Protecting the Environment





Protecting the Environment

Protecting the environment is an act of conserving the surroundings, so that humans gain from the natural resources that it produces. This act could be practiced by individuals and organizations, through personal and global hygiene. Protecting the environment affects the standards of livelihood and social activities of people such as sports (Gurjar, Luisa & Ojha 109). The main aim of protecting the environment is to maintain good physical health among people. Environmental conservation affects the physical health of individuals through pollution.

Moreover, it has an effect on the social, physical and economic growth of a nation. Therefore, it is imperative to explore questions that explain the importance of protecting the environment. Additionally, it is fundamental to establish the relationship between pollution and environmental protection. This information allows individuals to ask themselves the following question. How is protecting the environment from pollution relevant to the social and economic growth of a nation?

            In exploring the topic, the main source used was a book by June Johnson (2014) on Global Issues, Local Arguments, published by Longman. The book was preferred as opposed to others because it outlines important arguments, based on the impact of pollution. Additionally, it gives concise explanations on the need to explore the topic of environment protection. Extensive exploration by Harrison shows that environmental pollution is a global issue (278). This is because the effects of pollution have an impact on the environment and everyone.

            The book has pertinent information about the main factors that hinder environmental protection. The main factors highlighted include air, land and water pollution. Air pollution is the contamination of the atmosphere, through exhaust gases from industries. Research by Maczulac and Anne defines exhaust gases as any unwanted gas particles that affect the content of oxygen in the air (56). In addition, the book explains the effects of pollution, for example, poor sanitation that undermines the physical health of people. The book also outlines the strategies that have been used to protect the environment, and the alternative measures that could be used to enhance conservation. Currently, most industries are developing new methods of emitting gases and other waste material so that the environment is not polluted. An effective method that is used by most industries today is the construction of efficient drainage systems.

            This information is crucial because it educates people and organizations on the benefits of maintaining a clean environment. According to Hollar, a clean environment facilitates the growth of crops, which steer the growth of the economy (26). Furthermore, it relates the problem of environmental pollution to the economic and social growth of a country, through mapping its impact to developments in a nation. Land pollution has obstructed the improvement of infrastructure. The existence of many non-registered compost pits and dumping sites has led to the wastage of land. As a result, land for the construction of industries has reduced.

            The book has helped individuals to understand the significance of protecting the environment. Moreover, it has provided individuals with steps that they could take in order to conserve the environment around them. According to Rechtschaffen, Denise and Joseph, a major step that should be taken by the government is the introduction of litterbins in designated areas (167). This will provide people with specific places in which they are supposed to dispose litter. Moreover, it will create a neat and systematic manner in which litter is collected and disposed. A clean environment will increase the social interactions between people of different states.

The information gathered from the book has helped to understand how small acts like littering have a huge impact on the environment. According to Johnson, most people litter because of ignorance (262). Many individuals in today’s society are ignorant of signs that warn against littering. Public littering causes poor environmental sanitation standards. Readers of the book should change their perspectives on the environment, and practice activities that do not promote pollution. Learning about the importance of protecting the environment leads to the introduction of new ways of environmental conservation.

            In conclusion, protecting the environment from pollution is crucial. Pollution is mainly caused by industrial activities and individual negligence. The gases emitted from Textile Industries, and people who dispose off litter in compost pits are mainly involved in the environmental pollution. Some of the proposed solutions include the creation of centralized pits for disposing off garbage, and new channels that should be used by industries to emit exhaust gases that pollute the air. Although all these measures are taken, questions could be raised as to why the problem is still persistent. To answer this question conclusively, it is essential to visit places that have been affected by pollution, to observe the main causes. Other than writing an exploratory essay, interviews of residents living in the affected environments should be conducted. This will assist by providing first-hand information about the problem of pollution. Furthermore, it will provide people with the most effective way of tackling the problem, in order to protect the environment better.

Works Cited

Gurjar, B R, Luisa T. Molina, and C S. P. Ojha. Air Pollution: Health and Environmental Impacts. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2010. Print.

Harrison, Roy M. An Introduction to Pollution Science. Cambridge: RSC Pub, 2006. Print.

Hollar, Sherman. Protecting the Environment. New York: Britannica Educational Pub. in association with Rosen Educational Services, 2012. Print.

Johnson, June C. Global Issues, Local Arguments. New York: Longman, 2014. Print.

Maczulak, Anne E. Pollution: Treating Environmental Toxins. New York: Facts on File, 2010. Print.

Rechtschaffen, Clifford, Denise Antolini, and Joseph L. Sax. Creative Common Law Strategies for Protecting the Environment. Washington, D.C: Environmental Law Institute, 2007. Print.

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