Student Diversity in the Classroom

Student Diversity in the Classroom



Student Diversity in the Classroom

Objective of the Proposal

Student diversity in the classroom has attracted a significant amount of attention, especially in recent years. According to Ruddell (2005), many schools comprise students with disparate and diverse needs. In this case, the main form of diversity manifests via disparity in Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scores among students. These are the main factors associated with classroom diversity in the current education sector. Accordingly, the research question is; do heredity and IQ scores create student diversity in the classroom? The significance of this hypothesis is to understand the opposing psychological views regarding these aspects in influencing classroom student diversity.

Literature Review

Past Research Results on IQ Scores

The issue of heredity and its relation to IQ scores is an overly controversial subject. From the research conducted via intelligence tests, the findings assert that there is a significant disparity in mean IQ scores between minority groups residing in the United States and the white population. Accordingly, the intelligence tests illustrate that the white populace possesses high intelligence scores in comparison to the minority groups. These minority groups constitute Hispanic, Native American and African American populations (Wiggan, 2007). Furthermore, based on the intelligence tests, these minority groups score low, on average, on standardized IQ tests, than white people.

Heredity and Student Diversity

Because of these findings, there is significant diversity in the classroom due to practices such as ability grouping. Ability grouping involves segregating students in the classroom based on their intelligence levels (Oakes, 2005). Accordingly, some groups support ability grouping regardless of its effects on student diversity. This is because ability grouping allows teachers to modify learning techniques that are suitable for both classes of students. Based on this assertion, instructors are able to formulate new teaching techniques that cater for students with high intelligence and those with a low one.

Supporting Views for Heredity in IQ Scores

On a general support basis, groups supporting intelligence tests base their arguments on heredity. Such academics and practitioners surmise that intelligence is a natural-born ability. According to Jensen, ethnic disparities in intelligence arise from heredity (as cited in Miele, 2002). Accordingly, Herrnstein and Murray (2010) also support this supposition by arguing that intelligence is considerably inherited. Because of the effect of heredity, intelligence tests conducted among population groups illustrate significant differences in IQ scores.

The Opposing View

In contrast, opponents of heredity argue that such views are discriminatory. This is because they test intelligence as a natural endowment and do not consider other types of intelligence. Accordingly, Benson (2003) argues that standardized intelligence tests are responsible for the stratification of test subjects via race, class, gender and cultural backgrounds. This stratification has minimized the significance of creativity, character and practical knowledge. Furthermore, such intelligence scores and the resultant IQ scores are accused of propagating the notion that individuals are conceived with an unchangeable endowment of intellectual potential that determines their successes in life.


The suitable methodology for this proposal will comprise a quantitative case study. According to Patton (2002), a case study in quantitative research focuses on in-depth assessment of one or a small group of units within a particular study. Based on this, the case study will be available to the participants in the form of an intelligence test. The intelligence test will be evaluative because it will concentrate on analyzing a series of collected entities that will prove the influence of heredity and IQ scores in achieving student diversity.


The participants for this study will mainly comprise a single classroom of students aged 8-12 in a K-12 grade school. The selection of the students will arise from an evaluation of classes, which comprise the highest number of ethnically diverse students. This is significant since it will enable the research to determine the accuracy of opposing views concerning heredity and IQ scores in achieving student diversity. Furthermore, the test sample’s demographics will undergo assessment and comparison of the students undergoing the intelligence test.


Foremost, the researcher will gain authorization from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). This is because without authorization from the IRB, then it will be impossible to perform the research. Additionally, it will be vital to consult the IRB as the first course of action based on the use of human test subjects within the research. Consequently, after gaining approval, the researcher will scout for a viable nearby school. This is because of the significance of minimizing the costs that may arise from transportation. Thirdly, the researchers will assess the registration of the school’s K-12 grades. Evaluation of the register list for K-12 students will be important since it will assist in locating students aged 8-12. Furthermore, the teachers will also assist in determining the most diverse classroom for the participating age group. After identification of the participants, the researcher will proceed on availing the intelligence test to the students by order of the population group.

Data Analysis

The analysis of the data will occur through regression analysis. The regression analysis will focus on the comparison of different population groups in the selected class sample (Miles & Huberman, 2010). Additionally, the regression analysis will compare the IQ scores of definitive population groups. Furthermore, the main points or indicators of the analysis will comprise the standard deviation points and the mean score points among the disparate population groups.


The proposed findings of the data will acknowledge the disparity of IQ scores among the different population groups. However, the test will also include other derivatives of intelligence such as practical and linguistic intelligence. This will deviate from the norm of other standardized intelligence tests because of its inclusion of other types of intellect that may increase IQ scores for other population groups other than the preferred one.


Benson, E. (2003). Intelligent intelligence testing: Psychologists are broadening the concept of intelligence and how to test it. Monitor, 34(2). Retrieved from

Herrnstein, R. J., & Murray, C. A. S. (2010). The bell curve: Intelligence and class structure in American life. New York, NY: Free Press.

Miele, F. (2002). Intelligence, race, and genetics: Conversations with Arthur R. Jensen. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (2010). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Oakes, J. (2005). How schools structure inequality. New York, NY: Yale University Press

Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Ruddell, M. R. (2005). Teaching content reading and writing. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

Wiggan, G. (2007). Race, School Achievement, and Educational Inequality: Toward a Student-Based Inquiry Perspective. Review of Educational Research, 77(3), 310-333.

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