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The Effect of Learning Organization on Readiness for Change through the Intervening Role of Organizational and Individual Resilience in Higher Education Institutions – UAE

Research Approach

This section outlines the research approach that best suits this study, outlining the overall plan and procedure for conducting this study. Between the deductive, inductive and abductive research approaches, the deductive approach is selected for this study. The presumption made when selecting the deductive approach is that there is an existing theory related to learning organizations, readiness for change, and individual and organizational resilience and that there is a need to test the validity of the theoretical and hypothetical assumptions in the United Arab Emirates higher education institutions setting. The deductive research approach will be conducted using quantitative instead of qualitative research.

Kennedy and Thornberg (2018), Mitchell and Education (2018), Mukumbang (2021), and Osman et al. (2018) elucidated the differences between deduction, induction, and abduction by comparing logic, generalization, data use, and theory. From a logical perspective, conclusions of a deductive inference were held as true if their premise was true. This differed from induction in which known premises were employed to generate untested inferences, or abduction, where known premises were utilized to produce testable inferences. In addition, deduction progressed from the general to specific presumptions, while induction progressed from the specific to general premises and abduction focused more on the interaction between the general and specific presumptions. In terms of data usage, deduction used the collected data to evaluate the presuppositions and hypotheses against an existing theory. This is different from induction, which utilized data to explore a phenomenon, unearth themes and patterns, and generate a conceptual framework, while abduction utilizes the process of induction and tests the generated conceptual framework through data collected subsequently. Altogether, while deduction focused on theory verification or falsification, induction attended to theory generation and building, while abduction concentrated on theory modification.

Grounded theory will be used to guide the quantitative approach used in this study. In this regard, hypotheses have been constructed to guide collecting and analyzing data quantitatively (Hensel and Glinka 2018; Makri and Neely 2021; Osman et al. 2018). Grounded theory will enhance the quality of this study because it will help the researcher focus on and interact with the data by combining collection and analysis, thus enhancing analytical power even amidst a small sample (Charmaz and Thornberg 2021). Therefore, this study will employ the quantitative rather than qualitative approach to quantify the relationship between the variables rather than explain them (Nardi 2018). In this case, the quantitative approach will incorporate a survey through which the data collected from a questionnaire will be treated quantitatively. The quantitative research approach differs from the qualitative one because it focuses on numerical measurements and statistics rather than deriving meanings from data (Creswell and Creswell 2017). It also requires that the researcher is detached from the observations and analysis, thus enhancing results’ objectivity and reducing researcher-based biases (Apuke 2017). Besides, it fits well with the deductive approach selected for this study. Therefore, the survey will be structured to determine the cause and effect relationship between the dependent, independent, and mediating variables using statistical analysis of the hypotheses (Stockemer, Stockemer and Glaeser 2019). However, although the content of the responses from the analysis will be analyzed quantitatively, this will be accompanied by deductive content analysis to make meaning of the phenomenon against existing concepts, models, and theories to yield conclusive findings (Pandey 2019). This will help create meaning from the statistical findings from the survey data.

Reference List

Apuke, O.D., 2017. Quantitative research methods: A synopsis approach. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review33(5471), pp.1-8.

Charmaz, K. and Thornberg, R., 2021. The pursuit of quality in grounded theory. Qualitative Research in Psychology18(3), pp.305-327.

Creswell, J.W. and Creswell, J.D., 2017. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.

Hensel, P. and Glinka, B., 2018. Grounded theory. In Qualitative methodologies in organization studies (pp. 27-47). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Kennedy, B.L. and Thornberg, R., 2018. Deduction, induction, and abduction. The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection, pp.49-64.

Makri, C. and Neely, A., 2021. Grounded theory: A guide for exploratory studies in management research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods20, p.16094069211013654.

Mitchell, A. and Education, A.E., 2018. A review of mixed methods, pragmatism and abduction techniques. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Research Methods for Business & Management Studies (pp. 269-277).

Mukumbang, F.C., 2021. Retroductive theorizing: A contribution of critical realism to mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, p.15586898211049847.

Nardi, P.M., 2018. Doing survey research: A guide to quantitative methods. Routledge.

Osman, S., Mohammad, S., Abu, M.S., Mokhtar, M., Ahmad, J., Ismail, N. and Jambari, H., 2018. Inductive, deductive and abductive approaches in generating new ideas: A modified grounded theory study. Advanced Science Letters24(4), pp.2378-2381.

Pandey, J., 2019. Deductive approach to content analysis. In Qualitative techniques for workplace data analysis (pp. 145-169). IGI Global.

Stockemer, D., Stockemer, G. and Glaeser, 2019. Quantitative methods for the social sciences (Vol. 50, p. 185). Quantitative methods for the social sciences: Springer International Publishing.

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