Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection





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Recruitment and Selection

Job Description Form

General Information
Employee’s Name:
Proposed Title:    
Supervisor’s Name:    
Supervisor’s Phone No. & Email:    
Major Functions
Percent of Time Major Functions
80% Driving hotel patrons in the mini-bus around the Lakeside Country House Hotel for tours, golf games and other sightseeing needs
5% Delivering the vehicle for regular maintenance, checkups and repair
2% Delivering vehicle for safety inspection, interior and upholstery maintenance
13% Providing valuable information to the hotel patrons upon request, Inquiries generally concern the operation of the hotel as well as other activities such as hotel schedules and expenses.
Scope and Impact
What scope or organizational breadth does the position have?  
What is the impact of the position on the customers at the Lakeside Country House Hotel?
Knowledge, Abilities and Skills
Knowledge required for the position of mini-bus driver Professional KnowledgeExternal KnowledgeDepartmental Knowledge
Check the level of knowledge required. Limited – has a basic grasp of the intricacies of the field Intermediate – has a wide awareness of all concepts of the field. Advanced – has recognized experience and expertise in the field.

Person Specification Form

Post Title: Supervisor:
Knowledge & Qualifications
Educational Qualifications    
Vocational Qualifications    
Professional Qualifications    
Work Experience
Past to Present  
Skills and Competencies
Driving Competencies:    
Physical, Mental and Emotional Demands

Several selection methods have been developed and applied over the years with varying results. Interviews are one of the appropriate and efficient methods that can be used in making selections in the Lakeside Country House Hotel recruitment process. A structured interview should be developed that includes customized categories that specifically address the driving competencies, experience and skill in handling hotel patrons. The panel selected to conduct the interview should consist of experienced and skilled hotel and hospitality professionals. Selection of the best candidate will depend on the individual with the highest scores. However, this method of selection has several flaws. One, the members of the interview panel can be biased towards a certain gender or skill set. The panel is also restricted to the agreed questions even though inquisitive lines of inquiry might be available. Lastly, face-to-face interviews can be time consuming if the number of applicants is high.

Ability and aptitude tests are another method of electing the best candidate for the mini-bus driver position. Driving is a very critical task and finding a driver that can actually handle vehicles round the hotel is a big advantage. Aptitude tests involve several tests such as verbal and spatial ability, mechanics, sensory abilities as well as general knowledge (Torrington et al. 2004, 187). This type of test is purely technical as the main target is to realize the most suited individual for the job of driving the 15-seater mini-bus. This method has a major strength in that it predicts the possibility of a candidate actually becoming successful in their work. This method of selection is also highly accurate when compared to interviews where applicants can effectively hide their flaws. However, this method has several flaws. One, it is quite expensive and time consuming to implement. The tests also need to be constantly updated to produce the best results. Lastly, this method raises the level of tension among the applicants and this might interfere with the results of the selection. However, it should be noted that there is no single effective method of selecting applicants for recruitment (Taylor, S. 2008, 78). A combination of these two methods produces the best results as they both reinforce the weaknesses and augment the strengths.


Taylor, S 2008, People Resourcing, London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Torrington, D Laura H and Stephen T 2004, Human Resource Management. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall.

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