Safety Precaution in Switzerland Hotels

Safety Precaution in Switzerland Hotels

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Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures…………………………………………………………………3





Literature Review…………………………………………………………………………5

Safety Measures against COVID-19………………………………………………………5

Safety Measures on Fire Extinguishers……………………………………………………7

Ineffective Attention on Emergency Exit Points……………………………………………7

Lack of Information among Staff Members………………………………………………..7

Lack of Maps………………………………………………………………………………8


Data Collection……………………………………………………………………………10

Data Analysis………………………………………………………………………………12




List of Tables and Figures

4 million – Number of COVID-19 deaths globally

Safety Precaution in Switzerland Hotels

There is need to assess how hotels in Switzerland uphold safety measures because a review of existing literature reveals evident gaps at a time when more facilities are strengthening how they protect their workers against possible harm. [A1] The paper reveals that whereas some hotels have made significant strides in improving safety at the workstation, some Switzerland-based hotels still lag behind, which subject key stakeholders to considerable risk. The study retrieves data from secondary sources to understand some of the factors that deter some hotels from enacting effective safety measures, especially with regard to enacting protection measures that prevent workers from contracting diseases or suffering the effects of a fire breakout. The study also provides hint on some of the mechanisms that could help to build safety at the workstation. Hence, the paper presents a systematic literature review that helps to show the limitations in some hotels in Switzerland with regard to creating a safe work environment. A thematic data analysis helps to scrutinise the collected data from secondary sources. [A2] The findings affirm that some hotels still experience challenges enacting safety practices, but have an opportunity to learn from those that have made tremendous strides in this area. [A3] 


A workplace free from accidents and injuries attracts both workers and buyers. Staff members are more productive satisfied in such a setting. [A4] A safe workstation is essential for both workers and employees alike. It is the right of all workers to have safety in the workstation (Jonathan & Mbogo, 2016[A5] ). Workplace safety is important regardless of the size of the firm. All corporations, big or small, need to uphold safety at their workstations. Well-executed safety regulations keep workers safe and also safeguard industrial resources (Jonathan & Mbogo, 2016). Team leaders should be at the forefront of improving works safety because the safer the workstation, the more productive it becomes considering that productive workers are an asset to the entire company. Besides, workplace safety encourages the wellness of workers in safe working station. The benefit results in decreased downtime for safety inquiries and minimise costs for employees’ remuneration (Christian et al., 2009[A6] ). Enhanced safety also reduces the time required for workers to heal from disturbing encounters and injuries (Christian et al., 2009). Safety is necessary all sectors as well, including the hotels that operate within the hospitality sector. Finding out how hotels in Switzerland strive to maintain safety measures while pointing out on evident gaps creates the chance for operators in this sector to enhance how they safeguard all stakeholders against potential harm or threat that could occur within the work environment. Moreover, the study encourages hoteliers to conduct a SWOT analysis that would help them identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats when it comes to implementing an effective safety mechanism. Thus, those who operate hotels, big or small, one star or five star, should pay considerable attention to improving safety of their workers, consumers, and other stakeholders who may visit the premises for other reasons. [A7] 


The main aim of the study is to sensitise hoteliers about the importance of implementing safety precautions at the facility. [A8] Hotel leaders and their employees would be in a better position to counter looming threats when they understand their weaknesses and when they know what needs to happen to overcome situations that could distabilise the group or disturb operations. The study aims to show hotel owners that whereas they may be performing well in certain areas, they need to perform a thorough overview of their ability and position to counter weaknesses to be in a position to safeguard all those who relate to the firm in different capacities. The other aim of the study is to show how failure to embrace suitable remedies could affect business operations with one of the adverse effects being losing on consumer flow. The awareness that poor safety measures could scare away employees and buyers will motivate the management to bolster the group’s focus on this area that is equally influential in the way the company operates. [A9] Overall, paying attention to these aims will help transform how hoteliers in Switzerland perceive the issue of safety and trigger the desire to introduce more effective remedies that would avert harm.


The objectives of the study are to;

  • Show the possible limitations in improving safety measures in Switzerland-based hotels
  • Provide insight into ways of enhancing safety mechanisms
  • Reiterating the significance of adhering to regulations on safety at the workplace [A10] 

Literature Review

Safety Measures against COVID-19

The recent COVID-19 pandemic may be one of the most unprecedented and impactful events for companies, policymakers, investors, and many other stakeholders. [A11] Along with the global outbreak of the respiratory illness that has caused more than 4 million deaths, it has also crippled economic activities in key markets and industries, thereby also seriously affecting the stability and performance of the hospitality sector. Aharon et al. (2021) acknowledge that the hospitality industry is one of the service-oriented areas that has suffered immensely as a result of the crisis. Consequently, various scholars have embarked on identifying the safety measures operators in this area have adopted to safeguard staff members and customers against the disease that still pose a major threat, particularly due to the fact that many people are yet to get the recommended vaccine, besides the idea that some have negative perception towards the preventive mechanism with the belief that it could harm them. Aharon et al. (2021) use a dataset to assess the government’s indulgence in the containment of COVID-19 spread and examine the reaction of the hospitality safety measures to various forms of state directives. The study showed that the government interjected by urging operators in the hospitality sector to embrace the wearing of masks, use of sanitisers, maintaining distance, and reducing overcrowding. Consequently, hoteliers adhered to these regulations as the only way being relevant in the sector. Failure to abide by these safety measures could result in serious legal repercussions other than the idea that not many consumers would not associate with eateries that do not enact measures to curb the spread of coronavirus. Thus, many managers were compelled to adopt a change management strategy that would adjust how their firms respond to managing the health crisis.

An example of a firm that has done exemplary well in enacting safety measures against COVID-19 is Swiss-Belhotel International that operates globally but has its headquarters in Hong Kong. [A12] The group announced its plans to enact a new hygiene and health measures to reaffirm buyers of a transformed focus on consumer well-being in the wake of the health crisis (Swiss-Belhotel International, 2022). The firm has introduced ten additional Health and Safety regulations which have been proposed by the senior management and a committee responsible for health and safety to add on existing health and safety measures (Swiss-Belhotel International, 2022). The added commitments will be auxiliary to the group’s already broad Health and Safety internal guidelines based on a framework of tough company regulations. As part of the newly recommended plans of Health and Safety, all subsidiaries of Swiss-Belhotel will execute improved levels of sanitation and utilise disinfectants to curb coronavirus and other bacterial infection in all public areas, encompassing guestrooms, receptions, fitness facilities, lobbies, conference areas, pool stations, bars, and restaurants (Swiss-Belhotel International, 2022). Improved hygiene regulations at the company will also entail back-of-house operations. Some of the recommended measures to enhance health and safety at the international firm include using the Swiss-Belhotel International greeting practice when welcoming visitors and guests instead of handshake, and establishment of disposal points at strategic places to avoid contamination from used masks and tissue paper. Swiss-Belhotel has also equipped washrooms with disinfectants and enough running water in addition to providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to its workers and some visitors (Swiss-Belhotel International, 2022). These measures together with others contribute significantly towards improving safety measures at the organisation.

Safety Measures on Fire Extinguishers

A principal requirement when operating a hotel is to ensure that it is fitted with adequate apparatuses that will help to counter a fire breakout. [A13] The probability of encountering a fire breakout in a hotel is high because a large portion of activities that happen at back-of-house involve use of fire such as cooking (Sierra et al., 2012). Hence, being able to manage fire breakouts is a fundamental consideration when considering improving how the organisation enhances its safety structures.

Ineffective Attention on Emergency Exit Points

Concerns also revolve around how some hotels create emergency exit points that would facilitate how people evacuate the building in case on a crisis[A14] . There is need to have an emergency exit in a hotel, especially one that welcomes large number of visitors on a regular basis because it may be difficult to get away in case of an emergency (Anichiti et al., 2021). However, failure to focus on this area increases the chances of experiencing injuries in case of an emergency.

Lack of Information among Staff Members

Poor information among members of staff is a major contributor towards ill-preparedness when it comes to regulating safety in hotels. [A15] Employees are not able to respond fast enough when they do not know what to do in case of a fire breakout, a terrorist attack, flood, earthquake, health crisis or any other emergence that could breach security (Senya, 2017). However, staff members would be in a better position to respond when they have adequate information concerning ways of averting issues that could distabilise safety within the workplace. The idea that a well-informed workforce should encourage organisational leaders to identify suitable ways for equipping their staff members with the right information required to keep the workplace safe. Moreover, Abaya and Ondieki (2021) argue that a workstation with an appropriate training program can minimise turnover, as well as enhance morale and productivity. However, it is possible to give more information on how to improve employees’ awareness on dealing with factors that threaten workplace safety.

Thus, it is essential to understand what workplace safety training means, why the practice is essential, as well as be conversant with the steps required to conduct an effective training at the workplace. [A16] Workplace safety according to Muthu et al. (2018) is the practice that seeks to offer workers with relevant knowledge and skills to conduct their duties in a manner that is safe for them and their colleagues. Besides, an appropriate workplace safety model encompasses guidelines and instructions to recognize threats, offer information about them, and address the problem. Hotel leaders need to promote an effective incident reporting organisational culture so that it is easier to build a safer workstation and can recognise how the firm can continually enhance the workplace environment (Regan, 2021). This section already provides a hint on why hotels require safety training. In addition to enhancing morale and productivity, a suitable safety training programme helps to reduce insurance premiums, lessen employee compensations for medical leave as a result of work-related ailments and injuries, and increases the probability of preventing future incidences. More fundamentally, it is essential to be conversant with the steps a team must follow to develop a safety training program that is likely to yield positive results (Regan, 2021). Some of the key factors to consider when creating a suitable training program encompass identifying organisational requirements, engaging staff members, include team leaders, building effective communication channels, issuing tests, and making the process continuous. More fundamentally, it is essential to appreciate that training programmes are nowadays dissimilar from those conducted some years ago. Today, nee technologies are in charge for the most apparent transformations in the way people do most of their things, including training (Regan, 2021). Taking into consideration all these factors will provide a chance to embrace an effective workplace training programme that would help to improve safety in hotels. [A17] 

Lack of Maps

Hotels, especially large ones, need to have maps as a safety precaution. [A18] The intervention helps to guide workers, buyers, and other visitors at the facility.  In addition, tourist maps conduct other key functions. Some of these encompass offering information for their visitors, especially tourists about specific locations that they would like to visit. In addition, availing maps facilitates orientation in geographical spaces and navigating the area, thus making it easy for tourists to make appropriate choices about the places they want to visit. However, some hotels do not seem to pay considerable attention to this area. Consequently, they intensify the possibilities of encountering adverse effects when some people cannot locate specific places.

Operators in the hospitality sector need to adhere to the legal provisions that determine how this sector should observe safety measures in Switzerland. [A19] In the country, there are two chief laws regulating occupational safety and health (OSH). The Labour Law covers and advocates for fair working hours, health coverage, safeguarding of personal integrity, and development of effective workplace regulations and standards. The other one is the Accident Insurance Law that protect occupational diseases and fatalities or accidents which emanate entirely from the workplace (ILO, 2007). [A20] The State Secretariat of Economic Affairs works closely with related bodies to enforce these legislations. The provisions apply to all sectors, including hospitality. Based on these legislations, each worker must understand that they have a legally protected right to safety and health at work. Specifically, the Labour Law that determines building regulations and protection of worker health impact significantly on hotel operators who must ensure that their operations do not defy any of these provisions (ILO, 2007). Leaders in the hospitality sector must understand the requirements of these legal directives as well as sensitise their workers about how they work to eradicate scenarios where a workstation fails to meet key safety standards.

Hoteliers in Switzerland or any other place need to perceive the enactment of safety measures as an ethical approach that would improve how consumers and all other stakeholders perceive the sector. [A21] Observing ethical regulations would guide the firm towards doing what is right and appropriate, and will improve how stakeholders perceive how the organisation serves and relates to its stakeholders. Hence, being able to deploy some ethical regulations will guide hotels towards enacting mechanisms that protect everyone who visits the premise against potential harm. A guiding concept in this case could be utilitarianism, which implies that a good and ethical action is one that yields the best results and happiness for most of the people (Staveren, 2007). A hotel while relying on this theoretical concept can enact safety measures with the objective of making all stakeholders feel welcomed and safe to relate with the organisation in different capacities. The other appropriate framework that would help the group to adhere to ethical guidelines while improving safety at the place of work is deontology, which holds that an action is right if it has support from the society (Baumane-Vitolina & Sumilo, 2016; Freeman et al., 2008). For instance, it is ethical to have an emergency exit because people usually believe that this may facilitate evacuation in an event of an emergency. Leaders should also be conversant with the provisions of virtue ethics, which requires people to act morally and in a manner that others would expect of them. For example, customers would expect that organisational leaders would see it appropriate to fit fire extinguishers as well as take measures to prevent spread of diseases. It is imperative to consider ethical requirements while improving safety at the workplace because the two are almost interconnected. 

Above all,hotels that seek to enact suitable measures for improving safety should rely on an effective change management models that would allow the group to transform into a facility that pays considerable attention to safety measures. [A22] A suitable framework that can facilitate change at a hotel seeking to improve its safety plans is Kurt Lewin’s model of change that requires implementers to focus on three critical phases – unfreezing, changing and refreezing (Burnes, 2019; Hussain et al., 2016).The first step, unfreezing, focuses on creating awareness on why change is necessary at the workplace. The second step (changing) is where the actual change takes place aimed at achieving the targeted goals. The final phase is refreezing, which entails cementing the adopted structures (Deborah, 2018).Being able to introduce necessary changes presents a better chance to combat issues that could affect safety at the workstation.


A systematic literature review is the most suitable research design for this study.[A23]  The approach entails identifying, selecting, and critically evaluating research or secondary sources to respond to a clearly generate question. The approach utilises transparent and rigorous techniques in an attempt to summarise all accessible but relevant evidence with minimum bias. The method is suitable in this study because it offers an inclusive overview of literature connected to a research question and fuses previous literature to enhance the foundation of a particular topic, while upholding to the ideologies of bias reduction and honesty.

Data Collection

The most data collection technique for this case is using secondary sources. [A24] Consequently, the study searches reliable databases such as the Social Science Database, ERIC, Scopus, ScienceDirect, JSTOR, and Directory of Open Access Journals for appropriate literacy sources. In addition to seeking data from peer-reviewed journals, the study acquires data from particular reliable web-based sources from credible authors. The search process results in the selection of ten relevant secondary sources while guided by inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria in this instance include selecting works that show the safety measures operators in the hospitality sector embraces to safeguard their operations, workers, and other stakeholders, as well as which describe the constraints that some facilities experience in their attempt to excel in this area. Using key words, terms, and phrases improves the likelihood for settling on the appropriate secondary sources for this study. Guiding terms and phrases such as “hospitality”, “hotels”, “safety”, “safety in the hotel sector”, “risk management”, “fire extinguishers”, “emergency exit points”, “maps and directories”, and “uninformed workforce about safety measures in the hospitality industry” direct the search process. [A25] Another inclusion criteria is ensuring that the selected work is current and relevant in the contemporary world. More fundamentally, a significant portion of the selected sources address the safety loopholes in the hospitality sector in Switzerland. Consequently, the study settles on literature published in since 2010. However, this research omits works that neither address the safety gaps in the hospitality sector nor give recommendations on how to improve on the current state. The study also excludes literature that is difficult to trace the credibility and validity of the author and their proclamations.

The following are the selected eight secondary sources for analysis in this research; Zizka et al. (2021), HOTREC (2010), Werner (2020), Four Seasons (2022), Jewers (2021), Associated Press (2021), Saouma (2011), and (2022). [A26] 

Secondary sources are preferable in this case due to several reasons. [A27] One of the reasons why the study settles on secondary sources is that they give a variety of expert view and insights on the topic under investigation. Besides, the study gathers data from secondary sources because compared to primary sources, they save the researcher the strenuous process of planning, performing, and assessing sources as common with primary sources. In addition, secondary sources provide a faster and less costly option of collecting data compared to techniques such as the experimental method. However, the study acknowledges that retrieving data from secondary sources has some limitations that could impact on the data collection process. One of the limitations associated with the process is that it require a lot of time to identify and analyse the various selected works, a process that often requires effective planning. The other limitation of secondary sources is that they may not give the specific response to a researcher’s research questions. Moreover, it is likely to encounter biasness when using secondary. For example, a researcher could be tempted to omit works that use technical terms or unfamiliar concepts. Consequently, the researcher may miss crucial information that would help to complete the study. However, the merits of using secondary data outweigh the demerits, which make the approach the most suitable one for this study. [A28] 

Data Analysis

The research uses a thematic analysis as the main data analysis technique because of the advantages linked to the style. [A29] The procedure is a methodology for analysing data, typically qualitative data by searching a data set to identify, review, and give a description of frequent appearances (Nowell et al., 2017). The principal purpose of a thematic analysis is to distinguish subjects in the data that are remarkable or important, and use them to address the research or to come up with appropriate descriptions about an issue. Habitually, a thematic analysis involves much more than simply offering a momentary impression of the data. Characteristically, an appropriate thematic analysis interprets data and constructs meaning from it. Kiger and Varpio (2020) contend that the data analysis method is flexible and allows a researcher to scrutinize collected data from various angles. The data analysis method is desirable in this situation because it does not need the detailed technical and theoretic consciousness of other qualitative approaches, and inclines to offer a more accessible and consistent form of breakdown, particularly for examiners who are on the early stages of their research practice (Nowell et al. 2017, p. 2). However, the research takes into account some of the possible confines related to the procedure. An instance of a disadvantage based on the article by Nowell et al. (2017) is the lack of considerable literature contrasted with other methods such as the grounded theory and ethnographic studies. The restraint could make investigators who do not have much expertise in this exercise to feel apprehensive on how to implement an effective and operational thematic analysis. [A30] 

The following key themes emerge from analysing the selected sources in terms of describing how hotels in Switzerland strive to maintain workplace safety; Health problems, fire outbreaks, lowly trained or uninformed workforce, and nature or availability of resources. Paying attention to each theme offers the chance to examine whether hotels in Switzerland consider each of these areas when managing safety at the place of work. The study settles on these themes to help respond to the key objectives and to be in line with findings from the literature review. [A31] 


Findings suggest that the emergence of COVID-19 has transformed how hotels in Switzerland consider health concerns to be a safety threat that require considerable attention. [A32] Consequently, more facility have complied with government and health regulations to ensure that those working or visiting the firm are safe and secure against infections such as coronavirus that impacted significantly on businesses across all sectors (Zizka et al., 2021). An example of a Switzerland-based hotel that has made significant strides in securing its stakeholders against illnesses, in particular COVID-19 is Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues, a luxury hotel situated at the shores of Lake Geneva [A33] (Four Seasons, 2022). The five star facility in protecting its members against coronavirus is steered by its philosophy of the Golden Rule, which advocates for treating others as one would wish they be treated. At the hotel that mostly attracts high-end buyers, the health crisis means caring for each other, taking bold steps to avert the spread of the virus, and safeguarding its people and everyone else who chose to stay with the organisation (Four Seasons, 2022). The focus on combating the illness suggests that the chain of hotels means well for its people.

Along with already existing precautions such as spacing, use of sanitisers, improved cleaning and hygiene, and use of masks, the hotel puts much effort to avail real-time information pertaining to the disease and has enhanced training on its workers to equip them with relevant information to deal with the problem. [A34] Christian Clerc, the President of Global Operations at Four Seasons reaffirmed that whereas the experience at the facility may appear different due to the enacted changes, it will ultimately offer the same sensation because the group’s dedicated team will continue to give the same quality services and personalised attention for which the hotel is famous and trusted for globally (Four Seasons, 2022). In addition to taking measures to curb the spread of COVID-19, the senior management at Four Seasons recently informed that it will partner with John Hopkins Medicine International to assist in the development and assessment of its newly formed health and safety programme known as Lead with Care which will be rolled out in its hotels across the globe (Four Seasons, 2022). The Four Seasons case study provides an overview of how some hotels in Switzerland focus on averting illness as a safety risk. 

Whereas many operators in the hospitality sector have enacted safety mechanisms that would protect their workers and buyers, some are yet to enact these regulations, which shows a considerable loophole in maintaining safety against COVID-19. [A35] For example, Jewers (2021) writes about Walliserkanne restaurant in Switzerland that had constantly failed to abide by the mandate to administer the country’s coronavirus passport instruction. Instead, the facility went ahead to allow consumers without COVID-19 certificates, which guarantees someone has either recovered from the illness or has been completely vaccinated or tested negative for the virus (Jewers, 2021). Consequently, the government ordered the shutdown of the restaurant and its proprietors arrested for not abiding by COVID-19 regulations (Associated Press, 2021). The incident that happened on 1 November 2021 led the police to place large concrete blocks to obstruct the entrance to the facility (Jewers, 2021). The violation by Walliserkanne is an indication that many other facilities in the Switzerland hospitality sector fail to abide by measures enacted to keep people safe against coronavirus, a defilement that have adverse safety repercussions.

The theme of fire management features prominently in the selected sources[A36] .  The document by HOTREC (2010) provides a structure that hotels in Europe ought to follow when managing fire outbreaks. The guideline provides tips on how to create effective fire management systems, encompassing detection and alarm systems, smoke management systems, and sprinkler systems. An example of a hotel that has made significant strides in improving its capacity to counter fire outbreaks is Hotel Edelweiss [A37] that has installed fire alarms, smoke alarms, and fire extinguishers to improve the group’s response in case of a fire breakout. However, walking into some local hotels, it is possible to witness scenarios where some facilities are yet to invest in combating fire outbreaks, thereby putting their workers and visitors at risk.

Another prime theme from the selected literature is how employee awareness determines a hotel’s capacity to enact safety measures. [A38] Some facilities already know the consequences of having an uninformed staff and are working on enacting training mechanisms to equip their workers with relevant skills and knowledge required to address safety- related complications. For example, Hotel Belvedere Grindelwald in Grindelwald, Switzerland [A39] invests in employee training initiatives within and outside the facility. The management acknowledge that employee training fosters performance and increase the desire to indulge in practices that boost performance (Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013). In addition, the group pays much attention to training its workforce on different issues, including maintaining work place safety because the practice offers an opportunity to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to safety management at the workplace. Thus, the organisation invites trainees as well as encourage staff members to undergo training in reputable facilities (Rodriguez & Walters, 2017). However, that is not the situation in all hotels considering that the process is time-consuming and costly. Therefore, hotels whose revenue cannot sustain such training programmes may have to face the adverse effects of having ill-equipped staff with regard to skills on how to mitigate safety concerns. Besides, many facilities, especially those that operate locally, are yet to establish an organisational culture that encourages employee training. Hotels should pay considerable attention to this areas to strengthen their capacity to counter safety threats.

The theme of lack of knowledge reveals how the weakness make some hotels to use ineffective risk management approaches, thus rendering them to serious threats. An organisation that deploys a risk management strategy according to Saouma (2011) are equipped with clear and structured approaches to recognising, assessing, and handling risks. Such firms are able to build in a process for constantly updating and reviewing the assessment depending on new actions or developments taken. Saouma (2011) further encourages firms to have a risk management plan contending that the strategy is easy to develop and implement by even the smallest of businesses. However, facilities that have made tremendous steps in their application of risk management and understand the various approaches for handling this area have a better chance for enhancing safety at the workplace. For instance, hotels that are conversant with the concept of risk avoidance is likely not to participate in actions that could cause harm to the business, workers, or other stakeholders. An informed facility in this case can put warnings that warn visitors against smoking within the premises to minimise the chances of experiencing respiratory problems. Similarly, knowing how the concept of risk sharing works enhances the probability of a hotel reduces the burden mitigating safety threat by either sharing liability or cost of breach by other parties (Rahifah et al., 2017). It is also easier for a hotel to minimise safety hazards when staff members understand how transference works as a risk management technique. The firm in this case has a better chance to avoid safety threats by shifting the burden of dealing with any eventualities or potential threats to other facilities or groups, thus saving the company the stress of mitigating the issue (Rahifah et al., 2017). Hence, it is essential to familiarise hotel staff members with knowledge that help them to improve safety through risk management.

Improper infrastructure is a common theme that reemerges in the selected sources. [A40] Evident limitations in the way in the way some hotels are built makes it difficult to escape in the case of an emergency, a situation that derails safety regulations. At Chedi Adermatt, Switzerland, rescue and escape routes are statutorily essential. [A41] The leadership acknowledges that emergency exit protection provides surety that visitors can evacuate the building fast enough and safely in case of an emergency. However, this requirement does not seem to feature prominently in facilities that have poor infrastructure and do not serve a lot of buyers. The absence puts customers at considerable risk of sustaining injuries in case of an emergency. Lack of infrastructure further distinguishes how hotels in Switzerland handle safety measures. In high-end facilities such as Chedi Adermatt and Hotel Belvedere Grindelwald, it is possible to find superior features such as automatic sliding doors that according to GEZE (2022) give reliability without compromise. The doors come in handy in situations where staff are required to offer services as fast as possible and without disruption. The doors also help to achieve hygienic conditions, as well as safeguards the well-being and safety of staff and guests. Such doors are appropriate because they decrease the chances of experiencing accidents such as spillages when carrying beverages. Besides, hotels in Switzerland that pays much attention to upholding safety have spacious windows and doors that facilitates circulation of air[A42] . The provision decreases the chances of witnessing air obstruction and improves the likelihood for building an ambient environment. However, this is not the situation in some small and medium hotels that do not generate much revenue from their services and are not in a position to enact such advanced features that are evidently costly. [A43] 


The analysis confirms that whereas some hotels in Switzerland have made significant strides in improving workplace safety, others are yet to make significant strides in this area, which increase their likelihood for experiencing safety concerns. [A44] Evidence suggest that hotels need to pay close attention to key areas that could tamper with workplace safety. One of these concerns is to ensure that workers are not at risk of suffering due to emerging illnesses such as COVID-19 that changed many workstations drastically. In addition, hotels in Switzerland have plans to combat fire outbreaks, but deploying more resources and acquiring more skills on how to improve in this area will be of significance to operators, big or small. Concerns surround the development of exit points, awareness among staff members, and absence of maps, although some facilities have taken steps to advance in these key areas. [A45] Consequently, the report includes a qualitative research that seeks information from secondary sources. The primary goals of the research are to show the areas that require improvement in terms safety in Switzerland hotels, offer insight into the ways of improving safety, and emphasise the importance of abiding by safety regulations at the place of work[A46] . Using thematic analysis facilitates the data analysis process because it offers the chance to identify recurring themes. [A47] The results affirm that whereas some hotels in Switzerland have embraced techniques to improve workplace safety, a significant number, especially those that do not serve more distinguished guests or operate at local level, need to institute changes that would make the group to be in compliant with safety measures as provided for in law and as ethics demand. [A48] 


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 [A1] [A1]Hook.

 [A2]Overview of the report

 [A3]Thesis statement

 [A4] [A4]Emphasising the need to conduct the study.

 [A5]APA 7 requires two names for in-text citations when there are two authors

 [A6]APA 7 requires first author’s last name followed by et al. and year for sources with more than two authors

 [A7]Closing remark showing why the study is necessary

 [A8] [A8]Introducing research aims

 [A9]General aspiration of the study

 [A10] [A10]Research objectives

 [A11]Introducing COVID as a safety threat

 [A12]An example of a firm that has excelled in preventing COVID

 [A13]Need to contain fire

 [A14]Need for an exit point

 [A15]Lack of awareness among staff members

 [A16]The need for employee training

 [A17]Closing sentence

 [A18]The need for maps

 [A19] [A19]The need to adhere to legal provisions

 [A20]Examples of applicable laws

 [A21]Why improving safety is ethical using ethical theories

 [A22]Using change management to improve safety

 [A23]Identifying the research design

 [A24]Opening remark

 [A25]Examples of key words

 [A26]Selected sources for research

 [A27]Merits and demerits of secondary sources

 [A28]Closing remark

 [A29] [A29]Introducing the data analysis style

 [A30]Possible limitations

 [A31]Key themes in the sources

 [A32]Introducing findings

 [A33]Example of hotel that excel in improving health

 [A34]Adopted measures to curb COVID at Four Seasons

 [A35]Example of failed hotels in enacting measures to curb COVID

 [A36]Fire management 

 [A37]Example of hotel that excels in fire management

 [A38]The theme of employee awareness

 [A39]Example of hotel that trains workers

 [A40]Discussing the theme of improper infrastructure

 [A41]Example of a hotel that excels in this area

 [A42]Examples of superior safety infrastructure

 [A43]Small hotels have poor infrastructure

 [A44]Re-emphasising the key argument

 [A45]Issues surrounding safety measures

 [A46]Research goals

 [A47]Data analysis method


 [A49] [A49]APA 7 requires author’s last name, initial for first name, year, title, journal name, volume number, and page numbers for journal articles

 [A50] [A50]APA 7 requires author’s name, year, title, and URL for websites

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