becomes imperative. Stephen Evans presents two philosophical arguments in his book on the concept of the existence of God. The polytheistic concept looks at the existence of God in plurality. Secondly, the writer also bases the argument on the existence of God as the sole Supreme Being. A refined perspective on what is God would draw more from the philosophy on the plurality of Gods. In the perspective, the definition of a God is drawn from abilities to control over forces of nature and human situations.  

            The monotheistic concept refers to God as the center of the universe. Therefore, God has a unique ability to control everything in the world. In that regard, from a monotheistic perspective, God can be called by different names. Monotheistic deities see God in the form of a human being. In Christianity and Islam, it is said that God made man in his own image. Therefore, the abilities of God are seen from the perspective of a man who with superior strengths. The God is conscious and has human traits such as intellect.

            One of the monotheist definitions of God is all-knowing. In the perspective, God is seen as an omniscient being. God understands all the happening in the life of humans to an extent of even seeing the future. In that regard, individuals pray for wisdom from God. It is believed that God can improve the understanding of man on the perspectives on life. In the Bible and the Quran, there is a story of a King called Solomon. God blessed him with wisdom and he was able to steer his country to great heights.

            The monotheist God is also referred to as the provider. It is believed that all wealth on earth belongs to Him and He is able to give it to whomever he wishes. In that regard, individuals pray for a favor from God. In many societies, wealth is seen as a blessing from God. People live their lives on earth trying to create wealth. Therefore, they seek the guidance of the Supreme Being who is the giver and taker of all things. However, most religions emphasize the importance of working hard. Individuals do not idle around and pray for wealth.

            In theism, God is also referred to as omnipresent. He possesses a unique ability to be everywhere at the same time. In that regard, He is able to look into the activities of individuals at all times. The attributes prevent individuals from perpetrating acts that are against the wishes of God. There are guidelines of how individuals should live their lives and religious people are expected to oblige. For instance, Christians are supposed to adhere to the Ten Commandments at all times. Failure to do so can attract the wrath of God.

            Additionally, in monotheism, God is seen to have the ability to punish individuals for crimes committed. People live their lives with the fear of retribution for any actions committed against the wishes of God. The Holy books are filled with stories of individuals who went contrary to the wishes of the Supreme Being. God visited punishments and curses upon them and their descendants swiftly. However, God is also seen to be merciful. He has the ability to forgive individuals who have committed grave mistake if they own up for the mistakes and repent. Therefore, the character of God in punishing and forgiving individuals is contradicting at times.

            In the contrasting philosophy of polytheism, there is a belief in the existence of many supreme beings. One God created the world, others exist, but they do not have the powers to alter the original creation. However, all have unique abilities to alter the elements of nature and the lives of human beings. Therefore, individuals who believe in polytheism think of a certain God when facing different situations. All Gods are believed to possess equal abilities and they are always in competition with each other.

            Polytheistic Gods are seen to possess’ abilities that affect specific aspects of the lives of individuals. For instance, Venus is seen as the God of fertility. She takes the form of females and it believed that she is able to bless the womb of a woman to enable to conceive. Therefore, women who believe in polytheism pray to her for help when they are unable to reproduce. There are also other Gods concerned with different aspects of life such as health and death.

            One of the crucial features of polytheistic Gods is their ability to control elements of nature. For instance, there are all elements of weather are manned by a different God. In particular, during drought spells people pray to the God in charge or rainfall to visit favor upon their lands. In extreme windy situations, people pray for forgiveness from the God in charge of the element of wind. It is assumed that the situation in their land is a reproach for an act committed against the God.

            Polytheists do not have an omniscient God. No God is able to predict the actions of another God. Therefore, one cannot claim to predict the future. All occurrences are spontaneous reactions by the Gods to certain action by individuals and the society in general. On the other hand, in monotheism, some individuals receive revelations from the Supreme Being on future occurrences. The omniscient God chooses individuals who are perfect in his eyes to warn others of an impending calamity. In some situations, God is able to reverse a calamity if people revert from their transgressions against Him.

            The polytheistic Gods are not seen to possess the ability of mercy. They operate by instant punishment to individuals who go against their wishes. The Gods have no way or warning individual of an impending calamity. It is always up to individuals to think of the wrongs committed and repent to avert the disasters. Additionally, punishment for an individual is visited on his or her entire community. The monotheist God is able to spare individuals who are obedient to His laws and commands.

            The monotheist God visits miracles on individuals. In such acts, compassion and mercy are displayed to His subjects. On the other hand, polytheists Gods do not show acts of mercy to their subjects. The presence of polytheist Gods is only seen in times of calamity and struggle when people are praying for them to relieve the pain. In that regard, the Gods are not seen as an integral part of the life of individuals. Perhaps, because of their existence in plural form, it is difficult for individuals to keep up with all of the Gods. Individuals are not able to measure up to the demands of all of the Gods.

            The perspective of individuals on God is based on the socialization by the society. Most individuals follow the God or Gods taught to them by their parents. Therefore, the polytheist or monotheist perspective of individuals is acquired. The position of Evans on the two philosophies has refined my point of view on God. I now understand that the definition of God is based on the circumstance or situation of individuals. In times of scarcity, God is the provider and individuals look up to him in the faith that He is going to meet their needs. In times of illness, God is a healer and he takes up the role of a Doctor. However, the supreme nature of God and the Gods makes it difficult to put together a perfect understanding of Him or them. Philosophical perspectives help in putting biases aside in the formation of informed opinions.

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