Response Paper 4





Response Paper 4

I found the reading to be quite insightful, as it discussed rarely examined concept of the social nature of buildings. The thing that struck me most concerned how buildings reflect the social nature of the society. I did not used to think of buildings in matters of their social nature, such as how they represent different social classes and castes in the society. Rather, I focused on their architectural design and the material used to make them. I thought of building locations in terms of their strategic position, either near a market or source of raw materials, but I did not focus on what they meant to the society. I have come to understand the importance of buildings in narrating different historical aspects. The focus on the hospital asylum was especially important, as it revealed information on how buildings can describe the culture of the people. By determining the design of the hospital, which separated those who were insane from the rest of the society, the people were essentially saying that they have determined the boundaries through which people should live. The insane were no longer part of the society, and they did not represent the people’s culture.

The reading made me look back at historical buildings, such as the castles and other big houses, which encouraged the design of large dining rooms. Based on the insights gained from the readings, it is clear that people at that time liked the idea of entertaining guests in their homes. Dining rooms have become smaller to a large degree, and this reflects a change in society’s perception. I think that it demonstrates an increase in privacy and individualism, and it shows that people prefer different forms of entertainment. Using the perspectives gained from the readings, I am in a better position to compare and contrast old and new architecture, with a focus on the society.

Work Cited:

King, D. Anthony. Buildings and Society. Essays on the Social Development of the Built Environment. London, Routledge, 1980. Print

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