Problem Statement: The need for Open Communication between Management and Employees

Problem Statement: The need for Open Communication between Management and Employees



Problem Statement: The need for Open Communication between Management and Employees

Alternative Solutions to the Problems

By definition, communication is the flow of shared information from one point to the other between the sender and the receiver. The need for open communication between employees and managers is vital in any organization. However, numerous organizations experience hard times in terms of communication, hence, making it difficult for them to achieve their respective goals. This results in the need for solutions to the problems. Therefore, it is vital for every organization to find alternative solutions to communication problems between employees and management, to understand their plausibility, the intended and unintended consequences and finally advance to the best resolution.

Most organizations resolve to identifying solutions to the problems affecting them. Usually, the solution bases on the conclusions and the findings. Logically, the findings provide most of the details that the solution should address and the conclusions indicate how implementation of the results would change the findings (Vandenbosch, 2003). For instance, one of the findings made is that employees may fail to understand the main goals of the organization and they often live with a constant feeling of anxiety and uncertainness. Interpersonal barriers keep both the employees and managers from reaching out to each other not only to hear others but also for their opinions heard. In order to solve this problem, both parties have to be educated on the importance of communiqué and increase the channels of communication. Moreover, solving perpetual barriers entails giving assurance to the other party that their point interests the organization. This encourages and motivates the employees to air out their views on various subjects. On numerous occasions, emotional barriers are tough to surmount. However, every solution has to have a solution. In this case, creating an environment where every employee has full confidence in them is the best solution. This entails educating them on ways to achieve this such as dressing sharply, complimenting other people and speaking up. When implemented, an organization is bound to enjoy open communication between the staff and the investors.

            Creating solutions to problems not only requires fitting into the logic diagram but also be feasible for the client in question (Atwater & Waldman, 2008). However, creating a logic diagram is vital in illustrating the structure and path of the solution from the findings, conclusions and finally the solution.

Table 1

Findings                                                Conclusions                                       Solutions

There is minimal communication between the staff and supervisors  

            Furthermore, it is important to understand the plausibility of the solutions presented. In the case of the listed solutions, they are all credible in the sense that organizations are able to apply them. For instance, educating the employees on the need to open up and speak about any issues that are work related is credible. Most organizations can afford to educate their employees with ease. Boosting the staff morale is not a hard task for organizations willing to gain profits at an expense (Daft & Lane, 2005). Hence, the managers can form good interpersonal relationships with their employees and this will facilitate open communication.

            In every action taken, there is always an intention behind it. As expected implementing the solutions results in both intended and unintended consequences. The main goal of executing these solutions is to boost the staff morale, to increase  their interpersonal relationship with managers and to clear any form of barriers affecting their communication. Conclusively, the intended consequence is to increase open communication between staff and their supervisors. However, the solutions also results in unintended outcomes such as the workforce denial to attend the educational sessions. Therefore, the best solution to these problems is to create an environment where both parties are able to communicate with ease


Functionality of any organization is dependent on both the workforce and the management. These two parties are reliable for the success of any company and in order for them to synchronize their efforts into attaining a common goal; they have to embrace open communication. Reflecting on the researching process, it is evident that cultivating good communication relationship is vital in triggering high levels of performance. This researching style is important in the sense that it illustrates the complete path of flow from the problem to the probable solutions. It provides a chance for offering details of every aspect including the problems incurred, the intended audience for the research and creating a hypothesis for the importance of open communication.  

Additionally, the research process enhances one’s coherence and logic in writing. The specified steps to follow propagate the ideas that one has in mind and facilitates more research into the subject matter. The ideas become more coherent since the steps employed in this researching process gives a one to one relationship between one idea and the next. The closeness of one point to the other thereby, creates a continuous flow of ideas that make the report easy to understand. In any organization, there must be effective communication between the employees and supervisors regardless of their interpersonal relationships. An employee’s attitude towards the manager is more vital than their attitude towards the entire organization, thus, making communication the backbone to every organization’s success.


Atwater, L. E., & Waldman, D. A. (2008). Leadership, feedback, and the open communication gap. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Daft, R. L., & Lane, P. G. (2005). The leadership experience. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western.

Vandenbosch, B. (2003). Designing solutions for your business problems: A structured process for managers and consultants. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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