Short-Term Wins





Short-Term Wins

Short-term wins help the organization to ensure that the employees remain motivated. Organizations with long-term strategies can get side tracked and the employees can become discouraged when the changes take a long time to implement. The creation of short-term wins involves breaking down insurmountable tasks into achievable wins. Companies have a clear goal of their vision and this helps in developing the long-term plan. They are able to determine what they need to do so that they can achieve the long-term objectives. Short-term wins are clear and visible. Once a company is able to achieve a short-term win, it can track its progress by seeing how far it has come, and how much further it needs to go.

Apple leads in product innovation. The company has set a long-term goal and it aims to be the leader in innovation in all its sectors. The company continues to update its products frequently. The company began by developing stylish digital personal computers and other related technologies. It then developed the iPod, which enabled consumers to download music. The company followed this with different models of iPhones and iPads, each one targeting different clientele (Naylor 5). Such progress acts as motivation to the employees. It motivates the employees to identify ways in which they can beat the competition. The company improves its products by introducing new features and applications as well as improving on the weaknesses of the previous models. The increased innovation and high quality product appeals to many consumers and they wait eagerly for the introduction of any new products. The innovations have positioned Apple as a leader in computer electronics and smartphone market. It has taken several years for the company to reach such a position. The continuous development of different products has ensured that the company remains profitable and the employees remain motivated (Grassin).

Works Cited:

Grassin, Timothee. Goal Setting: Turning a Sales Presentation into Inspiration. 26 Feb., 2014. Web. 4 Apr. 2014

Naylor, John. Management, 2ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2004. Print

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