Religion Paraphrase





Religion Paraphrase

1.         The relationship between conservative evangelical Christianity and environmental issues is ironically based on the lack of disregard for problems related to the natural environment by the latter. Accordingly, Christians inclined towards conservative evangelism never saw the significance of the environment. As such, they did not accord any significant attention towards such issues. Aside from this, conservative evangelical Christians associated concerns associated with the environment and conservation of natural resources to notions conveyed by hippies and tree-huggers. Such Christians are convinced that the things that happen are allowed by God. Because of this, no person should attempt to modify God’s creation. In this respect, the subject of global warming has initiated significant controversy among evangelical Christians. Particularly, with the lack of scientific proof to acknowledge people as the main cause of climate change, evangelical Christians were convinced that global warming constituted God’s will. Nonetheless, the ability of science to justify its initial position affected the respective individuals thus influencing them to be more conscious about the environment.

2.         Rabbi Schorsch’s assertions concerning the relationship between Judaism and environmental issues mostly focus on the role that human beings, particularly Jews, assume in respect to the protection and conservation of the natural environment. To be more specific, Rabbi Schorsch believes that people do not comprise overlords in relation to the natural environment. Instead, they are predisposed to stewardship based on the aforementioned responsibilities. Simply, as human beings, we are tasked with the role of taking care of God’s creation. Our job is to guarantee the health and safety of the creation that God has provided for us as tenants of the world. As such, it is our duty to overcome all obstacles, ensure that a proper life is accorded to all creation, including us, and ultimately avoid wasting.

3.         Religion assumed a significant role in the colonization of the Americas by Europeans than initially thought. Even though the Europeans exhibited cruelty when scrambling for the terrains of the inhabiting natives, their actions were based on the belief that God had provided them with the right to engage in such merciless actions in accordance with His Word. Interestingly, the colonization of the native lands was marked by a shift from opposition of the new religion towards the slow acceptance and development of a fused religion. For instance, the colonialists were convinced that aspects such as property and land titles automatically came with proprietorship or ownership of property. However, the natives did not share this particular sentiment hence causing considerable conflicts because of the colonialists’ coercive ownership of their respective territories. Even though numerous disparities existed between the tribes’ various convictions and traditions, each of them engaged in narration, singing, and dancing to their own beliefs. Furthermore, their narrations focused on common religious subjects such as life and death.

4.         In respect to the emphasis of the relationship between humans and the environment as asserted by Native American religious traditions, it is impossible to avoid the significant disparities that exist between Elder Shenandoah’s assertions on the subject. Accordingly, the relationship between religion and nature contrasts with the views asserted by evangelical Christians. For the Elder, the Earth is a holy place and as such, human beings should accord respect. Furthermore, Elder Shenandoah saw human beings as constituents of the earth in a sentimental manner in contrast to other religions, especially evangelical Christianity. Conclusively, for the elder, the earth must be treated as if it were every person’s mother.  

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