Similarities and Differences between Roosevelt and Wilson

Similarities and Differences between Roosevelt and Wilson


Similarities and Differences between Roosevelt and Wilson

Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt are some of the popular presidents in the history of the United States. They both ruled in the 20th century with their principles influencing the country’s political, social, and economic domains for a long period. To begin with, Theodore Roosevelt gained supremacy through the Republican Party. His proficiency as a military officer was a vital feature that guided his leadership. He was the founder of the conservation movement in the United States. Moreover, his profile highlights an instance where he gave his presidential speech despite being shot by an assassin. In contrast, Woodrow Wilson was a member of the Democrat Party. During his reign, he promoted the ideology of conserved harmony. Although they upheld dissimilar ideologies and practices while in office, an evaluation of these two political leaders illustrate a significant level of comparable principles. This is evident from the Bull Moose Party of 1912. Moreover, their documented pieces emphasize these similarities.    

To begin with, they both joined politics as their main occupation despite the notion upheld by the general population in the 19th century regarding the unsuitability of the political field for individuals with a significant level of academic achievements. This was after successfully documenting several philosophical discussions comprising of their principles about political and societal matters. In addition, they used a similar theoretical approach to put emphasis on the essence of implementing imperialistic elements as one of the main approaches of improving the political, social, and economic domains of the country. Based on their principles before and during their reigns, the successful execution of this tactic required the execution of internationalism aspects. This philosophical perspective was in line with their position on progressivism. The two presidents supported other likeminded individuals in the public and private subsections as well as the general population on the importance of progressive elements in the development of the United States. Based on the principles governing their operations in this supreme position, they perceived the comprehensive and influential reforms as the most appropriate way of expanding the essence of the centralized administration.   

Another occurrence that depicts the similarities of Roosevelt and Wilson is the severe financial depression experienced in the United States during the final subsection of the 18th century. Towards the end of the 19th century, there was immense growth in the private financial system. The adopted classical economic supposition highlighted the influence of certain market structures on the demand and supply of different commodities. This led to the promotion of the ideology regarding the essence of a single purchaser or seller. Accordingly, the corporate structure used this opportunity for personal interests while disregarding the welfare of the general populace.

In this scenario, Roosevelt and Wilson disregarded the notion of the invisible hand as portrayed by Adam Smith. In order to promote the wellbeing of the general population, they used their theoretical perspectives and political position to enhance the involvement of the federal government in such nationalized affairs. For example, while in office, President Roosevelt proclaimed that the relevant agencies within the centralized government had to supervise all corporations through the regulation of policies and operational principles with the main aim of promoting the welfare of the community, as opposed to private interests. Likewise, President Wilson argued against the notion upheld by Jefferson regarding the need for the nationalized administration to reduce its governance in the private subsection in order to enhance its effectiveness.

However, there are certain policies and theoretical perspectives that defined the two presidents separately. One of the major platforms of their similarities was the business structure in relation to the common good of the general populace. While President Roosevelt’s ideology on this issue adopted the new nationalism approach, President Wilson believed in the new liberty supposition. President Roosevelt argued that the business trusts, which had gained immense power following the revitalization of the national economy in the 19th century, required effective regulation measures formulated and facilitated by an influential centralized administration. In contrast, President Wilson emphasized that the most appropriate technique of regulating the power of these commercial units was weakening them with the main intent of enhancing competition in the nationalized financial system. This difference was evident in the speeches presented by the two presidents during the Bull Moose Party in 1912.

In conclusion, the similarities in policies and principles upheld by Roosevelt and Wilson somewhat suppressed their differences. For instance, following the win by Wilson, he adopted most of the principles upheld by Roosevelt with reference to the economic and political developments in the United States. Moreover, the similar perspective upheld by these two presidents with respect to the welfare of the general populace propelled them to utilize similar policies and ideologies in executing most of their official duties. These similarities formed the basis of the significant transformations especially in the commercial subsections. This involved the transfer of power from the private corporations to the federal government. Accordingly, their supremacy promoted such principles as imperialism and progressivism.

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