The Harm over Population





The Harm over Population


            Human overpopulation is a central issue that affects many other different sectors. Indirectly, overpopulation is responsible for driving other global issues including global warming, ecological loss, pollution, wasteful farming practices and the usage of limited natural resources. One of the key factors that have contributed towards the rapid population growth globally is the advancement of medical technology and techniques. The increased ability to save human lives and invent effective drugs are some of the probable causes of the overpopulation. Consequently, this has resulted in increased lifespan and population explosion. The balance between birth and death rates is also affected negatively and this imbalance generates new complications on the economy and society.

            With an increase in population, it is also natural to assume that the number of industrial and economic activities will increase. The number of factories, manufacturing and assembly plants, and other heavy machinery sites across the world as increased drastically with the dual pressure of overpopulation and demand for manufactured products. Increased reliance on carbon fuel engines that are fitted in motor vehicles and other household machinery such as generators and lawn mowers has resulted in massive tail gas expulsion (Fowler 67). Overpopulation implies that an increased number of people own and use vehicles increasing the volume of greenhouse gases. While the population explosion results in increased number of private vehicles, it has also resulted in other environmental and administrative issues. These include traffic jams and accidents that worsen the health and lifestyles for people. These problems at the local level have a massive influence on the overall state of the economy in that places a greater amount of expenditure into resolving the problems.

            Employment is a significant factor in within any economy and the emerging issue of overpopulation acts to reverse the gains made by different economic stakeholders. Even among the first world countries, employment opportunities are still limited. With an explosion of overpopulation, the number of jobs becomes lesser in the country. Consequently, more people are forced to live below the bare minimum. One can easily conclude that overpopulation is directly related to high poverty levels. As mentioned in the previous section, overpopulation places enormous stress on the economy (Dodds 45). A direct result of this is inflation and economic recession. This feature is mostly evident in the developed world where the state is responsible for funding welfare services. As the population grows, the government is forced to increase its expenditure to assist unemployed people. This financial stress borne by the government is reflected in increased prices for basic commodities such as foodstuff, fuel and power. At the individual level, economic recessions have the effect of creating crises in corporations that result in massive job layoffs (O’Rourke and Cooper 18). As more people lose their jobs, they are forced to depend on government welfare and in the process, completing the recession cycle.


            Pollution, congestion, global warming and other forms of environmental issues are directly related to human overpopulation. In turn, human overpopulation has been caused by improved living standards and effective medical approaches. The rapid growth of human population has resulted in greater economic problems that include economic recession, massive layoff and increased state expenditure on welfare services. It is imperative to understand the relationship between the rate of population growth and its related effects on the environment and economy. Understanding this correlation translates into improved planning by the different stakeholders.

Works Cited

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Dodds, Walter K. Humanity’s Footprint: Momentum, Impact, and Our Global Environment. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. Print.

Fowler, Charles W. Systemic Management: Sustainable Human Interactions with Ecosystems and the Biosphere. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Print.

O’Rourke, P.J, and Blair, Cooper. All the Trouble in the World: The Lighter Side of Overpopulation, Famine, Ecological Disaster, Ethnic Hatred, Plague, and Poverty. Auckland, N.Z: Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind, 2013. Print.

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