Political Journal





Political Journal

Global Post. The U.S. Is Charging More Immigrants With Criminal Offenses. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/americas/united-states/140413/US-undocumented-immigrants-deportations-study. April 17, 2014.

Allison Jackson discussed the pertinent issue of immigration within the United States. Over the years, the United States government has spent massive amounts of its budget in ensuring that immigrants are deported back to their countries. While this approach has been effective, the state has resorted to convicting immigrants for an increasing number of violations with the intention of discouraging their exodus into the U.S. Most of the convicted immigrants were charged with minor violations ranging from traffic violations and drunk driving. A large percentage of the deportees were male Mexicans of whom only 59% had previous criminal records. Surprisingly, drug convictions comprised only 1% of the total arrests. These records of convictions are quite surprising given that the United States is considered a liberal country that accepts people from all lifestyles. This immigration issue is highly important to political science since the relationship between Mexico and the United States will be affected by the new security policy. The policy will definitely offer new areas for research among political science students that are interested in international economic issues. The article also provides material for research into policy implementation and consequences.

New York Times. Obama Signs Bill That Bars Iran’s Envoy.http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/19/world/middleeast/obama-signs-bill-that-bars-irans-envoy.html?ref=internationalrelations&_r=0. April 18, 2014.

The article discussed the assent by the U.S. president, Obama to a law that barred anyone who was linked to terrorism and espionage from entering the United States using the United States as a conduit. The bill was triggered by the action of Iran that sought to name Mr. Aboutalebi as its U.N. ambassador. The main issue originated from the fact that the newly appointed Iranian ambassador was implicated in several terrorist activities involving American hostages. To that extent, President Obama stated that he had the privileged of acknowledging the individual to be appointed as an ambassador. The policy has drastic political consequences for the relationship between the United States and Iran as well as the larger Western world and the Middle East. This is useful for political scientists since it offers the opportunity to understand the interpretation of the American constitution. It will also offer insight into the techniques of negotiation among international political officials. Lastly, the article is important for political scientists since it offers a real life scenario of power struggles and diplomacy.

World Affairs. Kremlin ‘Reforms’ Usurp Local Elections, Self-Government.http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/blog/vladimir-kara-murza/kremlin-reforms-usurp-local-elections-self-government. April 17 2014

The article discussed the conducting of elections within Russia as well as the involvement of the Kremlin in the usurping episode. The presence of federalism has been vehemently opposed by the government that made several measures to discourage liberal notions within the state. One of the measures included passing a bill that restricted the expression of democratic elections throughout the wards and districts in all 67 cities. The bill was designed by the state to ensure that all the elections were closely monitored and that power remained in a central location. Analysts proposed that the new directive was an attempt to remedy the Ukrainian revolution that was backed by secessionist notions. The style of leadership exhibited by the Kremlin in Russia can provide a good learning ground for political science students who can study the power circles and consequences of non-democratic tendencies on the citizens. From the article, politics students can also understand the significance of elections and free will. The article also offers a unique scrutiny into Russia’s political history that can reveal important answers for a political science student.

AU News. Syria calls presidential elections for June 3. https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/world/a/22817285/syria-calls-presidential-elections-for-june-3/. April 21, 2014.

The Syrian presidential elections were the main agenda in the article with the incumbent Bashar al-Assad seeking to resume office. The elections were held amid massive violence throughout the country that was triggered by a resistance between different political groups. However, the common demand among all the protestors was the introduction of democratic reforms that will eventually see them enjoy more liberties. The elections were historical since they were the first democratic selection process after the referendum system was abolished. The election rules also demanded that only Syrians with legitimate citizenship would be allowed to vote. This article is useful for political science classes dealing with the transition into democracy including challenges and extent of success. The article can also serve as a suitable case study into excessive government presence as well as other autocratic arrangements within Russia. Studying the background of the article’s main topic will furnish political scientists with the necessary wherewithal concerning Syrian internal politics.

Charlotte Observer. Troubled History Fuels Japan-China Tension. http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2014/04/21/4854951/troubled-history-fuel-japan-china.html#.U1VVblWSxMg. April 21, 2014

            Christopher Bodeen discusses the symbiotic relationship between Japan and China that has resulted in massacres, industrial development, and cultural exchange. The article covered the historical conflicts that the two countries instigated against each other for over a century. The text also followed the decisions of individual leaders that have had a major impact on the alignment of the two states. Japan was portrayed as a country that was inclined to engage in war over economic and territorial issues. In contrast, China was more interested in peaceful relations that would promote their vast industrial foundation. This article offers appropriate material for political since students interested in understanding the type of relationship between China and Japan. Political science deals with politico-economic issues that affect individuals, states, and regions. Therefore, this article will be highly relevant to the lectures dealing with relations in the larger Asia.

Works Cited:

AU News. Syria calls presidential elections for June 3. AU News. 21 April 2014. Web. 21 April 2014. <https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/world/a/22817285/syria-calls-presidential-elections-for-june-3/>

Bodeen, Christopher & Yamaguchi, Mari. Troubled history fuels Japan-China tension. Charlotte Observer. 21 April 2014. Web. 21 April 2014. <http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2014/04/21/4854951/troubled-history-fuel-japan-china.html#.U1VVblWSxMg>

Jackson, Allison. The US is charging more immigrants with criminal offenses. Global Post. 17 April 2014. Web. 21 April 2014. <http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/americas/united-states/140413/US-undocumented-immigrants-deportations-study>

Kara-Murza, Vladimir.Kremlin ‘Reforms’ Usurp Local Elections, Self-Government. World Affairs Journal. 17 April 2014. Web. 21 April 2014. <http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/blog/vladimir-kara-murza/kremlin-reforms-usurp-local-elections-self-government>

Lyons, Patrick J. Obama Signs Bill That Bars Iran’s Envoy. New York Times. 18 April 2014. Web. 21 April 2014. <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/19/world/middleeast/obama-signs-bill-that-bars-irans-envoy.html?ref=internationalrelations&_r=0>

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