South America Region

South America Region



South America Region


            The greater part of South America is located in the southwestern hemisphere with a lesser section lying in the northern side. The continent is surrounded by several oceans including the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea. The South American continent is home to several independent states: Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Chile, Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay, and Suriname. In terms of coverage, South America occupies around 17,000,000 square kilometers. It is ranked the fourth largest continent as well as the fifth most populous (Hobbs, 2007).

Demography and it Impact

            Bolivia and Peru represent the areas having the largest population of indigenous peoples including Urarina, Aymara, and Quechua. However, Ecuador also has a significant number of Amerindians who can trace their roots back to South America. The continent is home to a large percentage of Africans. The European population is significant in some of the Portuguese colonies in others they are the minority (Hynes, 2013). East Indians represent the largest population in Suriname and Guyana. Peru and Brazil have significant proportions of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean groups (Hobbs, 2007). Lastly, South America also has a smaller number of Mestizos who are a mixed race between Amerindian and white people. A significant section of the indigenous people of South America still practices a traditional lifestyle that comprises of hunter-gatherers or agriculture (Hynes, 2013). These uncivilized tribes are found in remote areas of the Amazon forest.

Economic Activities

            South America depends to a lesser extent on the exportation of both processed goods and natural products compared to other states. For instance, commodity exports from South America reached 16% of the overall GDP while the rest of the countries in the world stood at about 25%. Brazil represents the largest economy in South America as well as the seventh largest globally. It is the leading country in processed goods exports at $250 billion, next being Venezuela at $90 billion, while Chile and Argentina stood at $80 billion each (Hobbs, 2007). The poverty gap between the wealthy and impoverished in most South American countries is wider compared to other regions. The top 10% are in control over 50% of the country’s income from the richest countries namely, Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, and Chile whereas the poorest 30% enjoy 3% or lesser (Hobbs, 2007). This significant gap is very evident in expansive South America capitals that are characterized by temporary shanties and slums in close proximity with skyscrapers and luxurious high-rise buildings (Hobbs, 2007). This is in sharp contract to the majority of the population who live on less than two dollars per day that is the minimum amount a human being can live on (Hynes, 2013).

            Apart from trade and exports, South America also receives a significant amount of their GDP from tourism and recreational activities. The country has attracted many tourists from Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Africa through their diverse attractions that include historical sites and architecture, natural wonders, a wide variety of culinary specialties as well as lively cities (Hobbs, 2007). The South American region also highly depends on agriculture as a significant economic activity. Most of the countries experience a warm climate and this makes it suitable for growing tropical crops such as wheat, rice, cocoa, bananas, and coffee (Hynes, 2013). These agricultural products are exported as raw materials, pre-processed and full manufactured goods. Factories and other industries ensure that the raw materials produced in South American countries are increased in value before being consumed or exported. Mining is another economic activity within the South American region. Chile is renowned for its massive production of copper metal (Hynes, 2013). Brazil is also known for mining tantalum and niobium while Peru exports significant amounts of silver, copper, and bismuth (Hobbs, 2007). Lastly, South America has a massive supply of timber from the vast forest cover. Timber is exported to other countries at profitable prices.

Impact on the Rest of World

The South American region has contributed greatly towards promoting progress in science and sports. Brazil was the venue for the FIFA World Cup in 2014. The sporting event attracted visitors from across the globe in a united effort to promote culture and football. Furthermore, numerous research organizations have conducted extensive biological research in the Amazon rainforest (Hynes, 2013). Their studies have contributed greatly towards the discovery of new strains of flora and fauna as well as answers to diseases and other complications in man. The agricultural activities within the South American countries have also contributed greatly towards solving the food crisis globally (Hynes, 2013). The large-scale production of staple foods and other cash crops such as corn, wheat, coffee, and bananas has ensured that food products can be exported to other arid areas. Lastly, South America has contributed towards enriching the cultural environment through new languages, traditions, and relics (Hobbs, 2007).


From the analysis above, the following conclusions are evident. The South American region is home to a wide variety of ethnic groups and races. The diversity with the region has contributed towards the creation of other sub-ethnic groups (Hynes, 2013). In terms of geographical topography, South America covers an expansive area with the greater part being rainforest and agricultural lands. The South American region has different economic activities that contribute greatly towards the GDP. Mining, agriculture, tourism, and trade are some of the important economic activities that are conducted by the residents of South America. The region has contributed greatly towards international sporting activities by providing the facilities and venues. The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil is such an example of the contribution of the South American region.


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Hobbs, J. J. (2007). Fundamentals of World Regional Geography. Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.

Hynes, M. (2013). South America: Everything you ever wanted to know. Footscray, Victoria, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd.

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