Should Illegal Immigrants Be Allowed to get Drivers Licenses





Should Illegal Immigrants Be Allowed to get Drivers Licenses

            The thought of illegal immigrants obtaining drivers licenses is ridiculous. Sensibly speaking, a person who is illegally living in the country should not be allowed to get drivers licenses. The fact that they are in the country illegally is a crime. That is the main reason why this group of people is not allowed by the law to get drivers licenses. I strongly believe that these people have no right, whatsoever to acquire drivers’ licenses and those interested in acquiring one should work on their papers. Conscious decisions were made by these immigrants before they decided to enter into the country illegally hence their personal choices resulted to their hardships.

            The topic, whether illegal immigrants should acquire or not obtain drivers licenses, has raised eyebrows in the United States of America and resulted to numerous discussions. Arguments and state debates have been held nationally as more states in America allow illegal immigrants acquire drivers’ licenses. This technique forced the government to take more precaution on the topic. The government implemented its laws and sort out to look for leaders who are in support of issuing of driving licenses to undocumented immigrants. This method implemented such unlawful acts. California’s government representative, Gray Davis was removed out of office. This is because of his compliance with the issuing out of driving licenses to illegal aliens in his state together with other reasons. In effect, other states prohibited this issue and hence helped curb this illegal act.

            The words, illegal immigrants and drivers’ licenses do not correspond. Acquiring of licenses is a privilege for the citizens only. The idea of letting undocumented immigrants enjoy this concession is disgraceful. In Massachusetts, the senate representative has attempted to stop undocumented immigrants from accessing drivers’ licenses in his state. He made an approval to a budget that would only benefit the companies that accept his terms. His requirement was that for any company to be allowed to do business with the government, the federal database would be used to determine the immigration status of their workforce (Kerphat, “Centre for immigration studies”). He also set out tougher measures that ensured laws involving illegal immigration were enforced.

            The inconsistency in issuing of driving licenses to illegal immigrants among states demonstrates the different stands upheld by different leaders. For some underlying motive, these leaders have gone against the law in their acts. It is at this critical stage that the question why illegal immigrants are first allowed into the country is raised. When the government identifies that a group of people are an illegal lot, necessary measures should be undertaken. It is either they seek to acquire legal papers and citizenship into the country or they are deported out of the county. Deportation is one of the methods that have been used for ages in getting rid of undocumented immigrants. Therefore, if these people have already been deported, the issue about giving driving licenses to illegal immigrants would not be debatable.

            The United States government is strict on national security issues. In order to tighten this matter, strategies pertaining security should be enacted and enforced. Undocumented immigrants in the U.S. should therefore, not be allowed to acquire driving licenses. The reason why they have not registered themselves as legal immigrants’ is not known. The question stands to doubt their actions in the society. Some of them might be terrorists or armed robbers. The government should therefore implement on laws that govern and protect the laws pertaining immigration. When these steps are followed, the country would enjoy harmony in their states due to improved security.

            They are already here and recognized by the law. For those individuals who work and pay their taxes have a right to acquire driving licenses’. Having undocumented immigrants with licenses helps curb the hit and run scenario experienced in different parts of the country. Numerous residents who are illegal immigrants in the country fail to register their identities in fear of deportation. Unregistered drivers tend to go unpunished for accident related crimes. The police have proven that it is indeed hard to track down such criminals who have not been registered. It is now evident that the law has not been able to get rid of the illegal immigrants in the U.S. This is evidenced by the statistics on the high number of immigrants who have acquired driving licenses in various states. The U.S. still recognizes this lot because of their importance to the nation. Some are important workers in the nation and the U.S. cannot afford to lose this workforce. The issuing of driving licenses to the undocumented immigrants’ benefits the country through increased security and income revenue.

            In conclusion, I still disagree with the fact that illegal immigrants should get driving licenses. They are already a threat to the country with their unknown identities. The benefits of allowing them to acquire driving licenses is outweighed by loses. Thus, the government and congressional members of different states should ensure that every member in their states is a legal resident. They should also come up with strong rules that restrict undocumented immigrants from acquiring driving licenses. Putting these measures into place would benefit the nation. Cases related to terrorism, unpunished accidental crimes and home robberies would reduce.


Kephart Janice. “Massachusetts Senate Attempts to Stop Illegal Alien Access to Driver’sLicenses”. Centre for immigration studies. 30 May 2012. Web. 18 Oct. 2013.

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