





Although some people were slave owners, others did not support slavery. They did not like the way some of the white people treated the slaves. The slaves used to do hard work in the fields, homes, and other areas of business. They were separated from their families when they were sold to other owners. Such reasons made many people oppose slavery. Both white and black people opposed the idea of keeping slaves. They wanted to see the practice stop. They fought physically with those who wanted slavery to continue. They demonstrated on the streets and they involved many people in their protests. They were committed in all this, and they did not give up or get discouraged.

The American Revolution was important to the slaves. Many of the slaves were freed because of their participation. Both sides of the war promised the slaves freedom if they were willing to join in the revolution. The colonists and the British believed that the slaves could play an important role in the war. They persuaded them by promising them freedom if they fought with them. The British promised the slaves protection, if they defected from the side of the rebels. Other slaves became free by running away during the war. The American Revolution did not end slavery. The southern region still had many slaves who worked on the farms and they helped in building the economy. However, some slaves had become free because of the war.

The civil war began as a way of ensuring that the Union remained. States were divided because of the slavery issue. Some of the states supported slavery and they chose to secede from the union. However, the president was committed towards ensuring that the states remained in the union. This would allow them to make their own rules and they did not have to support the decision made by the president. However, the northerners did not recognize the secession of the states. Initially, slaves were not allowed to join the war, but this changed after some time. The war became a mission to free the slaves. The war gave many slaves a chance to escape to the north. Many northerners were opposed to slavery.

The preliminary emancipation proclamation, which was presented by President Abraham Lincoln, decreed the freedom of the slaves. Lincoln issued the proclamation after the end of the civil war. This showed that although he had urged the people to fight for the sake of the union, the war was mostly about freeing the slaves. The southerners had fought strongly in support of secession. They had wanted to continue with slavery because they benefited from it. However, since they were defeated in the civil war, they had to abide by the law, which had set all the enslaved people free.

The slaves were set free for different reasons. The first was to participate in the war and to join the colonist forces during the revolution. The second reason was to join the British, who fought against the colonists in the American Revolution. Slaves participated in the civil war. Some of them were set free so that they could provide support in times of war. During the revolution and the civil war, some of the slaves gained their freedom by escaping. They took advantage of the situation, and they ran to the northern side. Many of the northerners were opposed to slavery and they supported the abolitionist movement. However, President Lincoln’s decision to issue the emancipation proclamation was the main reason why many of the slaves were set free. His announcement became law and it became illegal for people to continue owning slaves.

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