Steps to Optimize your Article

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Steps to Optimize your Article

The internet is one large digital library that has become so much a part of human life that it is impossible to fathom a society without it. Web technology has significantly transformed the contemporary world, raising discussions on how to best use the digital platforms to provide information. The core element driving the growth of the online society is the digitalized economy. Information will add value and redistribute power when shared in digital networks in a connected world. This new form of social functioning creates gaps between people who know how to locate and use information as a resource compared to those who do not. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that online content has all the necessary features to enhance the user’s ability to locate data and convert it into information. When working with individuals, groups, organizations, or communities, content optimization is the best way to ensure improved user traffic and engagement. The following steps can help improve your article, especially if you run your own self-hosted site.

Identify the Target Audience for the Article

You will want to have a comprehensive understanding of the primary audience interacting with your content. Such comprehension begins with creating a persona profile of the anticipated reader. Knowing who the audience is and what you want them to experience when they click on your article will influence your writing strategy. You can use the Buyer Persona to target readers. The approach involves identifying readers based on their buying behaviors. Failure to create accurate personas can result in poor readership. You might publish accurate content, but a few people will read it because they cannot relate at a personal level.

Design for Readability         

Readability refers to the structural aspects of an article, including grammar, sentence structure, and other components that comprise well-written prose. Psychological research on digital content highlights that when readers first see an article, they quickly scan the page to see its length or any eye-catching elements. If the page meets the two factors, users will consider reading the article. Below are recommendations for enhancing the chances of people reading your content.

  • Make the article as short as possible: After finishing your post, re-read to cut out unnecessary or repeated texts because people have short attention spans.
  • Include visual breaks: Avoid chunking content in large blocks. Use embedded images, subheadings, and pull quotes.

Conduct a Keyword Search

            It is critical that you optimize your article for keywords. Most people will locate your website or article via search engines. Therefore, using search-engine-friendly words can make the post more visible. Selected words should be repeated throughout the article. Keyword searches are also meant to help writers identify topics users are interested in. Published content should not be based on blind guesses because there are ways to determine exactly what users want. Keyword searches for topic identification are a good way to establish an engaged audience. I recommend using ‘Semrush,’ a keyword search tool that provides keyword position tracking.

Include Visuals and Social Media Sharing

            Certain search engines, such as Google, complement keyword searches with visuals. If you search any word or phrase, videos and images will be common visual elements on the results page. You will want to include creative graphics or original photos to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the visuals. Moreover, each visual element should include a descriptive text. The goal of integrating visuals is to increase the visibility of the post and the website on search engine result pages.

            Another way to increase the article’s exposure is by making it simple for users to share on social media. Including social media links on your website is an effective way to generate readership traffic. You can include a floating social media link that is constantly visible as the user scrolls a webpage.

Include a Catchy Title

While the title needs to be catchy, the content must be relatable. The article’s title is the first line the reader sees, heavily influencing if they will keep reading. An effective title uses data, includes a question, and leads with curiosity. Using words that show power or emotion is bound to grab the reader’s attention. As aforementioned, your understanding of the audience determines what constitutes relatable content. Another way to keep people reading is by including a list of related articles at the bottom of the webpage. The list can be as simple as article headlines or text links to the actual posts.

Integrate an Enticing Call-To-Action (CTA)

An article should not end without a call to action. The CTA ushers the reader to the next phase of their interaction with your website. The key to an effective CTA is a relevant topic that flows naturally with the content. CTAs come in various types, so you can get creative with them. You have the freedom to choose from widgets, buttons, or hyperlinks.

Emphasize the Reader’s Experience

The readership experience is the most important aspect of an article. You might want to solicit information from the audience on what to improve. Encourage the provision of feedback and ideas by enabling comments. Communication outside the article is a good way to keep users returning to the website. It is beneficial to assess the amount of time you are willing to commit to reviewing comments because they can be bothersome if too many and out of topic.

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