





Yuri Kochiyama

Question 1

The relationship between the photograph and death lies in the portrayal of the dead man and the traumatizing effect seen on the people next to his corpse. The figure in the photograph is Malcolm X and this adds impetus to the claim that death became memorialized. The distraught image of the female representative shows the significance of the dead man’s life in their cause, hence the dismay in his corpse and death.

Question 2

Barthe’s notion of punctum is the discrete power that lies in the photography, as it is able to wound, emotionally hurt or wound the viewer. The dead man as denoted by the details of the photo is Malcolm X. His death causes emotional outpour and hurt to the viewer. It affects the viewer since his importance is shown by the people next to him signifying his cause.

Question 3

The photo is part of the iconography of suffering, which points out at images of humans in suffering caused by either natural disasters or human beings. It is worthy of representation as his death causes grieving and intention to move the viewer as a product of human suffering. The viewer commiserates with the pain in suffering of the affected parties and those in the photograph with the corpse.

Question 4

A photograph becomes part of a political domain if the involved victim proposed or opposed any political stances of the country at any given time. It also can be used for political statements if the involved are against iconography contained in it. In addition, the political power of the photograph can be attributed to the message it depicts against such forms as governance structures, struggles of the people, and policies of the country and development agendas.  

Abu Ghraid

Question 1

The relationship of the photo with death is contained in the depiction of the human hanging himself and dressed in the strange attire. According to the statement, that death becomes memorialized and real, capabilities of seeing corpses and being traumatized by them is evident. The photograph represents an evil representation as it is traumatizing and contains dark affinity. The photograph has a horrific dimension to it due to the cause of death.

Question 2

According to Barthe’s notion of Punctum, the power of photography to wound or emotionally hurt the viewer lies in the message depicted. The character in the image is seen to take his life willfully or suggests committing suicide while dressed in horrific attire. Punctum can be experienced by the viewer as either being evil or suggestive of the negative information contained in it. It portrays a dark or negative significance.   

Question 3

The iconography of suffering is evident in the photograph as the image is seen to be in a struggle. The depiction of death can be seen as a painful process while the choice of attire adds to the cause of wrath or human intention. The iconography is intended to scare of the viewer or show suffering. The viewer might commiserate with the pain of the sufferer due to the nature of the process shown.

Question 4

The photograph can become part of the political domain if it is used to show level of suffering because of political will or political decree.

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