Should Successful Emirati Companies Go Global?

Should Successful Emirati Companies Go Global?



Should Successful Emirati Companies Go Global?

Al-Khazraji, N. (2009). The culture of commercialism: Globalization in the UAE (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Georgetown University, Washington D.C. Retrieved from Al-Khazraji overtly discusses the process of globalization in the UAE. In this dissertation, the author ensures that he covers particular issues related to commercialism in the UAE. In addition, his understanding of the UAE economic environment and the unifying force of globalization provides a resource of viable information for management strategists and companies seeking to either expand globally or retain market leadership in the UAE. In overview, the dissertation is neutral since it rationalizes the process of globalization by illustrating its benefits and demerits in the Emirati environment.

Al-Rawi, K., & Alrawi, A. (2011). Export drivers of small enterprises in the United Arab Emirates. Annals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 1-11. Retrieved from The following research article by Al-Rawi and Alrawi focuses primarily on the traits of small and medium-sized enterprises in the United Arab Emirates. Accordingly, both authors claim that the culture of the respective country does not necessarily affect the ability of a thriving Emirati firm to go global. In addition to this, Al-Rawi and Alrawi also deem certain factors such as high quality goods, price competition and government backing as important for global success. Consequently, the source is peer-reviewed and thus, possesses a neutral stance towards the topic.

Al Tamini & Co. (2012, May). Going global? Think local. Retrieved from This company website by advertising giant, Al Tamini & Co. provides a variety of aspects that companies in the United Arab Emirates should consider if they desire to penetrate foreign markets. Accordingly, the firm provides a range of rules, policies and regulations that guide promotional activities in this particular country. In this respect, the source is valid based on its knowledge of laws that guide advertising in the UAE. Due to this, the resource is neutral sine it does not succeed in promoting the firm.

Dumitrescu, L., & Vinerean, S. (2010). The glocal strategy of global brands. Studies in Business and Economics, 147-155. Retrieved from This journal is a theoretical approach to the notion of “glocalization”. Accordingly, Dumitrescu and Vinerean claim that globalization lacks the efficiency it once had in providing standardized products to consumers based in both local and foreign regions. As such, both authors document on the issue of glocalization, which apparently comprises a firm’s tendency towards thinking globally and acting locally. The claim established is rational since most companies are focusing on localizing key aspects of a global brand in order to target both markets. Hence, this source is neutral in its analysis.

Dunne, A. (2012). Strategic trade controls in the United Arab Emirates: Key considerations for European Union. EU Non-Proliferation Papers, (12), 1-17. Retrieved from The following article studies the destructive relations between the United Arab Emirates and other Arab states such as Iran. For Dunne, the country has operated as a channel for the trade of dual-utilization products made specifically for mass destruction. Because of this involvement, the UAE has experienced considerable pressure from the international community based on its laxity in implementing tactical trade controls. The claim is rational since such a situation can destroy the economic ties it has with other foreign markets due to the damage of its reputation. Hence, successful companies in the country may be unable to penetrate foreign markets such as those governed by the EU. Moreover, the resource is peer-reviewed.

International Trade Admission. (2014, January 13). Upcoming trade mission highlights key U.S. economic partnerships. [Web log comment]. Retrieved from This respective blog ideally covers trade relations between the UAE and the United States. Accordingly, the United States is a viable commercial environment for Emirati companies seeking to conduct business especially in the West. As such, the International Trade Admission covers subjects such as the profitability of the general Middle Eastern market for U.S. multinationals, the relationship between the UAE and the respective country and structural factors such as the infrastructure that can aid foreign investment in the United States. This source is neutral based on such data.

Irvine, H. J., & Lucas, N. (Eds.). (2006). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Business: The globalization of accounting standards: The case of the United Arab Emirates. Leura, NSW: Charles Sturt University. Retrieved from This conference paper largely studies the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In relation to the UAE, Irvine and Lucas base the spread of the IFRS in the Arab world because of the force of globalization. Apart from illustrating the significance of reporting standards in financial reporting, the authors also focus on the challenges faced by the economy as companies attempt to adapt the rigid regulatory structure. It is agreeable that the implementation of IFRS is usually difficult due to its rigidity and complexity.

King, N. (2014, January 7). Mandilicious to go global with franchising deal. Retrieved from In this news article, King provides an overview of successful companies in the UAE that are expressing the need to go global. He uses the corporation, Mandilicious, as an illustration of local and international financial success. From this periodical, King covers factors such as franchising, branding and organizational expansion. Personally, such aspects are significant since they can assist other successful organizations located within the food sector in understanding the structural resources of their companies. Moreover, this source is neutral since it focuses on the exploits of a company already deemed successful due to its financial performance and its regional presence.

Seaman, A. (2010, November 10). Emirati entrepreneurs tell success stories at forum. The National. Retrieved from In the article, Seaman covers the success of various entrepreneurship projects in the UAE. Based on this, the author uses Murshed Mohammed Ahmed (owner of as an example of UAE’s thriving self-employment. In this respect, Seaman focuses on the Internet as a way that UAE successful companies can penetrate foreign markets at low costs. However, the article is not necessarily significant since it does not possess sufficient information to analyze the situation in the UAE critically. Hence, the source seems biased due to its overt focus on the success of E-business in UAE.

The World Economic Forum. (2007). The United Arab Emirates and the world: Scenarios to 2025. Geneva: SW, World Economic Forum. Retrieved from In this book, the World Economic Forum concentrates mainly on the foreign investment opportunities that the UAE can manipulate in its favor. In this respect, the book offers a perspective of the vision, mission, objectives and future prospects of the country in relation to its economic environment. In addition, the manuscript also covers the risks and uncertainties that affect its economic setting presently. The source is necessarily valid and neutral since it focuses intently on both opportunities and risks that affect the UAE trading environment.


Al-Khazraji, N. (2009). The culture of commercialism: Globalization in the UAE (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Georgetown University, Washington D.C. Retrieved from

Al-Rawi, K., & Alrawi, A. (2011). Export drivers of small enterprises in the United Arab Emirates. Annals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 1-11. Retrieved from

Al Tamini & Co. (2012, May). Going global? Think local. Retrieved from

Dumitrescu, L., & Vinerean, S. (2010). The glocal strategy of global brands. Studies in Business and Economics, 147-155. Retrieved from

Dunne, A. (2012). Strategic trade controls in the United Arab Emirates: Key considerations for European Union. EU Non-Proliferation Papers, (12), 1-17. Retrieved from

International Trade Admission. (2014, January 13). Upcoming trade mission highlights key U.S. economic partnerships. [Web log comment]. Retrieved from

Irvine, H. J., & Lucas, N. (Eds.). (2006). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Business: The globalization of accounting standards: The case of the United Arab Emirates. Leura, NSW: Charles Sturt University. Retrieved from This

King, N. (2014, January 7). Mandilicious to go global with franchising deal. Retrieved from

Seaman, A. (2010, November 10). Emirati entrepreneurs tell success stories at forum. The National. Retrieved from

The World Economic Forum. (2007). The United Arab Emirates and the world: Scenarios to 2025. Geneva: SW, World Economic Forum. Retrieved from

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