


Religious Studies

Evangelism as suggested in the text involves engaging and working with people who may be regarded as “unclean”. It I important to take into consideration of the specific reference of the term “get our hands dirty” involve engaging with people who may be regarded as unclean and in need of divine intervention[1]. On the other hand, it is impractical and inappropriate to claim that worshiping and engaging with people who may be regarded as unclean. It is important that people involved in evangelism emulate the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who was constantly in the presence of sinners.

I personally think that were it not for the some evangelists who were willing to “get dirty”; I would not have been converted and provided with a second chance to experience life in Christ. It is imperative to note that evangelism would not exist without interactions with sinners as it is solely geared towards conversion of the non-believers into believers and providing them with an opportunity to experience life in Christ. Evangelism is focused on spreading the gospel to those who lack knowledge and understanding of the teachings of Christ.

I have come to understand that evangelism includes becoming vulnerable to personal attacks, unwelcome criticism, snide remarks and insults, which are necessary if one is to achieve success in providing others with the opportunity to achieve salvation and more so renew their relationship with Christ. Christ endured humiliation, suffered under the roman rulers, and was crucified died and buried but rose and ascended to heaven with the aim of providing humanity the necessary path to salvation. Thus, as evangelists and ministers of the gospel it is imperative that we focus on the primary objectives and goals of bringing the sinners into communion with Christ. Delivering the gospel an engaging with sinners is the primary means of ensuring that those who are lost in the ways of the world learn about Christ and his ability to atone any sin or transgression.

Conversion is central to evangelistic practice as it involves ensuring that new souls are transformed in Christ and in the process saved from their sinful ways. Evangelism is a complex activity and interrelated to physical cultivation given that it is focused on physical attributes. A majority of people introduced into Christianity have emerged as casualties of spiritual conflicts, which arise during witnessing the work of Christ in their lives. it is common knowledge that in evangelistic work, people deal with people who are under the influence of Satan and his followers. As an evangelist, the risks of failure due to the challenges and temptations set in place by the devil are relatively high[2].

As a solider of Christ, I am tasked with securing the entire armament of God that includes truth, righteousness, gospel of pace, salvation and faith given that fighting the enemy is bound to be filled with numerous challenges. Evangelism can be likened to war, as it involves constant conflict with forces of evil and remaining steadfast to God’s will for humanity, which was to use Christ to save humanity from the burden of sin. “getting dirty” is the true essence of evangelistic work, as it involves interacting and nagging people who are yet to realize salvation from Christ. Through such engagements one is able to intervene and educate the sinner on the wonders of Christ and his ability to eliminate sin from one’s life if an individual accepts the word of Christ as living proof of God’s love for humanity. Furthermore, as notyed in the text it is imperative to ensure that our actions are accompanied by the word of God to ensure that we eliminate possible incidences of failure and succumbing to the evil works of the evil who is keen on derailing evangelistic work.


Fay, William. 1999. Share Jesus Without Fear. Nashville TN: B&H Publishing.

McRaney, Will. 2003. The Art of Personal Evangelism. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing.

McRaney, Will. 2003. The art of personal evangelism: Sharing Jesus in a changing culture. Nashville, Tenn: Broadman & Holman.

[1] William Fay.. Share Jesus Without Fear (Nashville TN: B&H Publishing, 1999) p. 28.

[2] Will McRaney, The art of personal evangelism: Sharing Jesus in a changing culture (Nashville, Tenn: Broadman & Holma, 2003) p.63.

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