Subject: The Impact of Technology in Communication at the Workplace




Subject: The Impact of Technology in Communication at the Workplace


Technology has greatly affected our day to day. So much has changed in the way that people communicate with each other. In the early years of 1970s for example, people communicated face to face since there was no existence of cell phones. Computers were not easily owned by anyone and were limited to particular businesses. Telegrams were the easiest methods of sending information to people and were limited to certain characters. These were mainly used by the government in communicating to the families of those at the warfront in case any got deceased. Things have however turned out differently today. The introduction of technology has improved the manner and methods of communication either at a personal level or in the corporate world (Goodall, Goodall and Schiefelbein 59).

Tourish and Hargie describe the use of technology in the communication process as electronic communication or e-communication. They add that traditional media of communication has been replaced by electronic mail as the most preferred channel in the business world. Thus, Communication between people has been made easier with the invention of light portable mobile phones. Computers are also easily accessible and owned by majority of the population. The discovery and development of the internet has also enabled many people to keep in contact whether at home or overseas. Fennel (1) argues that technology has brought out various communication methods such as social networking websites and videoconferences. The ancient telegrams have been phased out and replaced with emails, which are accessible to everyone. As much as there are many positive impacts about technology and communication, there is also a negative effect to it. Face-to-face communication has diminished since the introduction of technology. Most people would rather call, Skype, text or email since the services are available at an instant. Lutgen-Sandvik and Sypher (96) hold that the invention of technological methods also increases chances of destructive communication in organizations. They describe this as racism, bullying, harassment and stress.

The same changes have been experienced in the work place as most organizations embrace the transformation of communication through technology. Many important changes in the work place are because of the new and sophisticated technology. Fennel (2) is of the opinion that electronic communication agents such as online newsletters, videoconferences, intranet, instant messaging land emails have increased the flow of communication in the workplace. He argues that the use of the Intranet, a company’s exclusive website, is a great way for the manager to get beneficial criticism and feedback from the employees. Scott (1) is of the opinion that business technology improves the communication in the organization as in clients and business partners because information can be transmitted through various channels almost at the same time.    

In the last ten years, communication in the workplace has been impacted largely by the revolution in technology. Similarly, different changes are expected to occur in the next decade due to the vast growth and improvements in technology. In spite of this, it is important to note that technology does not determine the specific outcomes and the effects of any communication  technology depends on the manner in which it is employed by the users (Miller 247). There has to be forces that bring out the impacts related to the advancements. It is therefore important to note that the transformations experienced in the current generation will be different from those of ten years to come. It should be upon everybody to make best use of the available technology in order to achieve the best results.


The main intention of the report is to give a clear indication of how technology has influenced the manner in which communication in organizations is carried out. The paper will focus on the changes that have been impacted on the methods of communication within an organization since the introduction of technology in ten-year duration.


The scope of the problem addresses the following main issues

  1. The impacts of the technological changes in communication at the work place in the past ten years

This will give a closer look at the transformations that have taken place in communication since the invention of modern technological methods. Various modes of communication such as emails, intranets, instant messaging and social networks among other will be thoroughly evaluated.

  1. The importance of employing technology in communication

Under this, focus will be laid on why it is imperative to have technology in the communication process. The research will seek to find out what communication would be like in the new age without technology. How employees in a particular company would be communicating in the absence of technology.


I purpose on using two methods to obtain data for the research.

Primary data will be obtained from the interviews and questionnaires. I will get this by doing one on one interviews and administration of questionnaires to the chosen sample group. The sample group of subjects will be obtained from companies in the same industry. These individual must have been in the company for a period of over ten years. Permission to interview them will be confirmed later when I email the managers from the identified companies. I intend to have a sample of ten people from four different companies, thus totaling to forty subjects. Interviews will be held in the companies’ boardroom if permitted. I plan to do the interviews myself in four consecutive days, each day at a different company. I will ask how them how advancements in technology have affected communication in their line of work.

I also intend on using the library to get more supportive information from books that relate to the research subject. Journal articles on previous research in relation to the study and online sources from valid and trusted websites will also be used as secondary data sources. Below is my tentative bibliography to be used in the final research.

Works cited

Fenell, Zachary. How Technology has Improved Communication. eHow. n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014

Goodall, H L, Sandra Goodall, and Jill Schiefelbein. Business and Professional Communication in the Global Workplace. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Pub, 2010. Print.

Lutgen-Sandvik, Pamela, and Beverly D. Sypher. Destructive Organizational Communication: Processes, Consequences, and Constructive Ways of Organizing. New York: Routledge, 2009. Print.

Miller, Katherine. Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

Vehovar, Vasja, and Dušan Lesjak. “Characteristics and Impacts of Ict Investments: Perceptions among Managers.” Industrial Management Data Systems. 107.4 (2007): 537-550. Print.

Data Analysis

The data obtained in the fieldwork from the interviews will be gathered and tabled as collected. The questionnaires too will be evaluated and the information obtained on them will be analyzed and stored in spreadsheets for easy reference. I will later use this data while determining my findings and writing the conclusions and recommendations.

Time schedule

The research will require at least four weeks completing the process. The time will be allocated to exercises such as drawing up and revising the questionnaire, distributing it to the research subjects, carrying out the interviews, examining the data and making the final report.

Methods of Presentation

After the research is ready, I will present the findings, conclusions and recommendations in form of a manuscript. I will also attach another copy burned on a CD. A soft copy will also be emailed to you.

Request for approval

I hereby ask for the go ahead to start working on this project. If granted, I will start working on it by the first week of February. This will guarantee that I complete the whole project by the second week of March and present the final research and findings. 

Works cited

Fenell, Zachary. How Technology has Improved Communication. eHow. n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014

Goodall, H L, Sandra Goodall, and Jill Schiefelbein. Business and Professional Communication in the Global Workplace. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Pub, 2010. Print.

Lutgen-Sandvik, Pamela, and Beverly D. Sypher. Destructive Organizational Communication: Processes, Consequences, and Constructive Ways of Organizing. New York: Routledge, 2009. Print.

Miller, Katherine. Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

Scott, Sherrie. Importance of Technology in the Work Place. Houston Chronicle. n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014

Tourish, Dennis, and Owen Hargie. Key Issues in Organizational Communication. London: Routledge, 2004. Internet resource.

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