Same Sex Marriages in the Society

Same Sex Marriages in the Society



Same Sex Marriages in the Society


In the past, the issue of homosexuality and acts that related to this practice was considered as sodomy. In the recent day, the societies have become more receptive of this lifestyle, which has been coined as “gay.” For communities that have refrained from accepting this sexual orientation, they have been accused of bigotry hence developing the notion that it is acceptable to transform a sinful act to become part of nature. Clearly, it is evident that this social group of gay and lesbians persons, which was not tolerated in the past, has become empowered in the recent day yielding influence that has overhauled the existing societal institution that has existed for hundreds of centuries (Wirth, 2010). Prior to evaluating homosexuality as a social and religious vice, it is imperative to understand its meaning. According to Adrian Sewell, an art critic, homosexuality can be considered a sexual orientation that is perceived as being a mental illness that can be classified as spiritually or psychological regarding its onset or factors influencing its development. There are different arguments forwarded about same-sex marriage that is the result of homosexuality with the main theory used to critic the arguments being based on the religious understanding as depicted in the bible.


Since time immemorial, the society has believed that marriage is a union supported by cultural and religious believes that compromise of a woman and a man. The negative reception same-sex marriages have received on a global scale is primarily because of this reason. The legalization of this type of marriage setup has been a difficult task to attain the political scene (Rohrer, 2009). For instance, in the state of Kentucky, the marriage ban on same-sex couples was reinstated on 6 November 2014. The reason provided to justify this ban was that marriage, a holy institution under the laws of the state and the relations that occur between men and women defined religion (Wirth, 2010). The standard for these relations is based on the tradition set in the societal structure and its adoption on the global scale. After the court ruling of the Nelson v. Barker case, the jury passed the verdict that the only characteristics considered straight that defines marriage is the unification of a man and a woman, not with a fellow man (Benn, 2013). This unification is supposed to facilitate procreation as well as provide a platform whereby children can be raised as indicated in Genes. Hence, it is clear to state that same-sex marriage go against the very nature and purpose of marriage according to the religious, societal and traditions values set for the human race.

Marriage was created to serve the purpose of procreation and raising the offspring the couple begets (Harry & Lovely, 2013). Basing on this statement, it is valid to mention that same-sex couples are not able to procreate as they have the same gender. For this reason, allowing the ban on marriage between same-sex couples would be detrimental to the sanctity and purpose of matrimonial unification. This is primarily because the responsibilities of the couple would only be linked to adult gratification as opposed to the primary purpose the marriage was destined to serve as indicated in the Bible as well as the societal norms (Wirth, 2010). This statement is validated through the occurrence that happened in California Supreme Court. The ruling that related to the same-sex marriage reiterated that procreation was the key purpose of marriage as per the laws of the society and nature. This was supported by Bertrand Russell, who stated that the importance of the relations that occur in the society becomes a reality when children as present (Rohrer, 2009). He also revealed that cognitive acknowledgment is also expected from the legal institutions as children deepen the relationship between a man and a woman. The ruling was directed towards justifying the ban on gay marriages in the state of Arizona (Harry & Lovely, 2013). The regulation of the states in issues pertaining to marriages is directed towards ensuring that the children are able to have their biological parents raise them in a family setting. This growth is very important hence stressing the relevance of heterosexual marriages as opposed to gay marriages.

In the marriage institution, the children who are the product of the unification require the low, care, and attention of a father and mother (Benn, 2013). Same-sex marriages fail to offer this environment for children where they receive parental care and love that is imperative for their growth development into socially acceptable persons. This claim is validated by studies conducted on children that are raised without a father figure as exemplified in lesbian relations. Results indicate that there is a higher likelihood of the girl child engaging in sexual activities at a younger age (Wirth, 2010). Additionally, it has also been observed that the largest populations of pregnant teens are from family setups without a father figure. On the other hand,, research has also indicated that children who lack the upbringing with a mother present exhibit signs of deprivation of proper discipline as well as emotional security. An Associate Professor of Sociology, Mark Regnerus, conducted one particular study that has shed light on this matter in 2012 (Rohrer, 2009). The subjects of the study were children raised in a same-sex marriage household. The results inferred that these children faced more difficulties through childhood and adulthood as compared to their counterparts. Two of the major problems they face at adulthood include unemployment and sexual abuse (Benn, 2013). Clearly, the lack of either parent is likely to have a devastating effect on a child, which is the setting that gay marriages offer. The child is deprived of experiencing parental care from a mother or father, which deters their maturation and integration into the society.


Legalization of gay marriage gives precedence for other non-traditional sexual relations to be permitted in the judicial system. This move is considered as a slippery slope, as it will allow for persons who practice unconventional relations such as incest, bestiality, and polygamy a platform to legalize these acts (Rohrer, 2009). According to a senior counsel working with the Alliance Defense Fund, the legalization of same-sex marriage has been influential in permitting the existence of movements that support and lobby for polyamory and polygamy to be legalized as well. The aforementioned movements are considered as detrimental to the marriage institution as they serve to desensitize people against the sanctity and purpose of this unification. Jillian Keenan, who is a Slate writer, reiterated that the legalization of the gay marriages would send the message that marriage is comprised of consenting adults hence allowing the supporters to argue on the legality of multiple marriage partners in a matrimonial union (Rohrer, 2009). The resulting effect would be weakening marriage as a religious, cultural, and religious institution, which is unacceptable. Thus, based on the information provided, gay marriage should not be legalized as it has negative impact on the children brought up in this setup; it degrades the values of the community and religion and allows immorality to plague the global society.


Benn, P. (2013). THE GAY MARRIAGE DEBATE – AFTERTHOUGHTS. Think, 13(36), 23-31.

Rohrer, J. (2009). Black Presidents, Gay Marriages, and Hawaiian Sovereignty: Reimagining Citizenship in the Age of Obama. American Studies, 50(3-4), 107-130.

Harry, J., & Lovely, R. (2013). Gay marriages and communities of sexual orientation. J Fam Econ Iss, 2(2), 177-200.

Wirth, S. (2010). Affirming Gay Men’ s Monogamous Marriages. Jung Journal, 4(3), 47-64.

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