Reading Response: Why Two States Have Poured Money into Public Higher Education by Jon Marcus





Reading Response: Why Two States Have Poured Money into Public Higher Education by Jon Marcus

The article, Why Two States Have Poured Money into Public Higher Education, by Jon Marcus illustrates the recent efforts made by certain state governments in financing higher education within their universities. Specifically, the states of North Dakota and Alaska have boosted their expenditures on higher education by using up to 61 and 20 percent respectively (Marcus 6). In comparison to other states, the recent endeavors implemented by these particular governments have seemingly surpassed the actions of their peers. Accordingly, the article indicates that most states, since 2008, have actually decreased the share of statewide expenditure they normally implement in the field of higher education.

The article’s main argument is based on the factors that facilitate the states of North Dakota and Alaska in relation to significant dedication towards the financing of higher education. Accordingly, the periodical argues that certain factors have actually assumed an imperative role in allowing the mentioned states to allocate considerable percentages of their expenditure towards state-based colleges and universities. From 2008, the states in question have consistently increased the expenses involved mainly in funding these institutions of higher education (Marcus 6). This has been attributed to facilitative aspects such as the production of oil and gas, utilization of the mentioned resources’ revenues, and renewed government goals and objectives.

Despite the broad nature of the respective article, there are certain key points that have been placed in emphasis. Foremost, the use of example states such as Arizona, Louisiana, and North Carolina have been applied in order to illustrate the contrasting efforts implemented in improving higher education within the states in question (Marcus 5). The article notes that the respective states have been considerably uninvolved in financing the field of higher education despite the positive effects illustrated in North Dakota and Alaska due to their involvement in financing. Another key point emphasized within the article concerns the advantages of investing in higher education. Indeed, careers especially within the energy sector in the state of North Dakota comprise significant payoffs amounting to $60000 in annual salaries for students with high school diplomas only (Marcus 13).

In analysis, the article mainly addresses the individuals in charge of higher education within different American states. Based on its content, the article utilizes logical persuasion in order to coax state governments into funding institutions of higher learning. By using the efforts of North Dakota and Alaska, the article, through logos appeal, illustrates the real-time positive effects that can actually originate from increased financing of higher education institutions. In addition, illustrations such as the financing efforts made in China and India based on higher education also depict the extent to which the article, by use of rhetorical appeals, plans to influence its audience in considering the actual benefits that can be derived from spending considerably within the field of higher education (Marcus 30).

Based on the audience as the subject of appeal, it is possible to assert that the article has managed to deliver a well-researched argument regarding the state of higher education funding in American states. The tone used throughout the article, while used in a formal manner, is evidenced as simple and respectful of the audience focused on by the periodical. Additionally, the utilization of figures such as those showing the levels of higher education funding in different states has also assisted the article in maintaining an unbiased stance and thus, ensuring the delivery of a rational argument. To this end, the article has managed to use the appeal of logos in order to illustrate the waning condition of higher education funding in America and the positive impacts that such an action will impose if adopted as exemplified by a few states.

Work Cited

Marcus, Jon. “Why Two States Have Poured Money into Public Higher Education.” The Hechinger Report. 24 Nov. 2014. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.

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