Product Recall Situation





Product Recall Situation

Product recall refers to a request made by a commercial organization to the manufacturer of a product to return a portion or the entire consignment because of safety concerns or certain defects in its physical or operational aspects. The main function of such actions is to safeguard the interests of the customers, in addition to avoiding cases of negligence by the company in question. This theoretical perspective is the basis for the product recall in Nokia India in 2007. Due to the complexities associated with such organizational issues, this company used the guidelines offered by its operations management, as well as other personnel in its numerous departments. Some of the duties executed by the operations manager in collaboration with other experts include the development of a comprehensive operation strategy with the main intent of aligning the decision-making processes with the short and long-term goals formulated to govern the proceedings within the company.

Additionally, as an operations manager, it is essential to utilize the available resources and expertise from other professionals in order to plan and control proceedings within various departments of the company in an effective manner. For example, in the case of a product recall, it is crucial to use similar tactics to those embraced by Dhariwal. Nonetheless, execution of these official mandates is only possible by collaborating with other stakeholders in the company. For example, working closely with human resources in the sales department will ensure that no products intended for a recall to the manufacturer reach the market. Subsequently, such a company will retain its customers trust and the entailed market share. Enhancement of this aspect also requires the operations manager to collaborate with other professionals such as the distributions manager and the product supervisor.

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